Central Reserve Police Force Rules 1955

[Dated : July 31, 2024]

In exercise of the powers conferred by section 18 of the Central Reserve Police Force Act, 1949, the Central Government hereby makes the following rules:--



1. Short title—These rules may be called the Central Reserve Police Force Rules, 1955.

2. Definitions—In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires,--

(a) "the Act" means the Central Reserve Police Force Act, 1949 (Act No. LXVI of 1949);

(b) "Commandant" means the Commandant appointed to the Force;

(c) "Deputy Inspector-General of Police" means an officer who has been notified by the Central Government as Deputy Inspector-General of Police for the Force;

(d) "detachment" includes any part of the Force required or ordered to proceed on duty away from headquarters;

[(dd) "Director-General" means the Director-General of the Force appointed by the Central Government through whom the superintendence of, and control over, the Force of the Central Government shall be exercised and who shall, subject to any instructions that the Central Government may give, administer the Force in accordance with the provisions of the Act and of these or other rules;]

(e) "the Force" means the Central Reserve Police Force;

[(ee) "Additional Director-General" means an officer who has been appointed by the Central Government as Additional Director-General of Police for the Force and who shall subject to supervision, control and directions of the Director-General, perform such functions and exercise such financial and other powers as may be authorised by the Director-General by general or special order and exercise such financial powers as may be delegated to him by the Central Government;]

(f) "Inspector-General" means an officer who has been notified by the Central Government as Inspector-General of Police for the Force and who will [subject to the supervision, control, and direction of the Director-General]exercise the powers of the Head of the Department;

(g) "section" means a section of the Act;

[(h) "Subordinate Officer" means a member of the Force of the rank of Subedar Major, Subedar, Sub-Inspector;]

(i) "Superior Officer" means an officer appointed to the Force by the Central Government under sub-section (1) of section 4 and includes a person officiating for any such officer;

(j) "under officer" means a member of the Force of the rank of Head Constable, Naik or Lance Naik.

3. Interpretation—In these rules, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context,--

(a) the expressions "Battalion" and "Company" have the meanings assigned to them as in the Army;

(b) "local promotee" means a [Subordinate Officer]who has been enlisted in the Force and promoted to the rank of Deputy Superintendent of Police (Company Commander, Quarter Master or Wireless);

(c) the expression "other directly recruited" relates to officers appointed directly to the Gazetted Ranks in the Force from outside the Force.


General Powers Of Certain Officers

4. Powers of the Central Government and Certain Officers of the Force— [(a) In all cases not specifically provided for in these rules, instructions issued from time to time by the Central Government or the Director-General or under his directions by the Additional Director-General or the Inspector-General shall regulate working of the Force.]

[* * * * * *]


Composition Of The Force

[4-A. Composition of the Force—(1) Central Reserve Police Force shall be constituted as follows:


(a) Central Reserve Police Force (Regular);

(b) Central Reserve Police Force (Auxiliary);

(2) Officers, Subordinate Officers and other persons appointed to or enrolled into the Central Reserve Police Force (Regular) shall be liable for continuous service for the term mentioned in their enrolment form, letter of appointment or in the rules made in this behalf.


(3) Officers, Subordinate Officers and other persons appointed to or enrolled into the Central Reserve Police Force (Auxiliary) shall serve as and when they are called out for service by the Director-General with the consent of the Central Government or for training under the order of the Director-General.]

5. Composition of the Force—A. Battalion other than Signals Battalion.

(1) The Force shall be constitued as follows:




Note.-The Command may make the following appointments within the above establshment:-


(i)Head Constables:





Battalion Havildar Major





Company Havildar Major





Company Quarter Master Havildars





Pay Naiks










Kote Lance Naiks





Lance Naiks










(c) Enrolled followers :



(i)The following shall be the enrolled followers, namely :-



































Cart Drivers






Distribution of followers:




















Cart Drivers



4 Ser Coys


























HQ Company





















6 Ser Coys


























HW Coys





















Signal Bn





















(ii)The enrolled followers mentioned above are enrolled for general service with the force and are liable at all time to be sent on duty with detachments.


(2) Subject to the provisions contained in section 4, the Central Government may make such changes in the composition of the Force as it thinks fit.

(3)(a)There shall be a Central Training College with a Prinicpal and an Assistant Principal as its superior officer.

bThe Principal and the Assistant Principal shall be equal in rank and status to, and shall exercise the administrative, disciplinary, finacial and other powrs of the Commandant and the Company Commanders respectively.

B. Single Battalion.

(4)(a)There shall be one or more Signal Battalion in the Force.

(b)The Composition of any such Signal Battalion shall be as follows:


(i) Superior Officers









Assistant Commandant






Company Commander





(Deputy Superintendent of Police)





(ii) Rank and file









Subedar Technical






Sub-Inspector Operators






Sub-Inspector Technical






Sub-Inspector Quarter Master Technical






Head Constable Quarter Master Wireless






Head Constable Quarter Master






Head Constable Radio Operators






Head Constable Radio Mechanic Grade I






Head Constable Radio Mechanic Grade II 25





Head Constable Fitters






Head Constable Instrs.






Head Constable Draftsman






Naik Operators






Naik Instructors






Naik Quarter Master






Pay Naiks






Constable Store Keepers






Constable Tradesmen






Constable Orderlies













(c) The Commandant, Assistant Commandant and Company Commander (Deputy Superintendent of Police) referred to in sub-clause (i) of clause (b) shall be equal in rank and status to, and shall exercise the same administrative, disciplinary and financial powers as are conferred respectively on, the Commandant, Assistant Commandant and Coy. Commanders (Deputy Superintendents of Police) of a Battalion other than the Signals Battalion.

[(d) There shall be a separate cadre up to the rank of Inspector for Mahila Battalion under the existing rules and regulations.]

6. Members of the Force—All the officers and men mentioned in rule 5 shall be deemed to be the members of the Force.

7. Appointments other than that of Superior Officers—(a) Officers and men mentioned in rule 5(b) and 5(c) shall be appointed--

(1) by direct recruitment;

(2) by deputation from Army or State Police Forces;

(3) by promotion as laid down in Chapter IX.

