BPL Status Must Be Proven Before Advertisement Date: Madhya Pradesh High Court Upholds Cancellation of Aanganwadi Worker’s Appointment Over BPL Bonus Marks Dispute Revocation of Succession Certificate Not Permissible, But Heirs Must Receive Their Due Share: Calcutta High Court Income Tax | Reassessment Cannot Be Used as a Tool for Harassment: Delhi High Court Slams Revenue for Reopening Case Without Fresh Material An Ad-hoc Employee Cannot Be Arbitrarily Replaced Without Justification: Gujarat High Court Questions Discriminatory Action Against Forensic Science Professor Mere Past Possession is Insufficient – Plaintiff Must Establish Possession on the Date of Suit For Injunction: Andhra Pradesh High Court Allahabad High Court Affirms Civil Court Jurisdiction under the U.P. Zamindari Abolition and Land Reforms Act in Cancelling Sale Deed Based on Fraudulent Power of Attorney Right to Health Is a Fundamental Right Under Article 21: Karnataka High Court Cheque Bounce Conviction Can Be Set Aside If Dispute Is Settled Even at Revisional Stage: Madras High Court Government Cannot Arbitrarily Deny Regular Pay-Scale to Employees Appointed on Sanctioned Posts: Supreme Court Extends Benefit to Special Recruitment Drive Employees Presumption Under Section 113-B of the Evidence Act Is Not Automatic: Supreme Court Holds That Dowry Death Allegations Must Be Substantiated with Evidence Supreme Court Directs Immediate Implementation of Judicial Pay Revisions Demand for Dowry, in Any Form, is Unlawful and Condemnable: Supreme Court Affirms Guilt but Grants Relief Considering Passage of Time Baseless Accusations Destroy Marital Trust - False Allegations of Infidelity and Dowry Demand Amount to Mental Cruelty: Supreme Court Upholds Divorce Decree

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Facts:Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS), a recognized medical college, sought permission to admit 50 additional students for the academic year 2015-16.MCI conducted inspections revealing deficiencies, leading to the recommendation not to permit the increased intake.Central Government directed KIMS not to admit additional students.High Court set aside the Central Government's order,...

REPORTABLE # CIVIL APPEAL NO. 4914 OF 2016 (ARISING OUT OF S.L.P.(C) NO. 9997 OF 2016) Docid 2016 LEJ CIVIL SC 360613

(2) PRABHAKAR VITHAL GHOLVE ..... Vs. STATE OF MAHARASHTRA .....Respondent D.D 06/05/2016

Facts:The appellant, Prabhakar Vithal Gholve, was convicted under Section 302 IPC for an assault on the deceased.The defense argued the absence of a proven motive for the assault and sought categorization under Exception 1 or Exception 4 in Section 300 of the IPC.Evidence indicated injuries on the appellant, suggesting a reasonable possibility of a sudden provocation.Issues:Whether the conviction ...

REPORTABLE # CRIMINAL APPEAL NO. 448 OF 2016 (ARISING OUT OF S.L.P.(CRL.) NO. 3869 OF 2016) (CRL.M.P. NO. 5873 OF 2016) Docid 2016 LEJ CRIM SC 279763

(3) SANTOSH DEVI ..... Vs. UNION OF INDIA & ORS. .....Respondent D.D 06/05/2016

Facts:Raj Singh, an ex-Sepoy in the Territorial Army, died on 04.08.2008 in a disembodied state due to a heart attack.The appellant, his wife, sought family pension, which was denied based on the argument that territorial army personnel in a disembodied state without completing fifteen years of embodied service were not entitled to service pension.The appellant contended that such denial was discr...

