Supreme Court Upholds Forfeiture Under SAFEMA, Affirms Legal Validity Despite COFEPOSA Detention Revocation

07 May 2024 8:19 AM

By: Admin

In a significant ruling, the Supreme Court of India, comprising Justice Vikram Nath and Justice Ahsanuddin Amanullah, upheld the forfeiture of properties under The Smugglers and Foreign Exchange Manipulators (Forfeiture of Property) Act, 1976 (SAFEMA). The apex court dismissed appeals in Civil Appeal No.5500 of 2011 and Criminal Appeal No.730 of 2014, affirming the High Court's decision to uphold the forfeiture orders.


The Supreme Court observed that the provisions of SAFEMA were applicable despite the revocation of detention orders under the Conservation of Foreign Exchange and Prevention of Smuggling Activities Act, 1974 (COFEPOSA). In the judgment delivered on November 9, the bench stated, “The appeals lack merit and are, accordingly dismissed.” This observation was made after a thorough analysis of the legal and factual aspects of the case.

The appeals challenged the High Court's orders that confirmed the forfeiture of properties under SAFEMA. The main ground of challenge was the subsequent revocation of the COFEPOSA detention orders, which the appellants argued made the SAFEMA proceedings non-est and untenable. The Supreme Court, however, found this argument lacking in merit.

Justice Vikram Nath, in the judgment, noted, “The impugned judgment does not suffer from any infirmity warranting interference.” This statement came after considering the legal framework of SAFEMA and COFEPOSA, particularly focusing on the applicability of SAFEMA in cases where COFEPOSA detention orders are revoked.

The Court's ruling also addressed the irrelevance of the dismissal of a criminal complaint under the Customs Act, 1962, and the withdrawal of a penalty in determining the applicability of SAFEMA. These were independent proceedings and did not impact the SAFEMA proceedings.

This judgment clarifies the legal position regarding the interplay between COFEPOSA and SAFEMA, particularly in cases of property forfeiture. The Supreme Court's decision reinforces the legal framework designed to combat smuggling and foreign exchange manipulation, marking a significant moment in the enforcement of economic laws in India.

Date of Decision: November 09, 2023



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