(b) The authority to make appointments to the various non-Gazetted Ranks shall be the Commandant, provided that, in the case of Sub-Inspectors and Subedar (Inspectors) prior approval of the Deputy Inspector-General of Police and of the Inspector-General respectively shall be obtained.


[(c) Non-Gazetted Officers and men of all ranks shall be enrolled subject to sub-rule (b) above by the Commandant in the manner prescribed in section 5 and be appointed by him as member of the Force.]

8. Seniority—(a) The seniority of Superior Officers shall be in the following order:--

(i) Commandant or Principal, Central Training College.

(ii) Assistant Commandant (Second-in-Command) or Adjutant or Junior Staff Officer or Vice-Principal, Central Training College.

(iii) Company Commander or Quarter Master or Assistant Principal, Central Training College.

(b) Theinter seseniority of Superior Officers shall be determined as under:


(i) An Army Officer shall maintain his seniority as between Army Officers, within a particular rank. Similarly, an Indian Police Service Officer shall maintain his seniority between himself and other Indian Police Service officers.

For purposes ofinter seseniority between non-Army and Army Officers of equivalent rank, substantive incumbents shall be senior to officiating or temporary officers, theirinter seseniority depending on the dates of their continued unbroken service in that rank. Similarly, theinter seseniority officiating or temporary officers shall be determined by their continuous length of service in that rank. An Army Officer re-employed in the Central Reserve Police Force shall maintain his Army seniority between Army officers within a particular rank.


[(ii) Theinter seseniority of direct recruits to the Central Reserve Police Force in the rank of Company Commander or Quarter Master or Assistant Principal, Central Training College, shall be determined in accordance with the aggregate marks obtained by them before the selection board and at the passing out examinations conducted after their basic training at the Central Reserve Police Force, Internal Security Academy.

An officer promoted locally in the Central Reserve Police Force or from a Subordinate Police Service in the State shall take rank immediately below the entire batch of direct recruits, any officer of which may have been appointed on the same date, theinter seseniority between local promotes from the States shall be determined with reference to their dates of birth.]


(c) The seniority of person promoted to the rank of subordinate or under officer shall be determined in the following manner, namely:--

(i) before confirmation every such officer shall take his seniority from the date of his continuously holding such rank; and

(ii) on confirmation, he shall take his seniority from the date of such confirmation:

Provided that in the case of officers confirmed on the same date they will take their seniority from the date of their promotion in the rank:


Provided further that in the case of officers where the date of confirmation and the date of promotion are the same their seniority immediately before such promotion shall remain unaffected.

(d) For those directly recruited as subordinate or under officer, their seniority shall be determined in the following manner, namely:--

(i) before confirmation every such officer shall take his seniority in the rank to which he is so recruited in accordance with the order of merit at the recruitment test; and

(ii) on confirmation, he shall take his seniority from the date of such confirmation:

Provided that in the case of officers confirmed on the same date, they will take their seniority in accordance with the order of merit at the recruitment test.


(e) A person promoted to a higher rank and a person recruited direct to the same rank shall have their seniority from the date of appointment to that rank subject to the condition that if both were appointed on the same date, the former (promotee) shall be senior:

Provided further that if the date of confirmation is the same their seniority immediately before such confirmation shall remain unaffected.

(f) Those recruited as constables shall take their seniority from the date of their first appointment:

Provided that on confirmation they will take their seniority in accordance with the date of their confirmation:

Provided further that if the date of confirmation is same a person of higher age will be senior in rank to a person of lower age.

9. Attestation of oath or affirmation— [(a) The oath or affirmation set out in Appendix C to these rules shall be administered with due ceremony by the Commandant (or any superior officer appointed by him in this behalf) to all officers and rank and file. The officer administering the oath or an affirmation shall attest that he has done so by signing an attestation paper which shall be attached to the Character and Service Roll of the member of the Force concerned.]

(b) Attestation may be waived by the Commandant in the case of those officers and men on deputation who have already taken such an oath or affirmation elsewhere.

10. Recruitment—(a) A candidate for enlistment in the Force must conform to the standard laid down in rule 11 below, must bear a good character and must be (a) citizen of India, or (b) a person who has migrated from Pakistan with the intention of permanently settling in India, or (c) a subject of Nepal or of a Portuguese possession in India, and if he comes under category (b) or (c) must be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been given by the Government of India. A candidate in whose case a certificate is necessary may, however, be appointed provisionally subject to the necessary certificate being eventually given to him by Government:

Provided ex-convicts, or Army or Police deserters shall not be enlisted.

(b) No man who has more than one wife living shall be eligible for enlistment in the Force, provided that the Central Government may if satisfied that there are special grounds for doing so, exempt any person from the operation of this condition.

11. Enlistment Standards—(a) Save as herein otherwise provided, no [person]shall be enrolled as a member of the Force unless he conforms to the following minimum standard:

















31½ "expanded 33½ " 













[(i)For Sub-Inspectors



[Age not less than 20 and not more than 25 years.]





(ii)For Head Constables, Naiks and Constables.



Age not less than 18 and not more than 23 years.




(4) Following shall be the minimum educational qualifications for direct recruitment in the following ranks, namely :-







Qualifications in the case of ex-Armymen.]





Head Constables or Naiks





(b) The minimum standard laid down in sub-rule (a) in so far as it relates to height may be relaxed from 5'-7" to 5'-5" in the case of people having martial traditions such as Gorkhas, Garhwalis, Kumaonese, Dogras and Marathas.

(bb) The minimum standard laid down in sub-rule (a) may be related--

(i) in so far as it relates to height, from 5'-7" to 5'-4".

(ii) in so far as it relates to chest measurement, from 311/2" expanded 331/2" to 30" expanded 32" for Adivasis.

(c) The minimum standard laid down in sub-rule (a) in so far as it relates to height may be relaxed from 5'-7" to 5'-4" in case of [persons]who have attained the age of eighteen years but have not attained twenty years;


(d) The minimum chest standard laid down in sub-rule (a) above may be relaxed by one inch in case of all [persons]including those belonging to hill tribes who have attained the age of eighteen years but not more than twenty years:

Provided that the exemptions specified in (c) and (d) above are made subject to the condition that the medical officer certifies that a person concerned is likely to attain the minimum standard prescribed.

