(1) SUJATA KOHLI ........Appellant Vs. REGISTRAR GENERAL, HIGH COURT OF DELHI AND OTHERS ........Respondent D.D 24/04/2020

Facts: The case revolves around the promotion criteria for the posts of District and Sessions Judge and Principal Judge, Family Court within the Delhi Higher Judicial Service (DHJS). The High Court adopted and modified criteria for promotion, which were gradually implemented over time. The appellant, Sujata Kohli, contended that the criteria and their implementation were unfair and violat...

REPORTABLE # Civil Appeal No. 2374 of 2020 (Arising Out of SLP (C) No. 24206 of 2018) Docid 2020 LEJ Civil SC 110586

(2) M/S. TRIPOWER ENTERPRISES (PRIVATE) LIMITED ........Appellant Vs. STATE BANK OF INDIA AND OTHERS ........Respondent D.D 24/04/2020

Facts: Respondent no. 3, the borrower, had availed financial credit from the bank, and respondent no. 2, the guarantor, offered its immovable property as mortgage. The borrower defaulted, and the bank filed O.A. No. 11/2008 before the DRT and took symbolic possession of the secured assets. The guarantor challenged the possession notice, but the DRT rejected the petition. The secured as...

REPORTABLE # Civil Appeal No. 2373 of 2020 (Arising out of SLP(C) No. 30392 of 2019) Docid 2020 LEJ Civil SC 759708

(3) UNION OF INDIA AND ANOTHER ........Appellant Vs. U.A.E. EXCHANGE CENTRE ........Respondent D.D 24/04/2020

The respondent, a company incorporated in the UAE, provided remittance services and established liaison offices in India. These offices were primarily engaged in downloading remittance information and printing cheques/drafts for delivery to beneficiaries in India based on instructions from NRI remitters. The RBI granted permission for these offices to engage in specific activities.   Is...

REPORTABLE # Civil Appeal No. 9775 of 2011 Docid 2020 LEJ Civil SC 556315


FACTS: Yum! Restaurants (Marketing) Private Limited (YRMPL), a fully-owned subsidiary of Yum! Restaurants (India) Private Limited (YRIPL), was incorporated to undertake Advertising, Marketing, and Promotion (AMP) activities for YRIPL and its franchisees. YRMPL received contributions from both members (franchisees) and non-members (Pepsi Foods Ltd.). YRMPL claimed tax exemption based on the doct...

REPORTABLE # Civil Appeal No. 2847 of 2010 Docid 2020 LEJ Civil SC 960421


Facts: The case revolved around an agreement between NAFED and Alimenta S.A. concerning the export of groundnut commodities during the 1979-80 season. The agreement contained an arbitration clause and was governed by the FOSFA 20 contract, a standard form of contract. Due to a cyclone damaging the crops, NAFED could not fulfill its supply obligations to Alimenta S.A., and the Government of Ind...

REPORTABLE # Civil Appeal No. 667 of 2012 Docid 2020 LEJ Civil SC 613309

(6) UNION OF INDIA AND ANOTHER ETC. ETC. ........Appellant Vs. M/S V.V.F LIMITED AND ANOTHER ETC. ETC. ......Respondent D.D 22/04/2020

Facts:  Notifications were issued providing exemptions and incentives for setting up new industries in earthquake-affected districts, including excise duty exemption. Subsequent notifications limited the incentive of refund of excise duty to the extent of value addition. Respondents challenged these subsequent notifications, asserting breach of the doctrine of promissory estoppel. Similar ...

