Bail | Right to Speedy Trial is a Fundamental Right Under Article 21: PH High Court    |     Postal Department’s Power to Enhance Penalties Time-Barred, Rules Allahabad High Court    |     Tenants Cannot Cross-Examine Landlords Unless Relationship is Disputed: Madras High Court    |     NDPS | Conscious Possession Extends to Vehicle Drivers: Telangana High Court Upholds 10-Year Sentence in Ganja Trafficking Case    |     Aid Reduction Of Without Due Process Unlawful: Rajasthan High Court Restores Full Grants for Educational Institutions    |     Assessment of Notional Income in Absence of Proof Cannot Be 'Mathematically Precise,' Says Patna High Court    |     NCLT's Resolution Plan Overrides State Tax Claims: Andhra Pradesh High Court Quashes Demands Against Patanjali Foods    |     An Agreement is Not Voidable if the Party Could Discover the Truth with Ordinary Diligence: Calcutta High Court Quashes Termination of LPG Distributorship License    |     Independent Witnesses Contradict Prosecution's Story: Chhattisgarh High Court Acquit Accused in Arson Case    |     Merely Being a Joint Account Holder Does Not Attract Liability Under Section 138 of NI Act:  Gujarat High Court    |     Higher Court Cannot Reappreciate Evidence Unless Perversity is Found: Himachal Pradesh High Court Refused to Enhance Maintenance    |     Perpetual Lease Allows Division of Property: Delhi High Court Affirms Partition and Validity of Purdah Wall    |     "Party Autonomy is the Backbone of Arbitration: Bombay High Court Upholds Sole Arbitrator Appointment Despite Party’s Attempts to Frustrate Arbitration Proceedings    |     Videography in Temple Premises Limited to Religious Functions: Kerala High Court Orders to Restrict Non-Religious Activities on Temple Premises    |     Past Service Must Be Counted for Pension Benefits: Jharkhand High Court Affirms Pension Rights for Daily Wage Employees    |     'Beyond Reasonable Doubt’ Does Not Mean Beyond All Doubt: Madras High Court Upholds Life Imprisonment for Man Convicted of Murdering Mother-in-Law    |    

(1) BANGARU VENKATA RAMANA SESHAVATARAM (Deceased) & Ors.…..Appellants Vs. GRANDHI BANGARAM & Ors.…..Respondents D.D 02/09/2024 HIGH COURTS

Wills – Conflicting Wills – Validity and Proof – The appeal dealt with the validity of two wills executed by Bangaru Viswanadham. The plaintiffs supported the will dated March 17, 1994, which was registered, while the defendants supported an unregistered will dated April 25, 1994. The court held that the will dated March 17, 1994, was validly executed in accordance with the law. ...


(2) Achan Kumar .....Petitioner Vs. State of Punjab & Others .....Respondents D.D 02/09/2024 HIGH COURTS

Prisoners' Rights - Unauthorized Possession of Mobile Phone - Parole Denial - The court examined whether the unauthorized possession of a mobile phone by a prisoner, without any accompanying conviction or evidence of misuse, justifies the denial of parole. The court emphasized that such denial, in the absence of a full trial or a conviction, infringes upon the presumption of innocence, a corne...

HIGH COURTS PUNJAB AND HARYANA # CRWP No. 3259 of 2024 Docid 2024 LEJ Crim PH 93


Taxation Law – Central Sales Tax Act, 1956 – Dispute over classification of transactions as Inter-State Sales or Stock Transfers – Challenge to assessment by State of Haryana imposing tax on transactions treated as inter-State sales – High Court examines whether movement of goods from Haryana to Bihar under an agreement constituted a sale or stock transfer – Held: Sup...

HIGH COURTS PUNJAB AND HARYANA # CWP No. 19667 of 2021 (O&M) Docid 2024 LEJ Civil PH 19

(4) RAMANLAL UMIYASHANKAR DAVE & ANR ...Applicants Vs. STATE OF GUJARAT & ANR ...Respondents D.D 02/09/2024 HIGH COURTS

Criminal Law – Quashing of FIR under Sections 498A, 406, 420, 506(2), 114 IPC and Sections 3, 7 of the Dowry Prohibition Act – High Court quashed the FIR and all consequential proceedings against the accused (father-in-law and mother-in-law) under Section 482 CrPC – The complainant filed a case alleging harassment after marriage, but the Court found the allegations to be general ...


(5) ARVIND KEJRIWAL & ORS. …..Petitioners Vs. STATE AND ANR. …..Respondents D.D 02/09/2024 HIGH COURTS

Criminal Law – Petition under Section 482 Cr.P.C. for quashing of defamation charges – Accusations against the petitioners (including the Chief Minister of Delhi) for imputing that BJP had orchestrated deletion of voter names from specific communities – The High Court examined the validity of summoning orders issued by the Magistrate and upheld by the Sessions Court – Court...

HIGH COURTS DELHI # CRL.M.C. 1013/2020 & CRL.M.A. 4072/2020 Docid 2024 LEJ Crim Del 35

(6) SUNIL CHAUHAN .....Petitioner Vs. STATE OF HARYANA & ANOTHER .....Respondents D.D 02/09/2024 HIGH COURTS

Criminal Law – Abetment of Suicide – Quashing of FIR – Petitioners accused of abetting the suicide of the complainant's brother by refusing to repay money owed for construction work – FIR quashed – Court held that the mere non-payment of dues, without any positive act of instigation, does not constitute abetment under Section 306 IPC – Emphasized that there ...

HIGH COURTS PUNJAB AND HARYANA # CRM-M-62885-2023 With CRM-M-583-2024 Docid 2024 LEJ Crim PH 64

(7) Dr. Gaurav Gupta .....Petitioner Vs. State of West Bengal & Ors. .....Respondents D.D 02/09/2024 HIGH COURTS

Habeas Corpus – Child Custody – Jurisdiction of Writ Court – The Calcutta High Court dealt with a habeas corpus petition filed by the father seeking custody of his two minor children from the mother. The petition alleged that the mother had wrongfully removed the children from Kolkata to Bhopal and was unlawfully detaining them. The Court noted that the paramount consideration in...

HIGH COURTS CALCUTTA # WPA No. 1098 of 2020 IA No: CAN 1 of 2020, CAN 2 of 2020, CAN 3 of 2020, CAN 4 of 2024 Docid 2024 LEJ Civil Cal 26

(8) Vishesh Films Private Limited .....Plaintiff Vs. Super Cassettes Industries Limited .....Defendant D.D 02/09/2024 HIGH COURTS

Intellectual Property Law - Trademark Infringement - Film Titles - The plaintiff, co-owner of the film franchise "Aashiqui," sought to prevent the defendant from using the title "Tu Hi Aashiqui" for its proposed film. The court examined whether the title "Aashiqui" is generic or common to trade and found that the term, while suggestive of romance, has acquired distinc...

HIGH COURTS DELHI # CS(COMM) 68/2024, I.A. 1797/2024, I.A. 3979/2024 Docid 2024 LEJ Civil Del 20

(9) MAHAVIR PRASAD .....Appellant Vs. BALVEER SINGH AND ANOTHER .....Respondents D.D 02/09/2024 HIGH COURTS

Civil Procedure – Second Appeal – Scope of Interference – Court reiterated the limited scope of interference in second appellate jurisdiction under Section 100 CPC – Findings of fact by lower courts cannot be disturbed unless there is clear perversity – Appeal dismissed as no substantial question of law arose [Paras 16-22].   Specific Performance – Re...

HIGH COURTS ALLAHABAD # SECOND APPEAL No. 540 of 2024 Docid 2024 LEJ Civil Allh 60