[(dd) The minimum standard in respect of female candidates for direct recruitment to non-Gazetted posts, excluding the posts of followers in Mahila Battalion, shall be as under:

Height 5'-2.3/4" (157 cms)

5'-2" (155 cms) for Gorkhas/Garhwalis/Kumaonese/Dogras and Marathas.

5'-1.1/4" (154 cms) for Adivasis.

The condition regarding age limit and educational qualifications shall remain same as [those mentioned in clause (a) above laid down in sub-rule (a) above">The condition regarding age limit and educational qualifications shall remain same as [those mentioned in clause (a) above laid down in sub-rule (a) above.]

(e) Ex-servicemen who are of exemplary or very good character may be enlisted notwithstanding that they are over 23 years of age provided they are under 30 years of age and are otherwise suitable for enlistment.

(f) Exception to any of these qualifications may be made with the prior approval of--

(i) The Ministry of Home Affairs in the case of any Superior Officer,

(ii) The Inspector-General in the case of a Subedar Major or Subedar (Inspector), and

(iii) The Deputy Inspector-General in the case of any other member of the Force.

(g) The Commandant may at his discretion enlist as enrolled followers, [persons]who have attained the age of 18 years but not more than 40 years provided they are medically fit.


[(h) The upper age limit prescribed may be relaxed in the case of candidates belonging to the scheduled castes, the scheduled tribes and of special categories of persons in accordance with orders issued from time to time by the Central Government.]

12. Health certificate—No candidate shall be enrolled unless he obtains a health certificate in the prescribed Form CRP-I signed by Medical Superintendent and Staff Surgeon, Central Reserve Police Hospital, Neemuch, or by a Civil Surgeon or by a Recruiting Medical Officer.

13. Recruiting roll—Every member of the Force shall sign, or if illiterate place his thumb-impression mark on the agreement in Form CRP-I. This form on completion shall be attached to the character and service roll of the member of the Force concerned.

14. Verification—(a) As soon as a man is enrolled, his character, antecedents, connections and age shall be verified in accordance with the procedure prescribed by the Central Government from time to time. The Verification Roll shall be sent to the District Magistrate or Deputy Commissioner of the District of which the recruit is a resident.

(b) The Verification Roll shall be in CRP Form-25 and after verification shall be attached to the Character and Service Roll of the member of the Force concerned.

(c) The Commandant may waive verification in the case of men who have been enrolled in the Force within six months of their discharge from the regular Army.

15. Plural marriages—No member of the Force who has wife living shall contract any other marriage without first obtaining the permission of the Government notwithstanding that such subsequent marriage is permissible under the personal law for the time being applicable to the member of the Force.

16. Period of service—(a) All members of the Force shall be enrolled for a period of three years. During this period of engagement, they shall be liable to discharge at any time on one month's notice by the appointing authority. At the end of this period those not given substantive status shall be considered for quasi-permanency under the provision of the Central Civil Services (Temporary Service) Rules, 1965. Those not declared quasi-permanent under the said rules shall be continued as temporary Government employees unless they claim discharge as per Schedule to the Act. Those who are temporary shall be liable to discharge on one month's notice and those who are quasi-permanent shall be liable to discharge on three months' notice in accordance with the said rules, as amended from time to time.

(b) Should the Central Government decide at any time to disband the Force or any part of it either before termination of the period for which a member of the Force is enrolled or at any time thereafter, he shall be liable to discharge, without compensation from the date of disbandment.

(c) No member of the Force shall withdraw from the duties of his office without the express permission of the Commandant or an accredited Gazetted Officer.

(d) The appointing authority may, during the period of initial appointment of a member of the Force appointed under [sections 4 and 5]of the Act, permit him, for good and sufficient reason, to resign from the Force with effect from such date as may be specified in the order accepting his resignation:

Provided that on the acceptance of his resignation any such member of the Force shall be required to refund to the Government all the cost of training imparted to him in the Force or a sum equal to three months' pay and allowances, received by him prior to the date of his resignation whichever is less.

Explanation.-(1) For the purpose of this sub-clause "during the period of initial appointment" shall mean the period before a member of the Force is declared quasi-permanent.

(2) The appointing authority may refuse to permit a member of the Force to resign if any emergency has been declared in the country either due to internal disturbances or external aggression.

(e) The appointing authority may give substantive status to such members of the Force as are found suitable in all respect.

17. Discharge—Subject to the provisions of the Schedule appended to the Act, any member of the Force shall at any time before he has completed three months' service or after the completion of the full period of service for which he is engaged, be entitled to claim his discharge from the Force by applying to his appointing authority through the proper channel.

[17-A. Recoveries on resignation and discharge—A member of the Force seeking resignation under rule 16 or discharge under rule 17 from service shall be required to refund to the Government a sum equal to three months pay and allowances received by him or her prior to the resignation or discharge, as the case may be, or the cost of training imparted to him or her in the Force, whichever is higher:

Provided that in the case of a member of the force seeking discharge from service under rule 17 within the period of three months from the date of enrolment, the sum equal to three months pay and allowances shall be calculated with reference to three months pay and allowances which would have been received but for discharge:

Provided further that a member of the Force tendering resignation of seeking discharge from service for accepting a job under the Central or State Governments or local bodies, after having been granted cadre clearance for the same, shall not be required to refund the sum as provided hereinabove.]

18. Discharge certificate—Every member on leaving the Force shall be entitled to a discharge certificate in the prescribed Form CRP-26.

19. Travelling allowance to men discharged at their own request—(a) Any member of the Force who claims his discharge on completion of his initial period of engagement or any time thereafter shall on being discharged be entitled to receive one single railway fare of the class to which he is entitled under the rules applicable to servants of the Central Government from the place of his discharge to the railway station nearest to his home.

(b) Any member of the Force entitled to be discharged at his own request, but who cannot be discharged owing to the exigencies of the service, shall retain his title to the above concession when the discharge is effected.

20. Travelling allowance admissible to men discharged otherwise than at their own request—(1) Any member of the Force discharged otherwise than at his own request shall be entitled to a free railway pass of the class to which he is entitled under the rules applicable to servant of the Central Government to the railway station nearest to his home. In the case of a member of the Force discharged for inefficiency the grant of the concession shall be subject to the condition that the Commandant is satisfied that the inefficiency is not due to wilful negligence. This concession shall not be admissible to a person discharged for misconduct.

