(1) ROBERT JOHN D'SOUZA AND OTHERS Vs. STEPHEN V. GOMES AND OTHERS .....Respondent Sections, Acts, Rules, and Articles mentioned: Section 200, Section 482: Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 (CrPC) Section 34, Section 406, Section 409, Section 415, Section 420: Penal Code, 1860 (IPC) Subject: The criminal appeal against the dismissal of a petition to quash a criminal complaint filed against the appellants, alleging criminal breach of trust and cheating in relation to transactions involving a society's property. Headnotes: Facts: A society named Mukka Welfare Society was formed for charitable purposes. The appellants, who were members of the society, were accused of facilitating the sale of society property to their relatives, allegedly committing fraud and cheating. The complainant, not a member of the society, filed a criminal complaint after a significant delay of over twelve years since the execution of the sale deeds. Issues: Whether the essential elements of the offenses under Sections 406, 409, and 420 of the Indian Penal Code were established based on the complaint and evidence on record. Whether the inherent jurisdiction of the High Courts under Section 482 of the Code of Criminal Procedure should be exercised to prevent abuse of process or harassment. Held: The court found that none of the offenses for which the appellants were summoned were made out based on the complaint and material on record. Specifically, the court noted that no entrustment of property was proven to establish criminal breach of trust, and there was no indication that the appellants acted in capacities outlined in Section 409 of the IPC. Regarding cheating, the court found that the complainant was not deceived or induced to deliver the property by deception, as the transactions were reflected in resolutions and sale deeds. Citing legal precedents, the court emphasized that the inherent jurisdiction of the High Courts under Section 482 of the Code of Criminal Procedure should be used sparingly and with caution, especially to prevent abuse of process or harassment. Consequently, the Supreme Court allowed the appeal, quashing the summoning order passed by the magistrate and dismissing the criminal complaint against the appellants. Referred Cases: Ram Narain Poply, Pramod Kumar Manocha, Vinayak Narayan Deosthali and Harshad S. Mehta Vs. Central Bureau of Investigation and Others The State of Gujarat Vs. Jaswantlal Nathalal Madhavrao Jiwajirao Scindia and Others Vs. Sambhajirao Chandrojirao Angre and Others Suresh Vs. Mahadevappa Shivappa Danannava and Another Inder Mohan Goswami and Another Vs. State of Uttaranchal and Others JUDGMENT Prafulla C. Pant, J—This appeal is directed against order dated 9.10.2014, passed by the High Court of Karnataka at Bangalore in Criminal Petition No. 658 of 2014 whereby said court has dismissed the petition, and declined to quash the Criminal Complaint case No. 357 of 2012, filed by Respondent No. 1, against the Appellants. 2. Brief facts of the case are that a Society named - Mukka Welfare Society was constituted on 28.3.1970 for charitable work and social service, registered under Karnataka Societies Registration Act, 1970. Appellant No. 1, Appellant No. 2 and Appellant No. 3 were President, Secretary and Treasurer respectively, while Appellant Nos. 4 to 7 were Directors of the Society. Other Appellants are their relatives. A piece of land bearing S. No. 239/10 measuring 0.50 acres in Village Suratkal, Taluk Mangalore, was purchased by the Society vide registered sale deed dated 28.1.1978 from one Smt. Kaveri Hengsu. It is alleged by the complainant (Respondent No. 1) that Appellant Nos. 1 to 7, being members of the Executive and Directors of Mukka Welfare Society, misusing the position, held Board Meetings on 22.9.1995 and 13.10.1995 facilitating the sale of the above mentioned land in favour of their relatives (Appellant Nos. 7 to 12). The sale deeds were executed on 16.2.1996. It is further stated that the purchasers (Appellant Nos. 7 to 12), executed sale deeds in the same year in favour of the Directors of the Society. It is alleged by the complainant/Respondent No. 1 that the Appellants have fraudulently usurped the property through the sale deeds mentioned above, and thereby committed cheating. 3. The criminal complaint filed by Respondent No. 1 was registered by the 1st Additional Senior Civil Judge and Chief Judicial Magistrate, Mangalore, DK, who, after recording the statement of the complainant Under Section 200 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (for short "Code of Criminal Procedure"), summoned the Appellants vide order dated 13.4.2012 in respect of offences punishable Under Sections 406, 409, 420 read with Section 34 of Indian Penal Code (Indian Penal Code). The Appellants filed Criminal Revision Petition No. 58 of 2012 before the Principal Sessions & District Judge of D.K. District at Mangalore, which was dismissed vide order dated 6.2.2013. Thereafter, the Appellants filed a petition Under Section 482 Code of Criminal Procedure before the High Court and the same was also dismissed. Hence this appeal through special leave. 4. We have heard learned Counsel for the parties and perused the papers on record. 