(1) Kusum Lata .....Petitioner Vs. State of Rajasthan & Others .....Respondents D.D 20/08/2024 HIGH COURTS

Custody of Minor Child – Habeas Corpus – Petitioner, mother of a one-and-a-half-year-old child, sought custody of her minor son who was in the custody of his grandparents – Court held that the mother, being the natural guardian under Section 6 of the Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act, 1956, is entitled to the custody of her minor son – The welfare of the minor child is pa...

HIGH COURTS RAJASTHAN - JAIPUR # D.B. Habeas Corpus Petition No. 254/2024 Docid 2024 LEJ Civil Raj 50

(2) ANIL KUMAR GARG .....Petitioner Vs. THE STATE OF NCT OF DELHI & ORS. .....Respondents D.D 20/08/2024 HIGH COURTS

Criminal Procedure – Dismissal of Application under Section 156(3) Cr.P.C. – Petitioner's application for registration of FIR against respondents under Section 156(3) Cr.P.C. dismissed by the learned Metropolitan Magistrate and upheld by the learned ASJ – Allegations involved threats, trespass, and false implication in a criminal case – Petitioner sought cross FIR for e...

HIGH COURTS DELHI # W.P.(CRL) 2774/2023 Docid 2024 LEJ Crim Del 76

(3) GURINDER SINGH .....Petitioner Vs. STATE OF PUNJAB .....Respondent D.D 20/08/2024 HIGH COURTS

NDPS Act – Regular Bail – Prolonged Incarceration: The petitioner was accused of smuggling and possessing 75 kg of poppy husk and was arrested with his co-accused. He had been in custody for 01 year, 09 months, and 20 days, with no other criminal cases against him. The trial had progressed slowly, with only three out of 17 prosecution witnesses examined. In line with precedents, the co...

HIGH COURTS PUNJAB AND HARYANA # CRM-M-9692-2022 Docid 2024 LEJ Crim PH 84

(4) SH. S.P. DUA .....Petitioner Vs. SH. O.P. DEWAN .....Respondent D.D 20/08/2024 HIGH COURTS

Negotiable Instruments Act – Section 138 Acquittal – High Court Dismisses Appeal Against Acquittal by Trial Court – Petitioner’s Complaint Lacked Credibility – Discrepancies and Inconsistencies in Petitioner’s Testimony and Evidence – Respondent’s Defence Rebutted Presumptions Under Sections 118(a) and 139 of NI Act – Trial Court’s Findin...

HIGH COURTS DELHI # CRL.L.P. 530/2019 & CRL.M.A. 36666/2019 Docid 2024 LEJ Crim Del 16

(5) RAJESH MADAN & Ors. .....Petitioners Vs. M/S GOOD MARKETING AND SALES PVT LTD .....Respondent D.D 20/08/2024 HIGH COURTS

Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 – Section 138 and 141 – Quashing of Summons – Liability of Directors – Non-Executive and Independent Directors – Petitioners sought quashing of summoning orders issued under Section 138/141 NI Act, claiming they were Non-Executive and Independent Directors with no role in day-to-day management – High Court reiterated that vicario...

HIGH COURTS DELHI # CRL.M.C. 598/2018 CRL.M.C. 599/2018 CRL.M.C. 601/2018 Docid 2024 LEJ Crim Del 86

(6) Koduri Sitarama Rao and Others …Appellants Vs. Matangi Victoria and Others …Respondents D.D 20/08/2024 HIGH COURTS

Negotiable Instruments – Promissory Note – Incomplete Document Allegation – Defendants challenged the validity of a promissory note on the grounds that it was incomplete and thus unenforceable. The High Court of Andhra Pradesh rejected this contention, holding that once the defendants admitted to signing the promissory note, a presumption of its validity arises under Section 118 ...

HIGH COURTS ANDHRA PRADESH # Second Appeal No. 977 of 2011 Docid 2024 LEJ Civil AP 33


Income Tax Act – Reassessment – Validity of Sanction – The petitioner challenged the reopening of its assessment under Section 148, asserting that the sanction under Section 151 was granted mechanically, without independent application of mind by the PCCIT. The Delhi High Court held that the approval granted was flawed in law, as it merely used the word "approved" witho...

HIGH COURTS DELHI # W.P.(C) 7885/2023 & CM APPL. 30359/2023 (Stay) Docid 2024 LEJ Civil Del 24

(8) SATISH KUMAR DAHIYA .....Petitioner Vs. SMT SHIVANI DAHIYA & ANR .....Respondents D.D 20/08/2024 HIGH COURTS

Criminal Law – Section 125 Cr.P.C. – Maintenance – Interim Maintenance to Wife and Minor Son – High Court upheld the Family Court’s order granting interim maintenance of ₹12,000 per month to the wife and ₹8,000 per month to the son – Challenge to the estimation of husband's income at ₹60,000 per month despite his claim of earning ₹10,000 per month &n...

HIGH COURTS DELHI # CRL.REV. P. 619/2016 & CRL.M.A. 14435/2016 Docid 2024 LEJ Crim Del 51

(9) M/S HOTEL MARINA & ANR .....Decree Holders Vs. VIBHA MEHTA .....Judgment Debtor D.D 20/08/2024 HIGH COURTS

Civil Procedure – Execution of Decree – Non-performance of Reciprocal Obligations – Application of Sections 51 and 52 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872 – Delhi High Court dismisses objections to execution petition filed by Decree Holder (DH) against Judgment Debtor (JD) for refusal to sign documents necessary to enforce settlement terms in a partnership dispute – DH en...

HIGH COURTS DELHI # EX.P. 128/2012 Docid 2024 LEJ Civil Del 71