REPORTABLE # CIVIL APPEAL NO. 4853 OF 2016 (ARISING OUT OF SLP (C) NO. 27545 OF 2011) Docid 2016 LEJ CIVIL SC 298314

(4) SATYENDRA KUMAR & ORS. ..... Vs. RAJ NATH DUBEY & ORS. .....Respondent D.D 06/05/2016

Facts: The dispute pertains to land in the village Sarai Aziz, and the appellants succeeded before Consolidation Authorities. The non-official respondents challenged these orders before the High Court, leading to the present appeal.Issues:Applicability of res judicata in cases involving issues of fact and pure questions of law.Whether findings on issues of law in previous judgments are binding in ...

REPORTABLE # CIVIL APPEAL NOS. 4083-4084 OF 2016 (ARISING OUT OF S.L.P.(C) NOS. 12915-12916 OF 2014) Docid 2016 LEJ CIVIL SC 819506

(5) STATE OF HIMACHAL PRADESH ..... Vs. RAJIV JASSI .....Respondent D.D 06/05/2016

Facts: The respondent, Dr. Rajiv, was accused of murdering his wife, Dr. Suman Lata, through the forcible administration of poison. The prosecution alleged a strained relationship due to dowry demands and the accused's drinking habits. Incidents of abuse and violence were reported, culminating in the tragic event on 26.5.2000.Issues:Whether the circumstances surrounding the case were sufficie...


(6) ALIGARH DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ..... Vs. MEGH SINGH & ORS. .....Respondent D.D 05/05/2016

Facts:Aligarh Development Authority initiated land acquisition proceedings under the Land Acquisition Act, 1894.Emergency clause invoked, claiming possession, and part of compensation deposited.Respondent No.1 challenged acquisition; High Court quashed notification and declaration due to the non-passage of an award within four years.Section 24 of the 2013 Act was invoked during the proceedings, as...

REPORTABLE # CIVIL APPEAL NO. 4821 OF 2016 (ARISING OUT OF SLP ( C) NO. 4282 OF 2011) Docid 2016 LEJ CIVIL SC 328290

(7) MD. ZAMIL AHMED ..... Vs. STATE OF BIHAR & ORS. .....Respondent D.D 05/05/2016

Facts:Mohd. Rashid Alam, a constable in District Police Force, was killed while on duty.The widow of the deceased, being illiterate, submitted a petition to the State, seeking compassionate appointment for the appellant (brother of the deceased).The appellant was appointed as constable in 1991, providing an undertaking to support the deceased constable's widow and children.After 15 years of s...

REPORTABLE # CIVIL APPEAL NO.4815 OF 2016 (ARISING OUT OF SLP(C) NO.11928 OF 2015) Docid 2016 LEJ CIVIL SC 141154

(8) M/S GANGOTRI ENTERPRISES LTD. ..... Vs. UNION OF INDIA & ORS. .....Respondent D.D 05/05/2016

FACTS:Appellant (M/S GANGOTRI ENTERPRISES LTD.) was awarded a contract by North Central Railway for "earth work in embankment and cutting including provision of machine crushed/blended material blanketing layer and construction of RCC Box type minor bridges."Another contract was granted to the appellant for the construction of a New Station Building (G+2) and associated works (Anand Viha...

REPORTABLE # CIVIL APPEAL NO. 4814 OF 2016 (ARISING OUT OF SLP(C) NO. 27052 OF 2012) Docid 2016 LEJ CIVIL SC 894797

(9) MUDDASANI VENKATA NARSAIAH (D) TH. LRS. ..... Vs. MUDDASANI SAROJANA .....Respondent D.D 05/05/2016

Facts:The plaintiff filed a suit for possession of a disputed property and mesne profits.Dispute arose over the ownership of the property after the death of Rajaiah.Plaintiff claimed title through a sale deed executed by Smt. Gandla Buchamma.Issues:Ownership of the property after the death of Rajaiah.Validity of the sale deed and passing of consideration.Adoption of defendant no. 3 by Yashoda.Held...

REPORTABLE # CIVIL APPEAL NO. 4816 OF 2016 (ARISING OUT OF SLP (CIVIL) NO. 13076 OF 2007) Docid 2016 LEJ CIVIL SC 702630