Delhi High Court Upholds Divorce on Grounds of Cruelty: Financial Exploitation, Assault, and False Allegations

06 September 2024 5:33 AM

By: Admin

In a significant legal development, the Delhi High Court handed down a verdict upholding a divorce granted on grounds of cruelty, with financial exploitation, assault, and false allegations being key factors in the decision. The judgment, delivered by Hon’ble Mr. Justice Suresh Kumar Kait And Hon’ble Ms. Justice Neena Bansal Krishna, underscored the critical importance of such cases and their far-reaching implications.

The case in question, Alka Vs. Mukesh Sharma (MAT.APP.(F.C.) 156/2019), revolved around the divorce appeal filed by the appellant, Alka, against a divorce decree issued by the Family Court. The appellant, who was the respondent in the divorce petition, sought to challenge the judgment on multiple grounds, including financial exploitation, assault, and allegations of an extramarital relationship by her husband, Mukesh Sharma.

The crux of the matter hinged on proving cruelty as defined by Section 13(1)(ia) of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955. The court meticulously examined the evidence presented by both parties and referenced precedent cases, including Jayanti vs. Rakesh Mediratta (MAT.APP.(F.C.) 129/2016) and Vijaykumar Ramchandra Bhate vs. Neela Vijaykumar (AIR 2003 SC 2462).

The judgment highlighted that the appellant's allegations of financial exploitation were substantiated through evidence showcasing financial transactions between the appellant’s family members and the respondent. The court stated, “The respondent had been financially exploited and had been compelled to give money to the brothers of the appellant from time to time.” The court found the appellant’s explanations lacking and confirmed that financial exploitation had indeed occurred.

Regarding the allegations of an extramarital relationship, the court placed the onus on the appellant to provide credible evidence to substantiate her claims. However, the appellant failed to do so, leading the court to observe, “Making of such serious allegations of extramarital relationship has been held to be an extreme act of cruelty.” The court noted the withdrawal of such allegations in the amended written statement, raising doubts about their authenticity.

The court also took into account incidents of assault and false allegations. It noted that the respondent had suffered injuries in an altercation with the appellant, a fact supported by medical evidence and corroborated by the appellant’s undertaking not to assault the respondent. The court found that the allegations and counter-complaints provided insight into the cruelty endured by the respondent.

Ultimately, High Court concluded, “The learned Principal Judge, Family Court has rightly concluded that the respondent was subjected to cruelty.” The verdict upheld the Decree of Divorce dated 29.01.2019, affirming the divorce granted on grounds of cruelty. The court dismissed the appeal along with pending applications.

This landmark judgment reaffirms the significance of fairness, transparency, and comprehensive evaluation of evidence in divorce cases involving cruelty. It sets a precedent that the courts will consider not only physical harm but also financial exploitation and false allegations as factors contributing to cruelty in matrimonial relationships.                                                          

Date of Decision: August 17, 2023


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