5. The impugned orders passed by the High Court and the other authorities below are challenged before us mainly on the following grounds: (i) Respondent No. 1/complainant is not a member of the "Mukka Welfare Society" nor is he in any manner connected with the affairs of the Society, as such he has no locus to file the criminal complaint. (ii) The sale deeds in question were executed in the year 1996, and the criminal complaint is filed malafide by Respondent No. 1 after a period of fourteen years, in the year 2010, as such the courts below have erred in law in not taking note of said fact. (iii) The courts below have erred in law in not appreciating that the complaint in question was filed to get personal vendetta by Respondent No. 1 against the Directors of the Society. (iv) The courts below further erred in not considering the fact that the complainant/Respondent No. 1 had earlier filed a complaint, with same set of facts, before the Deputy Commissioner, Dakshin Kannada, Mangalore, and the same was sent to Police Station Suratkal for investigation, and the Circle Inspector, after investigation, did not find any offence to have been committed by the Appellants, as the dispute was purely of civil in nature. (v) Ingredients of the offences punishable Under Sections 406, 409 and 420 Indian Penal Code are not made out. (vi) None of the transactions of sale in question is against any bye-law or clause of Memorandum of Association of the Society. 6. In the counter affidavit filed on behalf of Respondent No. 1, it has been stated that the complainant came to know of the transactions of sale, only in the year 2009, whereafter he complained before the Deputy Commissioner, D.K., as such the issue raised as to delay in filing the complaint is unfounded. It is further stated that the Mukka Welfare Society receives donations from various institutions and general public. The allegation of personal vendetta, pleaded in the appeal by the Appellants, has been denied in the counter affidavit. Lastly, defending the orders passed by the courts below, it is stated that the courts below have committed no error of law. 7. Arguments were advanced by learned Counsel for the parties on the above lines pleaded before us. Having considered the submissions of the learned Counsel for the parties what is apparent in the present case is that the complainant is not the member of Mukka Welfare Society. It is also not disputed that the sale deeds in question were executed way back in the year 1996 and the complainant, who is not even member of the Society, raises the issue that the sale deeds were executed for the benefit of the Directors of the Society, after a long gap of more than twelve years. Sale deeds in question are registered, and not declared null and void by any court of law. It is also relevant to mention here that admittedly earlier a complaint was made by the complainant to the Deputy Commissioner in the year 2009, which was got investigated by the police and the result of the investigation was that no offence was found committed by the Appellants on the ground that the dispute is of civil in nature. 8. In view of the above facts, apparent on the record, we are of the view that the High Court and the courts below have committed grave error of law in ignoring the same. Needless to say that to constitute an offence punishable Under Section 406 Indian Penal Code, the essential ingredient is the "entrustment" of the property. The complaint filed by the complainant nowhere discloses that the land in question purchased in the year 1978 was entrusted to the Society for the benefit of others. It is only after entrustment is shown, it can be said that there was criminal breach of trust. 9. In Ram Narain Poply, Pramod Kumar Manocha, Vinayak Narayan Deosthali and Harshad S. Mehta Vs. Central Bureau of Investigation and Others, AIR 2003 SC 2748 : (2003) CriLJ 4801 : (2003) 1 JT 184 : (2003) 1 SCALE 171 : (2003) 3 SCC 641 : (2003) 42 SCL 275 : (2003) 1 SCR 119 : (2003) AIRSCW 3119 : (2003) 1 Supreme 537 , this Court, per majority, has explained "entrustment" in paragraph 363 as under: The term "entrustment" is not necessarily a term of law. It may have different implications in different contexts. In its most general signification all it imports is the handing over possession for some purpose which may not imply the conferring of any proprietary right at all. 10. In The State of Gujarat Vs. Jaswantlal Nathalal, AIR 1968 SC 700 : (1968) CriLJ 803 : (1968) 2 SCR 408 , this Court in paragraph 8 has observed that a mere transaction of sale cannot amount to an entrustment. 11. At this stage we also think it proper to observe that in the present case, even if the allegations made in the complaint are taken to be true, the ingredients of the offence punishable Under Section 409 Indian Penal Code for which Appellants are summoned, are also not made out. To constitute an offence punishable Under Section 409 Indian Penal Code, apart from entrustment, it is also essential requirement that it should be shown that the accused has acted in the capacity of a public servant, banker, merchant, factor, broker, attorney or agent. It is nowhere shown in the complaint that the Appellants have acted in any of the above capacities. 12. As far as offence of cheating is concerned, the same is defined in Section 415 Indian Penal Code, for which the punishment is provided Under Section 420 Indian Penal Code. Section 415 reads as under: 415. Cheating.-Whoever, by deceiving any person, fraudulently or dishonestly induces the person so deceived to deliver any property to any person, or to consent that any person shall retain any property, or intentionally induces the person so deceived to do or omit to do anything which he would not do or omit if he were not so deceived, and which act or omission causes or is likely to cause damage or harm to that person in body, mind, reputation or property, is said to "cheat". Explanation.-A dishonest concealment of facts is a deception within the meaning of this section. Illustrations.... 13. From the above language of the D.D 21/07/2015

