Safety Shoes Used as Weapon Meets Mens Rea Requirement for Murder: Rajasthan HC on Bail Denial    |     Right to Be Considered for Promotion, Not a Right to Promotion: Supreme Court Clarifies Eligibility for Retrospective Promotion    |     Inherent Power of Courts Can Recall Admission of Insufficiently Stamped Documents: Supreme Court    |     Courts Cannot Substitute Their Opinion for Security Agencies in Threat Perception Assessments: J&K High Court Directs Reassessment of Political Leader's Threat Perception    |     Service Law | Violation of Natural Justice: Discharge Without Notice or Reason: Gauhati High Court Orders Reinstatement and Regularization of Circle Organizers    |     Jharkhand High Court Quashes Family Court Order, Reaffirms Jurisdiction Based on Minor’s Ordinary Residence in Delhi    |     Ex-Serviceman Status Ceases After First Employment in Government Job: Calcutta High Court Upholds SBI’s Cancellation of Ex-Serviceman's Appointment Over False Declaration of Employment    |     Maxim Res Ipsa Loquitur Applies When State Instrumentalities Are Directly Responsible: Delhi High Court Orders MCD to Pay ₹10 Lakhs Compensation for Death    |     Wilful Avoidance of Service Must Be Established Before Passing Ex Parte Order Under Section 126(2) CrPC: Patna High Court Sets Aside Ex Parte Maintenance Order    |     MP High Court Imposes Rs. 10,000 Costs for Prolonging Litigation, Upholds Eviction of Petitioners from Father's Property    |     When Detention Unnecessary Despite Serious Allegations of Fraud Bail Should be Granted: Kerala HC    |     Magistrate's Direction for Police Inquiry Under Section 202 CrPC Is Valid; Petitioner Must Await Investigation Outcome: Bombay High Court Dismisses Advocate's Petition as Premature    |     Relocation Alone Cannot Justify Transfer: Supreme Court Rejects Plea to Move Case from Nellore to Delhi, Orders Fresh Probe    |     Punjab & Haryana HC Double Bench Upholds Protection for Married Partners in Live-In Relationships, Denies Same for Minors    |     Tribunal’s Compensation Exceeding Claimed Amount Found Just and Fair Under Motor Vehicles Act: No Deduction Errors Warrant Reduction: Gujrat High Court    |     Smell of Alcohol in Post-Mortem Insufficient to Establish Intoxication: Rajasthan High Court Upholds Liability of Insurance Company in Motor Accident Case    |     No Grounds for Transfer: Free Bus Fare for Women in Telangana Reduces Travel Burden: Telangana High Court Rejects Wife's Petition to Transfer Divorce Case    |    

(1) VIJAY PAL SHARMA …..Petitioner Vs. VIJAY PAL SHARMA …..Petitioner STATE OF NCT OF DELHI & ANR. .... Respondents D.D 25/07/2023 HIGH COURTS

Criminal Revision Petition – Charges framed under Sections 420/467/468/471 IPC – Petitioner challenges the impugned order of the Revisional Court – High Court examines the legality of the charges and the deletion thereof – Whether the charges of forgery can be imposed on a person who is not the maker of the forged document – High Court upholds the impugned order. [Par...

HIGH COURTS DELHI # CRL.M.C. 3194/2016 Docid 2023 LEJ Crim Del 91

(2) Vinod Kumar @ Rangila ..Petitioner Vs. State of Punjab ..Respondent D.D 24/07/2023 HIGH COURTS

CRIMINAL PROCEDURE – Bail – Regular Bail – Grant of regular bail under Section 439 Cr.P.C. – Petitioner in custody for almost 4 years and 1 month in connection with FIR No.103 dated 07.05.2019 – Offenses registered under Sections 307, 353, 186, 224, 225, 34, 379-B, and 120-B IPC (Section 411 IPC added subsequently) and Section 25/27 of Arms Act at Police Station City ...

