Government Cannot Arbitrarily Deny Regular Pay-Scale to Employees Appointed on Sanctioned Posts: Supreme Court Extends Benefit to Special Recruitment Drive Employees Presumption Under Section 113-B of the Evidence Act Is Not Automatic: Supreme Court Holds That Dowry Death Allegations Must Be Substantiated with Evidence Supreme Court Directs Immediate Implementation of Judicial Pay Revisions Demand for Dowry, in Any Form, is Unlawful and Condemnable: Supreme Court Affirms Guilt but Grants Relief Considering Passage of Time Baseless Accusations Destroy Marital Trust - False Allegations of Infidelity and Dowry Demand Amount to Mental Cruelty: Supreme Court Upholds Divorce Decree Payment for Use of Goodwill is Not Illegal or Against Public Policy: Delhi High Court CIVIL BREACH CANNOT BE CRIMINALIZED: CALCUTTA HIGH COURT QUASHES CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS IN LOAN DISPUTE Rigours of Section 45 PMLA Cannot Eclipse Article 21’s Guarantee of Liberty When Trial Delays Exceed Reasonable Limits: Bombay High Court Grants Bail to Bank Chairman Seniority for Promotion Must Be Based on Feeder Category, Not Initial Appointment as Police Constable: Andhra Pradesh High Court Temporary Employment Does Not Disqualify Wife From Claiming Maintenance Under Section 125 CrPC: Kerala High Court Right to Default Bail is a Fundamental Right; Cannot be Denied Due to Procedural Lapses:  Uttarakhand High Court Fraud Must Be Pleaded and Proved, Mere Allegation Insufficient: Telangana High Court Exclusion Without Justification Is Arbitrary: Tripura High Court Orders Equal Allowances for Jail Warders on Par with Police Personnel Punjab & Haryana High Court Grants Bail in Jail Murder Case, Citing Insufficient Evidence of Conspiracy Patna High Court Upholds Exclusion of B.Tech Holders from Junior Engineer (Civil) Post, Dismisses Challenge to Bihar Recruitment Rules Matrimonial Dispute No Ground to Quash FIR If Prima Facie Case Exists: Madhya Pradesh High Court Notice of Dishonor is Non-Negotiable: High Court Dismisses Bank’s Recovery Suit for Procedural Lapse Madras High Court Dismisses ₹1842 Crores Recovery Claim by Tamil Nadu Industrial Investment Corporation as Time-Barred and Unsubstantiated Entertainment Tax Must Be Refunded on Unsold Tickets – High Court of Kerala Mere Non-Return of Money and Quarrel Does Not Constitute Abetment to Suicide Under Section 306 IPC: Karnataka High Court Double Presumption of Innocence Applies – Acquittal Cannot Be Overturned Without Evidence of Perversity: Gujarat High Court Consent Based on Deception is No Consent at All:  Delhi High Court Dismisses Plea for Discharge in False Promise of Marriage Case Employer’s Failure to Provide Records Cannot Deny Pension Entitlement: Calcutta High Court Orders PF Authorities to Consider Service Period for Pension Calculation Murder Conviction Set Aside as 'Sudden Quarrel'—Bombay High Court Modifies Sentence to Culpable Homicide" No Title, No Injunction: High Court Affirms Dismissal of Suit Over Baptist Church Land Exception 2 to Section 375 IPC Protects Husband from Rape Charges: Supreme Court Quashes FIR After Marriage Found to be Consensual Mere Presence in a Government Office Does Not Mean Incident Occurred in Public View: Supreme Court Quashes Criminal Proceedings Under SCST

(1) SOMASUNDARAM @ SOMU ..... Vs. STATE REP. BY DY. COMM. OF POLICE .....Respondent D.D 28/09/2016

Facts: The case involved multiple accused individuals charged with conspiracy, abduction, and murder of the deceased. The trial court acquitted some accused and convicted others based on evidence provided by prosecution witnesses (PWs) and other evidence. Issues: The reliability of the evidence provided by the prosecution witnesses, the involvement of the accused in the crimes charged, and the int...


(2) STATE OF H.P. ..... Vs. RAJESH CHANDER SOOD .....Respondent D.D 28/09/2016

Facts: The judgment revolves around the withdrawal of the 'Himachal Pradesh Government Corporate Sector Employees Pension Scheme' of 1999. The scheme was repealed through a notification dated December 2, 2004.Issues:The legality and constitutionality of the repeal notification, the vested right of employees to claim pension, applicability of estoppel, constitutional validity of the withd...