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (1), the Commandant may, where he considers it necessary to do so for the purpose of maintaining and preserving discipline in the Unit or sub-Unit to which the member released from the Quarter Guard belongs, make an exception and issue a free railway pass to such member as mentioned in sub-rule (1).

21. Travelling allowance admissible to members of his family in the event of member of the Force being declared medically unfit—If a member of the Force has his family residing at a place which is the Headquarters of the Force prior to his having been declared medically unfit he shall also be entitled to a free railway pass of the same class to which he is entitled for each and every member of his family (as defined in Fundamental Rules), from the Headquarters of the Force to the railway station nearest to his home.

22. Legal privileges and powers of member of the Force—Regular Army Officers appointed to the Force shall be entitled to all the legal privileges enjoyed by Police Officer.


Organisation Of A Battalion

23. Organisation—(a) The organisation of the Battalion shall be as follows:-

(1) Head Quarters Company.

(2) Four service Companies or more as sanctioned by the Central Government.

(b) Head Quarters Company-The Head Quarters Company shall be composed of the following:--


(1) Administrative;

(2) Quarter Master's Branch;

(3) Educational;

(4) Transport;

(5) Training; and

(6) Tear Smoke Platoon.

(c)The strength of the plantoon shall be as follows :-

(1) Administrative Platoon:










Assistant Commandant (Second-in-Command)






Subedar Major (Inspector)






Sub-Inspector for Civil Investigation and police Liaison






Head Constables












Lance Naik















(2) Quarter Master's Platoon:





Quarter Master (Deputy Superintendent)












Head Constables












Lance Naik















This Branch includes Technicians Section and Lines Police and Hygiene Section.

(3) Educational Platoon:











Head Constables





















(4) Transport Platoon:





Sub-Inspector includes M.M.






Head Constables












Lance Naiks















It contains workshop staff, mechanic and motor drivers.

(5) Deleted

(6) Training Platoon:





Asstt. Commandant (Adjutant)












Head Constables












Lance Naiks





















(7) Two Tear Smoke Platoons:











Head Constables












Lance Naiks















The Head Quarters Company shall, ordinarily be commanded by the Assistant Commandant.

24. Service Companies—(a) There shall ordinarily be four service Companies each of which shall ordinarily be commanded by a Company Officer.

(b) The strength of a company shall normally be as follows:-


Company Commander






Company Second-in-Command Subedar (Inspector)






Company Commander's Orderly Constable






Company Second-in-Command's Orderly Constable






Company Havildar Major-Head Constable






Company Quarter Master Havildar-Major Head Constable






Company Clerk and pay Naik






Kot Lance Naik-Lance Naik






Storeman and Ration Sepoy-Constable






Company Orderly Runner-constables






Platoon Commanders-Sub-Inspector






Platoon Havildars-Head Constables






Head Constable Section Commanders



3 Platoons with



Head Constables



1 Section each under a Head Constable.



Naiks Section Commanders-Naiks



6 3 Platoons x39



Section Second-in-Command-Lance Naiks



9 Sections






99 3 Platoons x33














This strength of 134 shall include the Company Head Quarter which shall consist of:



(c)The total strength of Companies and Platoons include the following numbers of constables as Contingent Reserve to meet vacancies due to leave, sickness and under training:-





Each Service Company


















Quarter Master's Platoon









Transport Platoon









Tear Smoke Platoon









Training Platoon Recruits














Note.-Provision has been made for a Contingent Reserve of Under Officers in the training Platoon.

25. Primary duties of the Force—(a) Members of the Force may be employed in any part of Indian Union for the restoration and maintenance of law and order, and for any other purpose as directed by the Central Government.

(b) Superior Officers and other Police Officers, on deputation with the Force, shall ordinarily not be employed on work connected with the investigation or prosecution of cases. If and when these officers are employed on the duties they shall normally be relieved of the command of companies or detachments and the approval of the Deputy Inspector-General shall be obtained.



26. Standard of training—(a) The Deputy Inspector-General shall issue a manual prescribing the standard of training.

(b) The training shall include the following subjects:--

1. Correct wearing of uniform,i.e.,clothing and accoutrements.

2. Ceremonial Drill and Guard mounting.

3. Squad, Platoon, Company and Battalion Drill and extended order movements.

4. Weapon training including Tear Smoke and Riot Drill.

5. Physical training.

6. Education and Elementary Law.

7. Intelligence Course.

8. General Police duties excluding investigation and prosecution.

9. Wireless and Motor Transport.

10. Any other subject which may be considered desirable to be introduced in the Force.

(c) The Commandant may depute any member of the Force to undergo a course of training or instruction having a bearing on the Central Reserve Police Force work conducted by the Central Government or the State Government or by any training establishment of the Reserve Police Force or Army Institution or Directorate of Co-ordination (Police Wireless) or any other institution:


Provided that in the case of Sub-Inspectors, Inspectors (Subedars) and Gazetted Officers, the Commandant shall obtain the prior permission of the Deputy Inspector-General, the Inspector-General and the Central Government respectively.

(d) The period of training shall be treated as duty for the purposes of F.R. 9(6)(b) (i) .



27. Procedure for the award of punishments—(a) [The punishments shown as items 1 to 11 in column 2 of the table]below may be inflicted or non--Gazetted Officers and men of the various ranks shown in each of the headings of columns 3 to 6, by the authorities named below such headings under the conditions mentioned in column 7.


SI. No.






Subedar (ins-pector)






Others except Const. & enrolled followers



Consts. & enrolled followers






























Dismissal or removal from the Force















To be inflicted after formal departmental enquiry






Reduction to a lower time-scale of pay or service






















  To be inflicted after formal departmental enquiry





Reduction to a lower stage in the time-scale of pay for a specified period


















Compulsory retirement


















Fine of any amount not exceeding one month's pay and allowances


















Confinement in the Quarter Guard exceeding seven days but more than twenty-eight days with or without punishment drill or extra guard fatigue or other duty


















Stoppage of increment




















Removal from any office of distinction or special emolument in the Force















May be inflicted without a formal departmental enquiry















A. Comdt. or Coy Comdr.



A. Comdt. or Coy Comdr.








Confinement to quarter Guard for not more than seven days with or without punishment or extra guard fatigue or other duty




















Confinement to quarters lines, camp, fatigue duties, etc., for a term not exceeding one month



















Notes.-1. When the post of Deputy Inspector-General remains unfilled for a period of over one month at a time the Commandant shall exercise the powers of punishing the Subedars (Inspectors) and Sub-Inspectors except the powers of ordering dismissal or removal from the Force.

