Neglect to Maintain Justifies Separate Residence - High Court Upholds Maintenance Award in Domestic Violence Case

07 May 2024 8:19 AM

By: Admin

In a significant ruling, the High Court of Andhra Pradesh, presided over by Justice A.V. Ravindra Babu, affirmed the maintenance order passed by the Family Court in Anantapur, in a case involving allegations of dowry harassment and domestic violence. The court's decision came in the wake of Criminal Revision Cases No. 1477 of 2015 and 1562 of 2015, concerning a marital dispute between D. Babu and Smt. S. Noorjahan Begum.

Legal Point of the Judgment: The crux of the judgment lay in addressing the adequacy and legality of maintenance awarded under Section 125 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, considering the financial capabilities of the parties and the welfare of the minor child involved.

Facts and Issues: The case revolved around the marriage of D. Babu and Smt. S. Noorjahan Begum, marred by allegations of dowry harassment, domestic violence, and financial neglect. The wife and son, being unable to maintain themselves, filed for maintenance, which was initially granted by the Family Court. D. Babu contested the order, seeking its dismissal, while Smt. Begum sought an enhancement of the maintenance amount.

Evidence and Burden of Proof: The court meticulously examined various evidences, including salary certificates, property documents, and oral testimonies. The evidence underscored the respondent's financial status and the petitioners' claims of domestic abuse and neglect.

Maintenance Assessment: Justice Babu noted, "The learned Judge, Family Court, duly considered the income of the respondent to a tune of around Rs.25,000/- and awarded monthly maintenance of Rs.5,000/- each to the petitioners."

Subsequent Developments: Addressing the respondent's dismissal from service, the court observed that it does not retrospectively affect the maintenance order, as the dismissal occurred after the Family Court's decision.

Decision: The High Court dismissed both revision petitions, upholding the Family Court's maintenance order. Justice Babu concluded, "Considering the income of the respondent and the needs of the petitioners, the maintenance awarded is just and reasonable. There are no substantial grounds to enhance or set aside the said order."

Date of Decision: 29th February 2024

Babu vs. Smt. S. Noorjahan Begum & Others


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