Delhi High Court Upholds Divorce on Grounds of Cruelty: 'Reckless, False and Defamatory Allegations Against Husband Amount to Cruelty'

07 May 2024 8:19 AM

By: Admin

In a significant ruling, the Delhi High Court, comprising a Division Bench of Justices Suresh Kumar Kait and Neena Bansal Krishna, affirmed the grant of divorce to a husband on grounds of cruelty by the wife. The judgment, delivered on December 11, 2023, in the case of Rashmi vs. Manoj, emphasizes the severity of false accusations in marital relationships.

The Court observed that the appellant-wife's conduct, including denying sex, filing false complaints, and making defamatory allegations against her husband and his family, constituted cruelty under Section 13(1) (ia) of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955. "Reckless, false and defamatory allegations against the husband and family members would have an effect of lowering their reputation in the eyes of the society and it amounts to cruelty," the Court noted, referencing its decision and Supreme Court precedents.

The couple, who married in 2011, faced a troubled relationship with allegations of dowry demands, physical and emotional abuse, and discord. The appellant accused her husband of having illicit relations with his sister-in-law and filed multiple legal complaints against him and his family members. The Court highlighted that the appellant's actions, particularly the continuous pursuit of legal cases despite a mutual settlement, exemplified cruelty towards the husband.

The respondent-husband's plea for divorce was initially granted by the Family Court on grounds of cruelty, a decision that the Delhi High Court upheld. The Court found the appellant’s accusations against her husband to be baseless and damaging to his reputation, further stating, “Mere filing of various complaints before different forums does not in any way prove the allegations of cruelty, and the onus was upon the appellant to prove the cruelty which has been meted upon her.”

In dismissing the appellant's appeal, the Court underlined the importance of genuine reconciliation efforts and the impact of unfounded allegations in matrimonial disputes. The ruling sets a precedent in understanding the dynamics of cruelty in marital relationships and the legal implications of false accusations.

Date of Decision: 11-12-2023 

Rashmi vs. Manoj 


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