REPORTABLE # Civil Appeal Nos. 2256-2263 of 2020 (Arising Out of SLP(C) Nos. 28194-28201 of 2010) C.A. No. 2264 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 14751 of 2013, C.A. No.2265 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 14752 of 2013, C.A. No. 2266 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 14753 of 2013, C.A. Nos. 2267-2275 of 2020 @ SLP(C) Nos. 15481-15489 of 2011, SLP(C) No. 19998 of 2013, SLP …. CC No. 1787 of 2014, C.A. No. 2276 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 11878 of 2015, C.A. No. 2277 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 19370 of 2015, C.A. No. 2278 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 19868 of 2015, C.A. No. 2279 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 19386 of 2015, C.A. No. 2280 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 19379 of 2015, C.A. No. 2281 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 19376 of 2015, C.A. No. 2282 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 19384 of 2015, C.A. No. 2283 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 19380 of 2015, C.A. No. 2284 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 20626 of 2015, C.A. No. 2285 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 21583 of 2015, C.A. No. 2286 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 19320 of 2015, C.A. No. 2287 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 19371 of 2015, C.A. No. 2288 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 20109 of 2015, C.A. No. 2289 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 19378 of 2015, C.A. No. 2290 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 19375 of 2015, C.A. No. 2291 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 21406 of 2015, C.A. No. 2292 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 23331 of 2015, C.A. No. 2293 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 20630 of 2015, C.A. No. 2294 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 20631 of 2015, C.A. No. 2295 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 20628 of 2015, C.A. No. 2296 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 20627 of 2015, C.A. No. 2297 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 19228 of 2015, C.A. No. 2298 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 23394 of 2015, C.A. No. 2299 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 23399 of 2015, C.A. No. 2300 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 23328 of 2015, C.A. No. 2301 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 19373 of 2015, C.A. No. 2302 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 23329 of 2015, C.A. No. 2303 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 23326 of 2015, C.A. No. 2304 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 20442 of 2015, C.A. No. 2305 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 23398 of 2015, C.A. No. 2306 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 23393 of 2015, C.A. No. 2307 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 20370 of 2015, C.A. No. 2308 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 19842 of 2015, C.A. No. 2309 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 22568 of 2015, C.A. No. 2310 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 21605 of 2015, C.A. No. 2363 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 23303 of 2015, C.A. No. 2311 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 23301 of 2015, C.A. No. 2312 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 23334 of 2015, C.A. No. 2313 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 21584 of 2015, C.A. No. 2314 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 23391 of 2015, C.A. No. 2315 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 23297 of 2015, C.A. No. 2316 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 23898 of 2015, C.A. No. 2317 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 23251 of 2015, C.A. No. 2318 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 23896 of 2015, C.A. No. 2319 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 23903 of 2015, C.A. No. 2320 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 23396 of 2015, C.A. No. 2321 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 23294 of 2015, C.A. No. 2322 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 23897 of 2015, C.A. No. 2323 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 23900 of 2015, C.A. No. 2324 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 23295 of 2015, C.A. No. 2325 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 23299 of 2015, C.A. No. 2326 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 23902 of 2015, C.A. No. 2327 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 27036 of 2015, C.A. No. 2328 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 23296 of 2015, C.A. No. 2329 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 26286 of 2015, C.A. No. 2330 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 23693 of 2015, C.A. No. 2331 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 26764 of 2015, C.A. No. 2332 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 23247 of 2015, C.A. No. 2333 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 23899 of 2015, C.A. No. 2334 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 23901 of 2015, C.A. No. 2335 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 27041 of 2015, C.A. No. 2364 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 27024 of 2015, C.A. No. 2336 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 27034 of 2015, C.A. No. 2337 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 26284 of 2015, C.A. No. 2338 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 27053 of 2015, C.A. No. 2339 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 27058 of 2015, C.A. No. 2340 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 25804 of 2015, C.A. No. 2341 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 27046 of 2015, C.A. No. 2342 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 26767 of 2015, C.A. No. 2343 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 27043 of 2015, C.A. No. 2344 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 26821 of 2015, C.A. No. 2345 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 27050 of 2015, C.A. No. 2346 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 26294 of 2015, C.A. No. 2347 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 27048 of 2015, C.A. No. 2348 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 26283 of 2015, C.A. No. 2349 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 27049 of 2015, C.A. No. 2350 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 25799 of 2015, C.A. No. 2351 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 26295 of 2015, C.A. No. 2352 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 26287 of 2015, C.A. No. 2353 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 25797 of 2015, C.A. No. 2354 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 26290 of 2015, C.A. No. 2355 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 27744 of 2015, C.A. No. 2356 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 26972 of 2015, C.A. No. 2357 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 1907 of 2016, C.A. No. 2358 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 7208 of 2016, C.A. No. 2359 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 10257 of 2018, C.A. No. 2360 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 10253 of 2018, C.A. No. 2361 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 12148 of 2018 C.A. No. 2362 of 2020 @ SLP(C) No. 12496 of 2018. Docid 2020 LEJ Civil SC 170096