2. When the post of Commandant remains unfilled for a period of over one month at a time consequent on the incumbent proceeding on leave or otherwise, the Assistant Commandant shall exercise the powers of punishment vested in the Commandant, except the powers of ordering dismissal or removal from the Force.

Explanation.-(a) Dismissal of a member of the Force precludes him from being re-employed in Government service, while removal of any such member from the Force shall not be disqualification for any future employment (other than an employment in the Central Reserve Police Force) under the Government.

(b) When non-Gazetted Officers or men of the various ranks are to be punished for any offence, a departmental enquiry, if necessary under clause (a) , shall be held by the Commandant or other superior officer under the orders of the Commandant, provided that when the charge is against an officer of the rank of Subedar (Inspector) or Sub-Inspector the enquiry shall be held by an authority to be designated for the purpose by the Deputy Inspector-General. Where the officer conducting the enquiry in the case of a Subedar (Inspector) or a Sub-Inspector considers that a punishment [under items (1) to (5) and (7)]of the Table is called for, he shall complete the departmental proceedings and forward the departmental proceedings and forward the same to the Deputy Inspector-General for orders.

(c) The procedure for conducting a departmental enquiry shall be as follows:-

(1) The substance of the accusation shall be reduced to the form of a written charge, which should be as precise as possible. The charge shall be read out to the accused and a copy of it given to him at least 48 hrs. before the commencement of the enquiry.

(2) At the commencement of the enquiry the accused shall be asked to enter a plea of "Guilty" or "Not Guilty" after which evidence necessary to establish the charge shall be let in. The evidence shall be material to the charge and may either be oral or documentary, if oral;

(i) itshall be direct;


(ii) it shall be recorded by the Officer conducting the enquiry himself in the presence of the accused;


(iii) the accused shall be allowed to cross examine the witnesses.

(3) When documents are relied upon in support of the charge, they shall be put in evidence as exhibits and the accused shall, before he is called upon to make his defence, be allowed to inspect such exhibits.

(4) The accused shall then be examined and his statement recorded by the officer conducting the enquiry. If the accused has pleaded guilty and does not challenge the evidence on record, the proceedings shall be closed for orders. If he pleads "Not guilty", he shall be required to file a written statement, and a list of such witnesses as he may wish to cite in his defence within such period, which shall in any case be not less than a fortnight, as the officer conducting enquiry may deem reasonable in the circumstances of the case. If he declines to file a written statement, he shall again be examined by the officer conducting the enquiry on the expiry of the period allowed.

(5) If the accused refuses to cite any witnesses or to produce any evidence in his defence, the proceedings shall be closed for orders. If he produces any evidence the officer conducting the enquiry shall proceed to record the evidence. If the officer conducting the enquiry considers that the evidence of any witness or any document which the accused wants to produce in his defence is not material to the issues involved in the case, he may refuse to call such witness or to allow such document to be produced in evidence, but in all such cases he must briefly record his reasons for considering the evidence inadmissible. When all relevant evidence has been brought on record, the proceedings shall be closed for orders.

(6) If the Commandant has himself held the enquiry, he shall record his findings and pass orders where he has power to do so. If the enquiry has been held by any officer other than the Commandant, the officer conducting the enquiry shall forward his report together with the proceedings, to the Commandant, who shall record his findings and pass orders, where he has power to do so.

[* * * * * *]

[(cc) Notwithstanding anything contained in this rule--


(i) where any penalty is imposed on a member of the Force on the ground of conduct which has led to his conviction on a criminal charge; or

(ii) where the authority competent to impose the penalty is satisfied for reasons to be recorded by it in writing that it is not reasonably practicable to hold an enquiry in the manner provided in these rules; or

(iii) where [the Special Director-General or Additional Director heading zone or Director-General]is satisfied that in the interest of security of the State, it is not expedient to hold any enquiry in the manner provided in these rules, the authority competent to impose the penalty may consider the circumstances of the case and make such orders thereon as it deems fit.

(ccc) When a member of the Force has been tried and acquitted by a Criminal Court, he shall not be punished departmentally under this rule on the same charge or on a similar charge upon the evidence cited in the criminal case, whether actually led or not, except with the prior sanction of the Inspector-General.]


(d) (1) Where two or more members of the Force, including those on deputation to the Force are concerned in any case, the Inspector-General [or any other authority competent to impose the penalty of dismissal from service on all such members of the Force]may make an order directing that disciplinary action against all of them may be taken in a common proceeding.

Note.-Where in such a proceeding, the misconduct of a deputationist is to be dealt with, the consent of the disciplinary authority competent to impose the penalty of dismissal shall be obtained for the taking of such a disciplinary action.

(2) Such order shall specify--

(i) the authority which may function as the disciplinary for such a common proceeding;

(ii) the penalties specified in the table of sub-rule (a) above which such disciplinary authority shall be competent to impose;

(iii) whether such disciplinary authority shall hold the Departmental enquiry himself or may designate any other enquiry officer for that purpose; and

(iv) that the enquiry shall be held in accordance with the provisions of sub-rule (a) and sub-rule (c) .

[27-A. Suspension—The suspension of any of the non-Gazetted Officers and men of the ranks specified in column (1) of the Table below may be ordered pending enquiry into any serious misconduct against such person by the authority specified against his rank in column (2) of the said table:-



27-B. Responsibilities of members of the Force during suspension—(1) A member of the Force shall not by reason of his suspension cease to be a member of the Force, during the period of his suspension, the powers vested in him as such member shall be in abeyance, but he shall be subject to the same responsibilities, discipline and penalties to which he would have been subject if he were on duty.

(2) Every such member shall during the period of his suspension stay at Battalion Headquarters or Detachment Headquarters as the Commandant or suspending authority may direct:

Provided that the Commandant or suspending authority may, for special reasons, grant permission in writing to the member to stay elsewhere.

