Sanctioned Strength of Junior Engineers Found to Be 384 – 76 Employees Rightfully Entitled to Selection Grade: Punjab & Haryana High Court Upholds Selection Grade for Junior Engineers of Haryana State Electricity Board Retaliatory FIRs in Matrimonial Disputes Are an Abuse of Law: Karnataka High Court Quashes FIRs in Matrimonial Dispute GOVERNMENT CANNOT SPEAK IN TWO VOICES – PENSION RIGHTS FOR SEASONAL LABOUR ROLL WORKERS MUST BE RECONSIDERED: KERALA HIGH COURT Properties Dedicated to Deity Cannot Be Alienated Without Compliance Under HR & CE Act: Madras High Court IEX Rates Cannot Be Used as Benchmark for Electricity Transfers Under Section 80IA(8): Delhi High Court Punishment Must Be Proportionate to the Gravity of Charges: Rajasthan High Court Applies Doctrine of Proportionality Court Fees Ad Valorem to Be Paid Only on Earnest Money, Not Full Sale Consideration: Punjab & Haryana High Court False Promise of Marriage Vitiates Consent Under Section 90 IPC: High Court Notional Income of a Student Cannot Be Equated to an Unskilled Worker in Motor Accident Claims: Supreme Court Rejecting the Application Solely Due to Postal Delay Would Result in an Unfair Denial of Opportunity: Punjab and Haryana High Court Appointments Made Through an Unconstitutional Process Confer No Right to Continue: Supreme Court Quashes Jharkhand Recruitment No Scope for Partial Compromise in Criminal Proceedings: Punjab and Haryana High Court Circumstantial Evidence Must Form a Complete Chain – If Two Views Are Possible, Benefit of Doubt Must Go to the Accused: Supreme Court Recoveries Made Without Adhering to Principles of Natural Justice Are Fundamentally Flawed and Cannot Stand: High Court


Facts:Synthetic woolen rags were imported in containers, which were destuffed in the Cochin Port Trust premises for Customs examination. However, due to inadequate storage space, the destuffed cargo was not promptly cleared by the consignees. Consequently, the goods remained idle in the port premises for an extended period, leading the port trust to impose ground rent charges on the steamer agents...

REPORTABLE # CIVIL APPEAL NO. 2525 OF 2018 (ARISING OUT OF SLP (C) NO.4683 OF 2012) Docid 2018 LEJ Civil SC 212332


Facts: The respondents, M/s. Intercontinental Consultants and Technocrats Pvt. Ltd., provided various services and received payments for both the services rendered and reimbursable expenses incurred during service provision. The service tax was paid only on the amounts received for the services rendered, excluding the reimbursed expenses.Issues:Whether Rule 5 of the Service Tax (Determination of V...

REPORTABLE # CIVIL APPEAL NO. 2013 OF 2014 Docid 2018 LEJ Civil SC 320498

(3) BHARATI REDDY ..... Vs. STATE OF KARNATAKA & ORS .....Respondent D.D 06/03/2018

Facts: The appellant, Bharati Reddy, was elected to the post of Adhyaksha of Zilla Panchayat. A writ petition was filed before the High Court alleging that Reddy played fraud on the government by submitting a false affidavit for the issuance of an Income and Caste Certificate. Issues: Whether the High Court was justified in issuing a writ of quo warranto directing Reddy to vacate the office ...

REPORTABLE # CIVIL APPEAL NO. 1763 OF 2018 (ARISING OUT OF SLP (CIVIL) NO.1532 OF 2018) Docid 2018 LEJ (civil)SC 36

(4) JAGDISH ..... Vs. MOHAN & ORS .....Respondent D.D 06/03/2018

Facts:The appellant, Jagdish, was injured in a motor accident on November 24, 2011, resulting in severe injuries.The accident occurred when Jagdish, riding a motorcycle, was hit by a dumper, causing 90% permanent disability.Issues:The appellant sought an enhancement of compensation on several grounds, including loss of future prospects, computation of disability, and increase in monthly income.Hel...

REPORTABLE # CIVIL APPEAL NO. 2217 OF 2018 (ARISING OUT OF SLP (C) NO. 7739 OF 2017) Docid 2018 LEJ (civil)SC 82

(5) STATE OF KARNATAKA AND ANR ..... Vs. M/S DURGA PROJECTS INC .....Respondent D.D 06/03/2018

FACTS: The respondent-assessee, engaged in executing civil works contracts, sought guidance on the rate of tax applicable for the execution of civil works contracts under the KVAT Act. The AAR initially held that, since there was no specific entry providing for the rate of tax on works contracts up to March 31, 2006, tax on goods used in the execution of works contracts should be levied in acco...

REPORTABLE # CIVIL APPEAL NO. 811 OF 2018 (ARISING OUT OF SLP(C) NO 27048 OF 2013) Docid 2018 LEJ (civil)SC 21

(6) ANDANUR KALAMMA AND ORS Vs. GANGAMMA (DEAD) .....Respondent D.D 06/03/2018

Facts:The case concerned an auction sale of a property which was confirmed in favor of the respondents. The appellants contested this auction sale through a writ petition, which was dismissed by the High Court. However, the High Court observed that the Deputy Commissioner had the authority to set aside the auction sale suo motu under Section 177 of the Mysore Land Revenue Act. The High Court also ...

REPORTABLE # CIVIL APPEAL NOS. 423-424 OF 2018 (ARISING OUT OF SLP (CIVIL) NOS.9728-9729 OF 2005) Docid 2018 LEJ Civil SC 191011

(7) BHARATI REDDY Vs. STATE OF KARNATAKA & ORS .....Respondent D.D 06/03/2018

Facts: The appellant, Bharati Reddy, was elected to the post of Adhyaksha of Zilla Panchayat. A writ petition was filed before the High Court alleging that Reddy played fraud on the government by submitting a false affidavit for the issuance of an Income and Caste Certificate.Issues:Whether the High Court was justified in issuing a writ of quo warranto directing Reddy to vacate the office of Adhya...

REPORTABLE # CIVIL APPEAL NO. 1763 OF 2018 (ARISING OUT OF SLP (CIVIL) NO.1532 OF 2018) Docid 2018 LEJ Civil SC 918187

(8) DWARIKA PRASAD Vs. STATE OF UTTAR PRADESH AND ORS .....Respondent D.D 06/03/2018

Facts: The appellant, Dwarike Prasad, acted as a guarantor for a loan granted to another individual, secured by an equitable mortgage on certain immovable property. The appellant failed to repay the loan, leading to the initiation of proceedings under the SARFAESI Act by the bank. These proceedings culminated in the sale of the mortgaged property through auction.Issues:Whether the appellant had th...

REPORTABLE # CIVIL APPEAL NO 148 OF 2018 (@ SPECIAL LEAVE PETITION (C )NO 26428 OF 2016) Docid 2018 LEJ Civil SC 585852


Facts: The claimant sustained injuries in a motor accident and sought compensation under Section 166 of the Motor Vehicles Act. Initially awarded Rs. 22,85,322/- by the Tribunal, the amount was reduced to Rs. 12,00,000/- by the High Court. The Supreme Court examined the evidence and computations to determine the appropriate compensation.Issues:Whether the compensation awarded by the Tribunal and s...

REPORTABLE # CIVIL APPEAL NO. 7181 OF 2015 Docid 2018 LEJ Civil SC 723401