(1) Ashok Babulal Avasthi …..Petitioner Vs. Munna Nizamuddin Khan and Others ………….Respondents D.D 29/11/2023 HIGH COURTS

Writ Petition – Joining of Landlord as a Party in Tenant's Suit Against Corporation for Demolition Action – Examination of the necessity and propriety of landlord's inclusion in tenant's suit for protection against demolition. [Para 1, 28] Civil Procedure – Impleadment of Parties under Order I Rule 10(2) of CPC – Power of court to join a party as necessary fo...

HIGH COURTS BOMBAY # WRIT PETITION NO. 6933 OF 2022 Docid 2023 LEJ Civil Bom 12

(2) ANJURI KUMARI ..... Petitioner Vs. THE STATE GOVT. OF NCT OF DELHI & ORS. ..... Respondents D.D 29/11/2023 HIGH COURTS

FIR Registration – Denial of FIR registration and protection – Petitioner’s application for FIR registration and protection denied by the High Court – Application made under Article 226 of the Constitution of India and Section 482 Cr.P.C. [Para 1]   Application of Section 156(3) Cr.P.C. – Magistrate’s discretion in directing police investigation &ndas...

HIGH COURTS DELHI # W.P.(CRL) 1210/2023 AND CRL.M.A. 11298/2023 Docid 2023 LEJ Crim Del 22

(3) MR. BHANU MOHAN KAILA ..... Petitioner Vs. UNION OF INDIA & ANR. ..... Respondents D.D 29/11/2023 HIGH COURTS

Taxation Law - Tax Demand – Setting Aside of Arbitrary Tax Demand: Petitioner challenged tax demand of Rs. 21,50,150/- for AY 2012-13 raised by respondent – Employer deducted tax but failed to deposit with revenue – Reliance on Section 205 of the Income Tax Act and pertinent judgments – Held, demand set aside as petitioner cannot be penalized for employer’s non-compli...

HIGH COURTS DELHI # W.P.(C) 6990/2022 Docid 2023 LEJ Civil Del 75

(4) AVTAR SINGH KOCHAR @ DOLLY ..... Petitioner Vs. ENFORCEMENT DIRECTORATE ..... Respondent D.D 29/11/2023 HIGH COURTS

Bail Application – Money Laundering – Hawala Operations: Petitioner, Avtar Singh Kochar, accused in extensive money laundering case involving hawala transactions, seeks bail. Alleged role in facilitating transfer of crime proceeds within India and to Dubai. Linked to the Sukesh Chandra Shekhar extortion case. Case features spoofed calls, impersonating officials, and extorting Aditi Sin...

HIGH COURTS DELHI # BAIL APPLN. 1814/2023 Docid 2023 LEJ Crim Del 25

(5) VINAY KUMAR VERMA & ANR. ..... Petitioners Vs. HARJIT SINGH SHAH ..... Respondent D.D 29/11/2023 HIGH COURTS

Revision Petition in Eviction Case – Petition under Section 25-B (8) of the Delhi Rent Control Act, 1958 – Challenging order allowing respondent's application for leave to defend in an eviction case – Eviction sought by petitioners on grounds of personal necessity for starting a business – Respondent denied existence of landlord-tenant relationship and questioned petiti...

HIGH COURTS DELHI # RC.REV. 409/2018 & CM APPL. 34567/2018 Docid 2023 LEJ Civil Del 26

(6) M/S. J.K.Tyres And Industries Ltd., Vikrant Tyre Plant, …Petitioner Vs. General Secretary, Vikrant Tyres Employees' Union, …Respondent D.D 29/11/2023 HIGH COURTS

Industrial Disputes Act – Strike by workers – Entitlement to wages during the strike period – Tribunal’s award granting 50% wages during an illegal strike challenged – Principles of law regarding payment of wages during work stoppages due to strikes discussed. [Para 8] Industrial Tribunal’s Award – Failure to consider relevant factors – Disregard ...

HIGH COURTS KARNATAKA # WRIT PETITION NO.43642 OF 2012 (L-RES) Docid 2023 LEJ Civil Karnt 10


Land Acquisition - Apportionment of Compensation - Regular First Appeal - Appellants contested Reference Court's award of 75% compensation to respondent as tenant - Held, Co-sharer can occupy more than their share as a tenant under other co-sharers - However, respondent failed to prove payment of rent - Reference Court's decision modified, respondent entitled to 1/3rd share of compensation...

HIGH COURTS PUNJAB AND HARYANA # RFA Nos.: 234 of 2018 & 379 of 2018 Docid 2023 LEJ Civil PH 21


Non-Filing of Written Statement – Striking off Defense – Order dated 06.10.2023 by Additional Civil Judge (Senior Division), Ajnala, in CS No. 94 of 2021, struck off petitioners’ defense due to non-filing of written statement within 90 days from the service date. [Para 1]   Petitioners' Ex Parte Proceedings and Subsequent Appearances – Petitioners proceeded e...

HIGH COURTS PUNJAB AND HARYANA # CR No. 7117 of 2023 (O&M) Docid 2023 LEJ Civil PH 53

(9) Kunal Sharma …Petitioner Vs. Hero Fincorp Ltd. and others …Respondents D.D 28/11/2023 HIGH COURTS

Civil Procedure – Rejection of Plaint – Jurisdiction of Civil Court in Matters Involving SARFAESI Act – Petition challenging rejection of plaint by lower courts under Order 7 Rule 11 CPC – Civil Court's jurisdiction barred under Section 34 of the SARFAESI Act – Exceptions to the bar limited – Debts Recovery Tribunal as the appropriate forum for disputes rela...

HIGH COURTS PUNJAB AND HARYANA # CR-7563-2019 Docid 2023 LEJ Civil PH 24