(3) A member under suspension shall deposit his arms and belt, if any, with the Quarter Master or suspending authority.

(4) A member under suspension shall not be employed on guard duty or any such duty which might entail exercise of his power as a member of the Force, nor shall be issued arms and ammunition. He shall not be detailed as motor transport driver or signal operator.

(5) A member of the Force under suspension shall be allowed reasonable facilities for the preparation of his defence.]

28. Appeal—[(a) Every subordinate officer or personnel of any other rank below him against whom an order under serial number 1 to 7 of the table in rule 27 or under clauses (d) and (e) of Section 13 is passed is entitled to prefer an appeal against such order to the Director-General, if the original order was passed by the Special Director-General or Additional Director-General heading zone and to the Special Director-General or Additional Director-General heading Zone, if the original order was passed by the Inspector-General and to the Inspector-General, if the original order was passed by the Deputy Inspector-General and to the Deputy Inspector-General, if the original order was passed by the Commandant.]

(b) No appeal shall lie against an order by the competent authority inflicting any of the punishments mentioned in--

(1) [Serial Nos. 8 to 11 of the Table in rule 27;]

(2) Clauses (a) , (b) and (c) of section 13;

(3) Against an order discharging recruit before the termination of his period of training.

[(c) Every appeal preferred under these rules shall contain all material statements and arguments relied upon by the person preferring the appeal. It shall contain no disrespectful or improper language or irrelevant allegations and it shall be complete in itself. Petitions or appeals filed by members of the Force are not chargeable with stamp duty. Copies of other documents filed with the appeal shall be stamped under section 6 of the Court Fees Act, 1870, unless they have to be stamped under article 24 of Schedule I of the Indian Stamp Act, 1899.]


(d) Every appeal, whether the appellant is still in the Force or not, shall be preferred through the Commandant and shall not be sent direct to the appellate authority.

(e) An appeal which is not filed within 30 days of the date of the original order, exclusive of the time taken to obtain a copy of the order or record, shall be barred by limitation:

Provided the appellate authority may entertain time barred appeal if deemed fit.

(f) The Commandant may withhold [an appeal to the appellate authority senior to him]in cases--

(1) where under these rules no appeal lies;

(2) where the appeal does not comply with the provisions of sub-rule (c) , (d) or (e) above;

(3) where it is a further appeal presented after a final decision has been given by the competent appellate authority and no new facts have been brought out necessitating reconsideration of the case:

Provided that in every case in which an appeal is withheld the person preferring the appeal shall be informed of the fact together with brief reasons therefor;


(g) No appeal shall lie against an order withholding of an appeal by a competent authority:

Provided that in cases of failure to comply with the conditions stated in sub-rule (c) or (d) above, the appeal shall not be withheld if it is preferred again in the prescribed form in conformity with the rules and is not time barred.

(h) A quarterly statement of all appeals withheld with brief reasons in respect of each appeal shall be furnished by the Commandant to the Deputy Inspector-General.

29. Revision—(a) A member of the Force whose appeal has been rejected by a competent authority may prefer petition for revision to the next Superior Authority. The power of revision may be exercised only when in consequence of some material irregularity, there has been injustice or miscarriage of justice or fresh evidence is disclosed.

(b) The procedure prescribed for appeals under sub-rules (c) to (g) of rule 28 shall applymutatis mutandisto petitions for revision.

(c) [The next superior authority]while passing orders on a revision petition may at its discretion enhance punishment:

Provided that before enhancing the punishment the accused shall be given an opportunity to show cause why his punishment should not be enhanced:

[Provided further that an order enhancing the punishment shall, for the purpose of appeal, be treated as an original order except when the same has been passed by the Government in which case no further appeal shall lie, and an appeal against such an order shall lie-,-

(i) to the Inspector-General, if the same has been passed by the Deputy Inspector-General; and

[(ii) to the Special Director-General or Additional Director-General heading Zone, if the same has been passed by the Inspector-General; and

(iii) to the Director-General, if the same has been passed by the Special Director-General or Additional Director-General heading Zone; and

(iv) to the Central Government, if the same has been passed by the Director-General.]

(d) [The Director-General [or [Special Director-General or the Additional Director-General heading the Zone]]or the Inspector-General]or the Deputy Inspector-General may call for the records of award of any punishment and confirm, enhance, modify or annual the same, or make or direct further investigation to be made before passing such orders:

Provided that in a case in which it is proposed to enhance punishment, the accused shall be given an opportunity to show cause either orally or in writing as to why his punishment should not be enhanced.


30. Petitions—A Subordinate Officer or an officer of any other rank below him including an enrolled follower who has any grievance may present a petition subject to the condition that it should be addressed to the officer of the lowest rank who is empowered to pass the desired order.

31. Desertion and absence without leave—(a) If a member of the force who becomes liable for trial under clause (f) of section 9, or clause (m) of section 10 or for deserting the Force while not on active duty under clause (p) of section 10 read with clause (f) of section 9, does not return of his own free will or is not apprehended within sixty days of the commencement of the desertion, absence or overstayal of leave, then the Commandant shall assemble a Court of Inquiry consisting of atleast one Gazetted Officer and two other members who shall be either superior or Subordinate Officers to inquire into the desertion, absence or overstayal of leave of the offender and such other matters as may be brought before them.

(b) The Court of Inquiry shall record evidence and its findings. The Court's record shall be admissible in evidence in any subsequent proceedings taken against the absentee.

(c) The Commandant shall then publish in the Force Order the findings of the Court of Inquiry and the absentee shall be declared a deserter from the Force from the date of his illegal absence, but he shall not thereby cease to belong to the Force. This shall, however be no bar to enlisting another man in the place of a deserter.

32. Orderly Room—(a) Report of petty cases of misconduct and indiscipline should as far as possible be inquired into and disposed off in Orderly Room by an officer authorised to award petty punishment under sub-section (3) of section 11 read with rule 27 to any member of the Force who is for the time being subject to his authority. Inquiries in the Orderly Room shall be held on two or more fixed days in a week.

