Minor Discrepancies in Notice Language Not Ground for Interference: High Court Upholds Validity of Reassessment Proceedings Under Section 148

07 May 2024 8:19 AM

By: Admin

The High Court of Delhi, in a significant ruling, upheld the validity of reassessment notices issued under Sections 148, 143(2), and 142(1) of the Income Tax Act, 1961, against Seema Gupta. The judgment delivered by the division bench comprising Hon’ble Mr. Justice Yashwant Varma and Hon’ble Mr. Justice Purushaindra Kumar Kaurav, emphasized the minor language discrepancies in the reassessment notice did not impact its legality.

Legal Point of the Judgement: The court examined the challenge against the reassessment proceedings, particularly the validity of the notices under Sections 148, 143(2), and 142(1) for the assessment year 2009-10.

Facts and Issues: Seema Gupta’s writ petition sought quashing of reassessment proceedings and related notices. The primary contention revolved around alleged disparities in the language used in the reasons provided to the petitioner and those on record with the respondent.

Validity of Section 148 Notice: The Court observed, “The minor discrepancies in language…do not justify interfering with the notice issued under Section 148,” acknowledging consistency in the underlying material in both sets of communication.

Applicability of Precedents: Distinguishing from cited precedents, the Court noted that those instances involved significant discrepancies or non-disclosure of crucial allegations, unlike the current matter.

Decision on Discrepancies: The Court found the discrepancies minor and not affecting the validity of the proceedings. Justice Varma noted, “A minor variation in language…would not constitute a justifiable ground to interfere with the reassessment power.”

Decision: The writ petition was dismissed. The Court upheld the reassessment notices and left open the petitioner's rights to raise all contentions on merits during the assessment proceedings.

Date of Decision: March 20, 2024

Seema Gupta v. Assistant Commissioner of Income Tax

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