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False Implication and Family Hardship: High Court Grants Bail in NDPS Case

07 May 2024 8:19 AM

By: Admin

In a significant legal development, the High Court of Punjab and Haryana has granted bail to a petitioner who had been in custody for over 1½ years under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act, in a case marked by allegations of false implication and severe family hardship. The decision, delivered by HON’BLE MR. JUSTICE JASGURPREET SINGH PURI , underscores the importance of ensuring justice while considering bail applications, especially in cases with unique and challenging circumstances.

The court's decision highlighted the petitioner's plight, emphasizing the false nature of the allegations against him. The petitioner was accused of being in possession of a substantial quantity of Opium, but the court noted that there was strong evidence of police misconduct and failure to comply with legal procedures. The investigating officer repeatedly failed to appear in court despite summons, bailable warrants, and warrants of arrest, leading the court to draw an adverse inference against the state.

In its observations, the court referenced a recent Supreme Court judgment, stating, "Various directions have been issued by this Court not to give unnecessary adjournments resulting in the witnesses being won over. However, the noncompliance of Section 309 continues with gay abandon... This provision must be applied inuring to the benefit of the accused while considering the application for bail."

Furthermore, the court considered the extreme family circumstances of the petitioner. The petitioner's family members, including a visually disabled father, a mentally handicapped sister, and a son with severe mental retardation, were struggling due to the petitioner's absence. The court recognized that the lives of eight family members were severely jeopardized by the petitioner's prolonged incarceration.

The court's decision also took into account the petitioner's clean antecedents and the absence of any indications that he would pose a flight risk or commit further offenses if granted bail.

"The petitioner deserves the concession of regular bail... the bar under Section 37 of the NDPS Act will not apply in the present case especially considering the aforesaid facts and circumstances and also in the light of Article 21 of the Constitution of India."

High Court's decision to grant bail in this case serves as a reminder of the importance of considering unique circumstances, allegations of false implication, and family hardships when determining bail applications under the NDPS Act. This judgment reaffirms the principles of justice and fairness in the legal system and ensures that personal liberty is safeguarded even in complex cases.


Suresh Narang VS State of Haryana           

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