(1) Bhole Shankar Kumar Vs. The State Of Bihar D.D 02/08/2024 HIGH COURTS

Administrative Law – Reinstatement and Appointment Process – Petitioner challenged his removal from the post of Panchayat Teacher and sought quashing of the appointment of Respondent No. 10 – Petitioner initially appointed as Panchayat Shiksha Mitra, later converted to Panchayat Teacher under the 2006 Rules – Complaint by Respondent No. 10 led to the cancellation of petitio...

HIGH COURTS PATNA # Civil Writ Jurisdiction Case No. 17244 of 2015 Docid 2024 LEJ Civil Patna 23

(2) Pooja Manish Shah..............APPELLANT Vs. Municipal Corporation for Greater Mumbai & Ors...............RESPONDENT D.D 02/08/2024 HIGH COURTS

Electoral Law – Misuse of Reserved Category Benefits – Petitioner attempted to secure reserved category benefits by assuming a deceased individual’s identity. The scrutiny committee cancelled the caste certificate after investigation. The High Court upheld the scrutiny committee’s decision, finding no procedural errors or omissions in their consideration of evidence, includ...

HIGH COURTS BOMBAY # WRIT PETITION NO. 326 OF 2003 Docid 2024 LEJ Civil Bom 28

(3) Nilay Suresh Bhoge…..Petitioners Vs. The State of Maharashtra…..Respondents D.D 02/08/2024 HIGH COURTS

Seniority – Fixation of Seniority – Petitioners challenged the seniority list published by the Department of Revenue and Forest – Contention that the date of appointment should be considered after the successful completion of training and not from the date of joining training – Held, the seniority should be counted from the date of joining training as per the 2015 Rules, wh...

HIGH COURTS BOMBAY # Writ Petition No. 2644/2024 Docid 2024 LEJ Civil Bom 43

(4) Sushant Agarwal (HUF) & Anr. …..Petitioners Vs. Anmol Agarwal & Ors. …..Respondents D.D 02/08/2024 HIGH COURTS

  Execution of Consent Decree – Transfer of Property – Petitioners sought enforcement of a consent decree involving transfer of office space and alleged improper compliance by respondents – Property transferred for Rs. 1001/- when valued over 2 crores – Tax liability on transfer under Section 50-C of the Income Tax Act disputed – Court found respondents failed...


(5) Visa International Ltd. Vs. Visa International Service Association & Anr. D.D 02/08/2024 HIGH COURTS

Trade Marks – Jurisdiction and Authority – Appeals under Section 91 of the Trade Marks Act, 1999 against orders passed by Associate Managers of Trade Marks – Issue of whether Associate Managers have the authority to pass quasi-judicial orders – Appellant contended that Associate Managers were neither authorized under the law nor competent to pass such orders [Paras 1-5]. ...

HIGH COURTS CALCUTTA # IPDTMA No. 82 of 2023 With IA No. GA-COM 1 of 2024 IPDTMA No. 83 of 2023 With IA No. GA-COM 1 of 2024 IPDTMA No. 1 of 2024 Docid 2024 LEJ Civil Cal 85

(6) ANEESH, …Appellant Vs. STATE OF KERALA …Respondent D.D 02/08/2024 HIGH COURTS

Criminal Law – Conviction for Rape and Kidnapping – Accused convicted of kidnapping a minor girl and committing rape – Trial court’s judgment upheld by High Court with partial modifications – Appeal mainly contested on grounds of unreliable evidence and improper conviction under special statutes – High Court affirms conviction under IPC, sets aside conviction un...

HIGH COURTS KERALA # CRIMINAL APPEAL NO. 892 OF 2019 Docid 2024 LEJ Crim kerl 51

(7) Dev Jyoti Chatterjee & Ors. …..Petitioners Vs. The State of West Bengal & Anr. …..Respondents D.D 02/08/2024 HIGH COURTS

Criminal Law – Cheating and Extortion Allegations: Petitioners challenged the criminal proceedings and charge-sheet alleging offences of cheating, blackmailing, extortion, and defamation. The complainant, a business partner, accused the petitioners of threatening him and his family to extort money. The High Court found that the complaint was filed with mala fide intentions and suppressed mat...

HIGH COURTS CALCUTTA # CRR 3 of 2023 Docid 2024 LEJ Crim Cal 51

(8) Setara Begam…..Petitioner Vs. State of West Bengal & Ors.…..Respondent D.D 02/08/2024 HIGH COURTS

Administrative Law – Validity of State Control Orders – Challenge to State Control Orders issued under Essential Commodities Act, 1955 – Petitioners contended that the West Bengal Public Distribution System (Maintenance and Control) Order, 2013 became redundant with the enactment of the National Food Security Act, 2013 (NFSA) and Targeted Public Distribution System (Control) Orde...

HIGH COURTS CALCUTTA # W.P.A. 22281 of 2022 C.A.N. 3 of 2023 Docid 2024 LEJ Civil Cal 87

(9) Suman Meena .....................Petitioner Vs. State Of Rajasthan.....................Respondent D.D 02/08/2024 HIGH COURTS

Constitutional Law – Right to Life and Liberty – Couple Seeking Protection – Petitioners, a married couple, approached the court seeking protection from threats posed by family members opposing their marriage – Held, the right to choose a partner is protected under Articles 14 and 21 of the Constitution – Court emphasized the duty of the state to ensure the protection...

HIGH COURTS RAJASTHAN - JAIPUR # S.B. Criminal Writ Petition No. 792/2024 Docid 2024 LEJ Crim Raj 89