REPORTABLE # CIVIL APPEAL NOS. 9750-9819 OF 2016 (ARISING FROM SLP (C) NOS. 10864-10933 OF 2014) Docid 2016 LEJ CIVIL SC 803742

(3) GULSHERA KHANAM ..... Vs. AFTAB AHMAD .....Respondent D.D 27/09/2016

Facts:Gulshera Khanam, the landlady, sought eviction of Aftab Ahmad, the tenant, from Shop No. 6.The landlady claimed the eviction for the bona fide requirement of her daughter, Dr. Naheed Parveen, who was running a medical clinic in Shop No. 7.The landlady argued that Dr. Naheed Parveen, being a co-owner of the building inherited from her father, fulfilled the criteria of having a legal right of ...

REPORTABLE # CIVIL APPEAL NO. 9727 OF 2016 (ARISING OUT OF SLP (C) NO. 16643 OF 2012) Docid 2016 LEJ CIVIL SC 708901

(4) MAHANADI COALFIELDS LTD. & ORS. ..... Vs. M/S. DHANSAR ENGINEERING CO. PVT.LTD. & ANR. .....Respondent D.D 27/09/2016

Facts:The contract allowed for a variation of 30% in the tendered quantity of work.The time for completion of the contract work was extended at the request of the contractor.During the extended contract period, the appellant-company increased the quantity of work by 30% and allotted the remaining work to a third party at a higher rate.The company imposed a penalty on the contractor for non-executi...


(5) R. VENKATA RAMUDU ..... Vs. STATE OF A.P. .....Respondent D.D 27/09/2016

Facts: The appellant, R. Venkata Ramudu, challenged the decision of the Andhra Pradesh High Court. He was appointed through a selection process conducted by the Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission and was allocated to the Irrigation Department.Issues: The interpretation and application of various rules including Rule 6(2), Rule 8(c), Rule 16(a), Rule 16(h), Rule 17(a), Rule 17(b), and Rule 18...

REPORTABLE # CIVIL APPEAL NOS. 9856-9860 OF 2016 (ARISING OUT OF SLP (CIVIL) NOS. 6906-6910 OF 2009) Docid 2016 LEJ CIVIL SC 194536

(6) SUNIL KUMAR KORI & ANR. ..... Vs. GOPAL DAS KABRA & ORS. ETC. .....Respondent D.D 27/09/2016

Facts: The case concerns the interpretation and application of various provisions of the Cantonment Act, 2006, specifically related to the eligibility of individuals living in illegally constructed buildings to be included in the voters list for elections in Cantonment areas.Issues:Whether persons residing in illegally constructed houses are entitled to be included in the voters list.The interpret...

REPORTABLE # CIVIL APPEAL NO. 9728-9729 OF 2016 (ARISING OUT OF SLP (C) NO. 20677-20678 OF 2016) SUNIL KUMAR KORI & ANR. ..... Docid 2016 LEJ CIVIL SC 214831

(7) UNION OF INDIA ..... Vs. DEVJEE MISHRA .....Respondent D.D 27/09/2016

Facts:Respondent, Devjee Mishra, a Corporal in the Air Force, faced disciplinary action for overstaying leave and absence without permission.Proceedings of District Court Martial commenced based on charge sheet served to Mishra.Mishra pleaded guilty to the charges but later challenged the court martial order through a writ petition in the High Court.The High Court quashed the court martial order, ...

REPORTABLE # CIVIL APPEAL NO. 823 OF 2013 Docid 2016 LEJ CIVIL SC 822934

(8) AGDISH NARAIN SHUKLA ..... Vs. STATE OF U.P. .....Respondent D.D 26/09/2016

Facts:The appellant filed a writ petition under Article 226 of the Constitution as Public Interest Litigation, seeking implementation of the Lokayukta Uttar Pradesh's recommendation/report.The Lokayukta's report was based on a complaint against Smt. Husna Siddiqui and Sri Naseemuddin Siddiqui, recommending investigation into alleged misdeeds.The High Court dismissed the petition, stating...

REPORTABLE # CIVIL APPEAL NO...9422 OF 2016 (ARISING OUT OF SLP (CIVIL) NO. 31025 OF 2013) Docid 2016 LEJ CIVIL SC 376658


Facts:The appeal arose from the rejection of an application filed under Order VII, Rule 11 of the Civil Procedure Code (CPC).The appellants contended that the respondents, having exhausted all remedies under the Employees Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952, were barred from approaching the Civil Court as per Section 7L(4) of the Act.Issues:Whether the rejection of the applicati...

REPORTABLE # CIVIL APPEAL NO. 9840 OF 2016 ARISING OUT OF SLP (C) NO. 28796 OF 2016 (ARISING OUT OF CC NO. 17728 OF 2016) Docid 2016 LEJ CIVIL SC 983316