Strict Adherence to Lease Conditions Imperative for Renewal Eligibility: Supreme Court Sets Aside Orissa High Court Judgment on Lease Resumption

07 May 2024 8:19 AM

By: Admin

In a significant judgment, the Supreme Court has underscored the necessity of strict compliance with lease conditions for the eligibility of renewal, while hearing an appeal concerning lease renewal and resumption of leasehold land by the State of Orissa.

The appeal was against the Orissa High Court’s judgment which had affirmed the First Appellate Court’s decision, setting aside the Trial Court’s dismissal of a suit related to the non-renewal and subsequent resumption of leasehold land.

The leased property, originally allotted in 1905 and renewed in 1944, came into contention when the renewal application filed in 1972 by Nalininath Mitra was not adjudicated upon until 1975. Meanwhile, the Collector initiated resumption proceedings citing dilapidation and unauthorized occupation as breaches of the lease conditions, leading to the lessee’s eviction in 1976. This spurred the descendants of the original lessee to challenge the Collector’s decision, asserting it was made without jurisdiction and beyond legal mandates stipulated by the Bihar & Orissa Government Estates Manual, 1919.

Violation of Lease Terms: The Supreme Court noted several breaches, including non-payment of rent and municipal taxes and failure to maintain the property. These violations were admitted by the lessee in communications with the Collector, thus affirming non-compliance with Clauses 9, 15, and 16 of the lease terms.

Judicial Review: The Court critiqued the High Court’s judgment for overlooking the substantive breaches acknowledged by the lessees. It emphasized that renewal privileges are contingent upon strict adherence to lease conditions, as stipulated in the Government Estates Manual.

Decision on Lease Renewal Application: Despite setting aside the High Court’s judgment, the Supreme Court directed that the lease renewal application pending since 1972 be considered on its own merits within six months, ensuring procedural fairness.

Final Decision: The Supreme Court allowed the appeal, reverting to the original decision of the Trial Court which dismissed the plaintiffs’ suit. The directive to consider the long-pending lease renewal application provides a balanced resolution, potentially allowing the parties a fair opportunity to present their cases.

Date of Decision: May 10, 2024

State of Orissa vs. Santi Kumar Mitra & Another

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