(1) B.L. Madhavan .....Petitioner Vs. The Secretary, Bar Council of Tamil Nadu and Puducherry…..Respondents D.D 27/08/2024 HIGH COURTS

Professional Misconduct – Advocates Act – Writ Petition allowed – The Court directed the Bar Council of India and the Bar Council of Tamil Nadu and Puducherry to initiate appropriate disciplinary actions against the 5th respondent under the Advocates Act, 1961, for creating forged rental agreements to illegally occupy the petitioner’s property – Emphasized the need fo...

HIGH COURTS MADRAS # W.P. No. 1006 of 2020 With W.M.P. Nos. 9439 of 2021 & 22296 of 2022 Docid 2024 LEJ Civil Mad 92

(2) ELENA SHVEDOVA.....Petitioner Vs. UNION OF INDIA AND ORS.....Respondents D.D 27/08/2024 HIGH COURTS

Customs Law – Service of Show Cause Notice (SCN) – Petitioner argued that SCN was improperly served via a non-government email service (Gmail), violating the E-mail Policy of India. High Court held that the SCN was validly served under Section 153 of the Customs Act, 1962, as there is no statutory requirement to use only government email services. The court noted that the petitioner...

HIGH COURTS DELHI # W.P.(C) 10971/2023 Docid 2024 LEJ Civil Del 46

(3) Sumati Ganpat Mahajan (deceased) through LRs Suhas Ganpat Mahajan & Ors. .....Applicants Vs. Prabhakar Laxman Dhage (deceased) through LRs .....Respondents D.D 27/08/2024 HIGH COURTS

Civil Procedure – Rejection of Plaint under Order VII Rule 11(d) – Suit for injunction based on agreement for sale – Applicants (Defendants) sought rejection of the suit for perpetual injunction filed by the Respondents (Plaintiffs), on the ground that the Plaintiffs had no legal title to the suit lands. The Defendants argued that without a sale deed, the plaintiffs' possessi...


(4) Bikram Parida … Petitioner Vs. State of Odisha and Others … Respondents D.D 27/08/2024 HIGH COURTS

Service Law – Regularization of Service – The petitioner sought the antedating of his regularization as a Homeopathic Assistant either to his initial engagement date in 1992 or the date of sanction of the post in 2000. The court held that the petitioner’s service regularization was correctly dated to 06.03.2019, the date of the prior order of the High Court. The court rejected th...

HIGH COURTS ORISSA # W.P.(C) No. 33882 of 2021 Docid 2024 LEJ Civil Ori 56


Tax Law – Penalty for Undervaluation of Goods – Punjab VAT Act, 2005 – Appeals challenging the imposition of penalties under Section 51(7)(b) of the Punjab VAT Act for undervaluation of medicines imported into Chandigarh from Himachal Pradesh. The Checking Officer detained the goods, observing that the prices mentioned on the invoice were disproportionately lower than the Maximum...

HIGH COURTS PUNJAB AND HARYANA # VATAP No. 61 of 2014 VATAP No. 89 of 2014 Docid 2024 LEJ Civil PH 87

(6) Sri Vanka Thrimurthulu …..Petitioner Vs. District Collector and District Magistrate, and 2 Others …..Respondents D.D 23/08/2024 HIGH COURTS

Wakf Law – Eviction Proceedings Under Section 52 of A.P. Wakf Act, 1995 – Legality of Corrigendum Notifications – High Court set aside the eviction orders issued under Section 52 of the A.P. Wakf Act, 1995, based on an erroneous Wakf notification dated 19.04.1962, which was corrected by a corrigendum issued in 2016. The Court held that the corrigendum notification should have bee...

HIGH COURTS CALCUTTA # CIVIL REVISION PETITION Nos. 7336, 5442, 6717, 6719, 6725, 6732, 6755, 6766, 6783, 7332, and 7399 of 2018 Docid 2024 LEJ Civil AP 94

(7) STATE OF PUNJAB .....Appellant Vs. HARBHAJAN SINGH & OTHERS .....Respondents D.D 23/08/2024 HIGH COURTS

Criminal Law – Murder – Acquittal Challenged – Appeal by State and Complainant – State of Punjab and complainant sought conviction under Section 302 IPC against Harbhajan Singh, Kirpal Singh, Jaswant Singh, and DSP Gursewak Singh – Trial court convicted the accused under Sections 343, 325, 324, and 323 IPC but acquitted them for murder – The prosecution argued t...

HIGH COURTS PUNJAB AND HARYANA # CRA-D-307-DBA-2004 CRA-S-1071-SB-2003 CRR-1952-2003 Docid 2024 LEJ Crim PH 72

(8) SAJITHA ISMAIL…..Petitioner Vs. T.S. SANTHAKUMARI & Ors.…..Respondents D.D 23/08/2024 HIGH COURTS

Eviction and Recovery of Possession – Frivolous Litigation – Delay Tactics – The court addressed a suit for eviction and possession that has been pending for 34 years. Despite the original plaintiff and defendant passing away, the litigation continued through legal heirs. The petitioner/defendant sought to challenge interim orders, raising issues the court found to be frivolous a...

HIGH COURTS KERALA # O.P.(C) No. 1201 of 2022 Docid 2024 LEJ Civil Kerl 85

(9) Avula Subrahmanyam Reddy …..Appellant Vs. State Bank of India, Vadamalapet …..Respondent D.D 23/08/2024 HIGH COURTS

Contract Law – Recovery of Debt – Hypothecation Agreement – Appellant challenged the trial court’s decree for recovery of Rs. 2,88,667.50 with interest at 15.5% p.a. The High Court upheld the decree with modifications to the interest rate. It ruled that while the plaintiff bank (SBI) is entitled to recover the principal amount and simple interest, the contractual rate of in...

HIGH COURTS ANDHRA PRADESH # Appeal Suit No. 1932 of 1999 Docid 2024 LEJ Civil AP 46