Facts:A society named Mukka Welfare Society was formed for charitable purposes.The appellants, who were members of the society, were accused of facilitating the sale of society property to their relatives, allegedly committing fraud and cheating.The complainant, not a member of the society, filed a criminal complaint after a significant delay of over twelve years since the execution of the sale de...

REPORTABLE # Criminal Appeal No. 953 of 2015 (Arising out of Special Leave Petition (Criminal) No. 330 of 2015) Docid 2015 LEJ Crim SC 451850


Facts: The case involves the acquittal of the accused persons in a criminal trial where the husband of the informant was allegedly abducted and murdered by them. The trial court acquitted the accused due to various procedural lapses, including the non-service of summons to witnesses and lack of efforts by the prosecution to produce witnesses.Issues:Whether the trial court's acquittal of the a...

REPORTABLE # Criminal Appeal No. 914 of 2015 (Arising out of SLP (Criminal) No. 3187 of 2013) Docid 2015 LEJ Crim SC 626760


Facts: The Commissioner of Central Excise filed an application before the tribunal under Section 35E(4) within one month of the communication of the order of review. The application also sought condonation of an 8-day delay. The delay occurred during the review process of the Commissioner's order by the Committee of Chief Commissioners, where the reviewing authority received the Commissioner&...

REPORTABLE # Civil Appeal No. 5432 of 2015 (Arising out of SLP (C) No. 27746 of 2014) Docid 2015 LEJ Civil SC 167756


Facts:The appellants were added as accused under Section 319 of the CrPC in a murder trial involving the death of Saryug Yadav.The trial commenced with an FIR against 8 accused, followed by a charge-sheet against four persons. Later, one more person was included via a supplementary charge-sheet.The appellants were summoned as accused under Section 319 after evidence was considered by the Additiona...

REPORTABLE # Criminal Appeal No. 343 of 2012 Docid 2015 LEJ Crim SC 687346


Facts:The Ponnaiyah Ramajayam Institute of Science and Technology Trust submitted an application for establishing a new medical college under Section 10A of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956.The application was rejected by the Central Government citing the non-submission of essential documents before the cut-off date.The High Court initially ruled in favor of the petitioner, directing the Medic...

REPORTABLE # Special Leave Petition (Civil) No. 14838 of 2015 Docid 2015 LEJ Civil SC 489187

(6) STATE OF MADHYA PRADESH Vs. MAHARANI USHADEVI .....Respondent D.D 15/07/2015

FACTS: Maharani Ushadevi, as the legal heir of the Maharaja of Holkar, claimed ownership of properties managed by the Household Department of the Holkar State. She argued that these properties were the exclusive and individual property of the Maharaja and not owned by the State of Madhya Pradesh. The claim was based on a Covenant whereby the Maharaja of Holkar and other princely States agreed to m...

REPORTABLE # Civil Appeal Nos. 557-558 of 2012 Docid 2015 LEJ Civil SC 506815


FACTS:Brother-in-law of the appellant created two trusts for the benefit of two minor children of the appellant, Kapoor Chand.The trusts became partners in a partnership firm, which earned profits in the relevant year.The Assessing Officer included the income of the trusts in Kapoor Chand's income under Section 64(1)(iii) of the Income Tax Act, 1961.Kapoor Chand contested the assessment, argu...

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(8) KIRPAL KAUR Vs. JITENDER PAL SINGH AND OTHERS .....Respondent D.D 14/07/2015

Facts: The plaintiff-daughter-in-law sought a share in the joint family properties, particularly the 'B' schedule property, which was dismissed by the trial court and first appellate court.Issues: The validity of a gift deed executed during the proceedings and the rightful devolution of the property upon the death of the defendant.Held:The trial court and first appellate court erred in n...

REPORTABLE # Civil Appeal No. 2820 of 2015 Docid 2015 LEJ Civil SC 634514


Facts: Vijay Mallya, the appellant, was summoned by the Enforcement Directorate regarding a transaction involving Flavio Briatore of M/s. Benetton Formula Ltd. Allegedly, Mallya entered into an agreement without obtaining requisite permissions from the Reserve Bank of India, violating FERA provisions. Mallya failed to appear in response to the summons issued, leading to a criminal complaint being ...

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