(b) If the offence calls for more severe punishment than the officer dealing with it is authorised to inflict, he shall--

(1) if at Headquarters, have the accused brought before the Commandant;

(2) if away from Headquarters forward the record with his recommendations to the Commandant for orders;

(3) proceedings of such inquiries shall be recorded in the Orderly Room Register.

33. Entry of punishment in Service Roll—A punishment whether judicial or departmental shall be entered in the Service Roll of the offender.

34. Report on judicial proceedings—The Commandant shall submit a brief to the Deputy Inspector-General on every case in which a Member of the Force has been convicted by a Court of Law.

[35. Loss or damage to arms, ammunition and property—(1) In all cases of loss or serious damage to arms, ammunition or other Government property, where such loss or damage exceeds Rs. 100 in the case of arms and ammunition, and Rs. 500 in the case of other Government property, the Commandant shall assemble a Court of Inquiry consisting of the Assistant Commandant (if available) or the senior superior officer present as the president and two superior or subordinate officers as members.

(2) The Court shall inquire into the case, record evidence and submit findings in Form A.F.A. 2 to the Commandant.

(3) On receipt of the findings under sub-rule (2), the Commandant may, if the total value of the loss or damage does not exceed Rs. 1,000 pass orders that the loss or damage be written off.

(4) If the total value of the loss exceeds Rs. 1,000 but does not exceed Rs. 2,000, the Commandant shall submit the findings to the Deputy Inspector-General of Police who may pass orders for writing off such loss or damage.

(5) If the total value of the loss exceeds Rs. 2,000, the Commandant shall submit the findings through the Deputy Inspector-General of Police to the Inspector-General of Police or the Director-General, as the case may be, within the competence of such authority, as provided for in the Delegation of Financial Powers Rules, or other orders as may be notified from time to time, who may pass orders for writing off such loss or damage.

(6) In case of loss or damage to arms and ammunition or other Government property where such loss or damage does not exceed Rs. 100 in the case of arms and ammunition and Rs. 500 in the case of other Government property, it shall be dealt with the Commandant in the Orderly Room after a summary enquiry by a Gazetted Officer.]

36. Judicial trials—(a) All trials in relation to anyone of the offences specified in section 9 or 10 shall be held in accordance with the procedure laid down in the [Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 (5 of 1898)].

(b) All persons sentenced to imprisonment under the Act shall be confined in the nearest jail:

Provided that if the sentence of imprisonment is for one month or less, "or where the Commandant is satisfied that due to the difficulty of transport and escort of the person sentenced to imprisonment, to the nearest jail, it is so desirable." Such persons shall be confined in the Quarter Guard of the Force.

[36-A. Prescribed authority with reference to the proviso to sub-section (2) of section 16—For the purpose of the proviso to sub-section (2) of section 16, the authority who may direct inquiry into, or trial of an offence by an ordinary Criminal Court referred to in that proviso shall be the Commandant.]


Place Of Trial And Adjustment Of Jurisdiction Of Ordinary Courts

36-B. Definition—For the purpose of this Chapter, "Magistrate" means a Magistrate other than the Commandant or an Assistant Commandant on whom the powers of a Magistrate have been conferred under sub-section (2) of section 16.

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[36-DD. Language to be used in proceeding before Commandants and Assistant Commandants—Either English or Hindi may be used by the Commandants or Assistant Commandants while exercising the powers of a Magistrate under sub-section (2) of section 16 for the purpose of inquiring into or trying any offence]

36-E. Magistrate not to try persons subject to the Act—Where a person subject to the Act is brought before a Magistrate and charged with an offence referred to in the main paragraph of sub-section (2) of section 16 for which he is liable to be tried such Magistrate shall not proceed to inquire into or try the offence unless--

(a) he is of opinion for reasons to be recorded that he should so proceed without being moved thereto by the Commandant; or

(b) he is moved thereto by the Commandant.

36-F. Magistrate to give notice—Before proceedings under clause (a) of rule 36-E, the Magistrate shall give written notice to the Commandant and until the expiry of a period of twenty-one days from the date of the service of such notice he shall not--

(a) convict or acquit the accused under section 243, section 245, section 247 or section 248 of the [Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 (5 of 1898)], or hear him in defence under section 244 of the said Code; or

(b) frame in writing a charge against the accused under section 251-A, or section 254 of the said Code; or

(c) make an order committing the accused for trial by the High Court or the Court of Sessions under section 207-A or section 213 of said Code; or

(d) transfer the case for enquiry or trial under section 192 of the said Code.

[* * * * * *]


36-H. Magistrate to be informed of the trial of the accused—(1) When an accused person has been delivered by the Magistrate, the Commandant or Assistant Commandant, as the case may be, shall, as soon as may, inform the Magistrate whether the accused has been tried by him or any other effectual proceedings have been taken ordered to be taken against the accused or not.

(2) When the Magistrate has been informed under sub-rule (1) that the accused has not been tried or other effectual proceedings have not been taken or ordered to be taken against him, the Magistrate shall report the circumstances to the State Government which may in consultation with the Central Government take appropriate steps to ensure that the accused person is dealt with in accordance with law.

[* * * * * *]

[36-J. Commandant to deliver the accused to the Magistrate—Where a person subject to the Act has committed an offence which in the opinion of the Commandant is to be tried by a Magistrate in accordance with the law in force, the Commandant shall after giving written notice to the Magistrate concerned deliver such person under proper escort to the Magistrate.]


Internal Management

37. Character and Service Roll—The Commandant shall maintain--

(a) Character and Service Roll in Form CRP-2 for each Subordinate Officer, Under Officer and Constable.

(b) Service Roll in Form C.A.C.-10-C for each enrolled follower. Form CRP-I shall also be attached to the Service Roll of each enrolled followers.

[* * * * * *]


39. System of accounts—The accounts of the Force shall be maintained in accordance with the rules contained in the Uttar Pradesh Police Manual. The contingent and other charges pertaining to the Forces are subject to the provisions of the Chapter and Appendix relating to contingencies in the General Financial Rules. All transactions shall be subject to the audit of the Accountant-General concerned.