(7) HIRA SINGH AND ANOTHER ........Appellant Vs. UNION OF INDIA AND ANOTHER ......Respondent D.D 22/04/2020

Facts: The case involves a dispute over the determination of "small quantity" or "commercial quantity" of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances under the NDPS Act, specifically when they are present in a mixture along with neutral substances. The court addressed the challenge to a notification (Notification No. 2942(E) dated 18.11.2009) issued by the Union of India, whic...

REPORTABLE # Criminal Appeal No. 722 of 2017 Civil Appeal No. 5218 of 2017; Criminal Appeal No. 721 of 2017; Writ Petition (Criminal) No. 186 of 2014; Criminal Appeal No. 444 of 2016; Criminal Appeal No. 1557 of 2017; Writ Petition (Criminal) No. 77 of 2016; Criminal Appeal No. 884 of 2016; Criminal Appeal No. 984 of 2016; Writ Petition (Criminal) No. 154 of 2016; Criminal Appeal No. 388 of 2017; Criminal Appeal No. 1678 of 2017; Criminal Appeal No. 2156 of 2017 Criminal Appeal No. 2155 of 2017. Docid 2020 LEJ Crim SC 258984

(8) CHEBROLU LEELA PRASAD RAO AND OTHERS ........Appellant Vs. STATE OF A.P. AND OTHERS ........Respondent D.D 22/04/2020

Facts:  The Government Order (G.O.) No. 3/2000 issued by the erstwhile State of Andhra Pradesh granted 100% reservation to Scheduled Tribe candidates for the position of teachers in schools situated in scheduled areas within the state. This action was challenged in court, raising constitutional concerns.   Issues: Whether the 100% reservation provided by G.O.Ms. No. 3/2000...

REPORTABLE # Civil Appeal No. 3609 of 2002 with Civil Appeal No.7040 of 2002 Docid 2020 LEJ Civil SC 909669


Facts: The case emerged due to a conflict between two Constitution Bench judgments, namely Ch. Tika Ramji & Others v. The State of Uttar Pradesh & Others (1956) SCR 393 and U.P. Cooperative Cane Unions Federations v. West U.P. Sugar Mills Association and Others (2004) 5 SCC 430. The issue centered around whether the State of Uttar Pradesh could fix the SAP over and above the minimum pri...

REPORTABLE # Civil Appeal No. 7508 of 2005 C.A. No. 7509-7510 of 2005, Conmt. Pet. (C) No. 169 of 2006 C.A. No. 7508 of 2005, C.A. No. 150 of 2007, Conmt. Pet. (C) No. 254 of 2007 C.A. No. 7508 of 2005, Conmt. Pet (C) No. 253 of 2007 C.A. No. 7508 of 2005, C.A. No. 2664 of 2007, C.A. No. 4026 of 2009, C.A. No. 4014-4023 of 2009, C.A. No. 4024 of 2009, C.A. No. 4025 of 2009, C.A. No. 3911-3912 of 2009, C.A. No. 3925 of 2009, C.A. No. 3996-3997 of 2009, SLP (C) No. 18681 of 2008, SLP (C) No. 19183 of 2008 SLP (C) No. 20206 of 2008, SLP (C) No. 20205 of 2008 SLP (C) No. 21576-21581 of 2008, SLP (C) No. 21585-21587 of 2008, SLP (C) No. 23202 of 2008 SLP (C) No. 26026 of 2008, Contmp. Pet (C) No. 263-264 of 2008 C.A. No. 3996-3997 of 2009, Contmp. Pet (C) No. 267-268 of 2008 C.A. No. 3996-3997 of 2009, Contmp. Pet (C) No. 265-266 of 2008 C.A. No. 3996-3997 of 2009, C.A. No. 4764 of 2009 T.C. (C) No. 96 of 2013 Docid 2020 LEJ Civil SC 282853