HIGH COURTS DELHI # CRM-M-27713-2023 (O&M) Docid 2023 LEJ Crim PH 73


Civil Procedure – Non-Impleadment of Legal Representatives –Civil Revision against the order of the trial court dismissing the suit against a deceased defendant for non-impleadment of his legal representatives – CPC Order XXII, Rule 4 as amended for Punjab and Haryana allows the suit to proceed – Trial court directed to continue proceedings as if the deceased defendant were...


(4) Amrik Singh ...Petitioner(s) Vs. State of Punjab ...Respondent(s) D.D 24/07/2023 HIGH COURTS

Criminal case – Bail – Petitioner filed for regular bail in FIR No. 148, dated 27th June 2021, under Sections 15, 25, and 29 of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985 – Petitioner seeks parity with co-accused who was granted regular bail in a previous case (Para 1 and 2). False Implication Allegation – Petitioner’s counsel alleges that ASI Jagtar ...

HIGH COURTS PUNJAB AND HARYANA # CRM-M-7520-2022 (O&M) Docid 2023 LEJ Crim PH 13

(5) BASANT KUMAR & ORS. .... Petitioners Vs. ELECTION COMMISSOIN OF INDIA & ANR. Respondents D.D 24/07/2023 HIGH COURTS

Seniority List – Regularization of Ad Hoc Appointees: The regularisation of ad hoc appointees as Lower Division Clerks (LDCs) in the Election Commission of India (ECI) was undertaken much before the appointment of direct recruits. The direct recruits, who were not even on the rolls of the ECI at the time of regularisation, cannot challenge the regularisation of ad hoc appointees as their ...

HIGH COURTS DELHI # W.P.(C) 1736/2007 & CM APPL. 3194/2007 Docid 2023 LEJ Crim Del 34

(6) Dr. Nadeem Akhtar ...Applicant Vs. State of Himachal Pradesh ...Respondent D.D 24/07/2023 HIGH COURTS

Criminal Procedure Code – Section 438 – Bail application – Allegations of derogatory comments posted on Facebook against religious figures – Sections 295-A, 153A, and 505(2) IPC – Freedom of expression – Religious sentiments – Communal harmony – Law and order concerns – Dismissal of bail application. (Para 2 to 6, 30 to 31, 34 to 38, and 40). ...

HIGH COURTS HIMACHAL PRADESH # Cr-MP(M) No. 1425 of 2023 Docid 2023 LEJ Crim HP 28


Constitution of India, 1950 - Article 226 - Disciplinary Proceedings - Acquittal in Criminal Case - "Honorable Acquittal" - Tribunal modifying punishment - High Court upholds the modification - Peculiar facts and proportionality considered - Acquittal due to failure of prosecution to prove charges beyond reasonable doubt - Passage of time and various rounds of litigation - Petition dismi...

HIGH COURTS DELHI # W.P.(C) 186/2021, CM APPL. 535/2021 Docid 2023 LEJ Civil Del 18

(8) KAMLESH ..... Petitioner Vs. UNION OF INDIA & ORS. ..... Respondents D.D 24/07/2023 HIGH COURTS

Service Law - Voluntary Retirement - Qualifying service - Petitioner seeks voluntary retirement from service but the Tribunal rejects the application, holding that the petitioner lacks the required 20 years of qualifying service - Petitioner challenges the rejection before the High Court - Court finds that a letter from the Office of the Assistant Divisional Engineer indicates the petitioner's...

HIGH COURTS DELHI # W.P.(C) 13273/2019 Docid 2023 LEJ Civil Del 77

(9) M/S JUPITER EXPORTS ..... Petitioner Vs. COMMISSIONER OF GST ..... Respondent D.D 24/07/2023 HIGH COURTS

Principles of Natural Justice – Opportunity of Personal Hearing – Violation – Writ Petition filed to set aside a demand order issued under the CGST Act raising a total demand against the petitioner. Petitioner contends that the impugned order was passed in gross violation of principles of natural justice as it was passed without affording an opportunity of personal hearing. [Para...

HIGH COURTS DELHI # W.P.(C) 6673/2021 & CM APPL. 21011/2021 Docid 2023 LEJ Civil 93