Pay, Allowances, Pension, Superannuation And Financial Powers

40. Scale of pay and allowances—The existing rates of pay and allowances are as shown in Appendices D and E.

41. Free accommodation—All members of the Force other than superior officers who are required to reside at or near the place of their duty for the proper discharge of duty, shall be provided with rent free accommodation or house or house rent allowance in lieu thereof limited to the actual amount or house rent paid by the member concerned subject to a maximum of 10 per cent. of pay, and subject to the condition that they engage accommodation which in the opinion of the controlling authority is conveniently near to the premises in which their regular duties have to be performed.

42. Pension—(a) Pensions and gratuities for service in the Force shall be regulated according to the provisions contained in Chapters XV to XXI and XLVII and XLVIII of the Civil Service Regulation as may be amended from time to time and the New Pension Rules promulgated in the Government of India in the Ministry of Finance Memorandum No. F.3(1)E (Spl)/47, dated the 17th April, 1950, as may be amended from time to time.

(b) Pensions and gratuities to enrolled followers for service in the Force shall be governed by provisions contained in the Central (Class IV) Services (Gratuity, Pension and Retirement) Rules, 1936 and the New Pension Rules published in the Government of India in the Ministry of Finance Memorandum No. F.3(1)E(Spl)/47, dated the 17th April, 1950, as may be amended from time to time.

43. Superannuation— [(a) Retirement of a member of the Force shall take effect from the afternoon of the last day of the month in which such member attains the [age of 57 years]. In case, the date of birth of a member of the Force falls on the first day of a month, his retirement shall take effect from the afternoon of the last day of the month preceding the month in which the member of Force attains the [age of 57 years].]

[(b) The provisions of clause (a) shall not be applicable to a member of the Force who is on extension in service on the date of coming into force of the Central Reserve Police Force (Amendment) Rules, 1998:]

Provided further in all such cases prior approval of the Government in the case of superior officers, of the Inspector-General in the case of Subordinate as well as the Under Officers and of the Deputy Inspector-General in the case of other Members of the Force except enrolled followers in whose case approval of the Commandant shall be obtained.

[(c) Notwithstanding anything contained in this rule--

(i) the appointing authority shall, if it is of opinion that it is in the public interest to do so, have absolute right to retire any member of the Force who has attained the age of 50 years or put in 25 years of qualifying service, by giving him notice of not less than three months in writing or three months pay and allowance in lieu of such notice,

(ii) any member of the force, may, by giving notice of not less than three months in writing to the appointing authority, retire from service after he has attained the age of 50 years or put in 25 years of qualifying service.

(d) (i) any member of the Force who has put in not less than 20 years of qualifying service may, by giving notice of not less than three months in writing to the appointing authority, retire from service voluntarily and unless the exigencies of service require otherwise, he shall be permitted to retire.


(ii) the benefit of retiring person shall be admissible to members of the Force retiring under clause (i) ;

[(iii) a notice of less than three months may also be accepted by the appointing authority in appropriate cases on the condition that the Government servant shall not apply for commutation of a part of his pension before the expiry of the period of notice of three months;]

(iv) a notice of voluntary retirement may be withdrawn with the approval of the appointing authority, provided the request for such withdrawal is made before the expiry of the period of notice;

(v) before a member of the Force gives notice of voluntary retirement with reference to this sub-rule, he should satisfy himself by means of a reference to the appropriate administrative authority that he has, in fact completed 20 years of service qualifying for pension;

(vi) a notice to retire voluntarily under clause (i) after completion of 20 years of qualifying service shall require acceptance by the appointing authority if the date of retirement on the expiry of the period notice would be earlier than the date on which the member of the Force concerned could have retired under sub-rule (a) . Such acceptance may be generally given in all cases except where-

(a) any disciplinary proceedings are pending or contemplated against the member of the Force concerned for the imposition of a major penalty and the disciplinary authority, having regard to the circumstances of the case, is of the view that the imposition of the penalty of removal or dismissal from the service would be warranted in the case; or


(b) any prosecution is contemplated or may have been launched in a Court of law against the member of the Force concerned:


Provided that--


(i) in cases, referred to in item (a) and item (b) above, approval of the Government in the case of Superior Officers, of the Inspector-General in the case of Subordinate and under officers, of the Deputy Inspector-General in the case of other members of the Force except enrolled followers and of the Commandant in the case of enrolled followers shall be obtained;

(ii) in other cases, acceptance by the appointing authority may be presumed and the retirement of the member of the Force concerned may take effect in the terms of the notice, unless the appointing authority passes an order to the contrary before the expiry of the period of notice;

[* * * * * *]

(ix) the weight age admissible under [clause (i) of sub-rule (e)]shall only be an addition to the qualifying service for purpose of pension and gratuity, but shall not entitle the member of the Force retiring voluntarily to any notional fixation of pay for purpose of determining the pension and gratuity based on the actual emoluments calculated with reference to the date of retirement.]

[(e) (i) the qualifying service as on the date of intended retirement of a member of the force retiring under rule 43(c) (ii) or rule 43(d) (i) with or without permission shall be increased by the period not exceeding five years, subject to the conditions that the total qualifying service rendered by him does not in any case exceed thirty three years and it does not take him beyond the date of superannuation.


(ii) The weightage of five years under clause (i) shall not be admissible in cases of those members of the Force who are prematurely retired in the public interest under rule 43(c) (i) .]

Explanation I.-"Qualifying service" means service rendered while on duty or otherwise, which shall be taken into account for the purpose of pension or gratuity admissible under the retirement rules.


Explanation II.-In computing the period of three months of notice referred to in sub-rules (c) and (d) , the date of service of the notice and the date of its expiry shall be excluded.

44. Special pay—If any member of the Force has rendered exemplary and outstanding service, any special pay earned by him during the period of his service in the Force, may be treated wholly or partly as emoluments for the purpose of Pension in accordance with the order sanctioning the special pay. In the absence of any specific mention to that effect in the order sanctioning the special pay, the case shall be referred for orders to the Government who shall decide each case on its own merits.

(Special pay for pay fixation on promotion is governed by Government of India's decision No. 2 below F.R. 19(2), Article 486-A of the Civil Service Regulations governs counting for pension).

45. Officiating pay—The pay of the members of the Force officiating in the rank or grade other than their substantive appointment shall be regulated in accordance with the Fundamental Rules as may be amended from time to time.

46. Pay and allowance on detachments and under training—(a) Subject to conditions set forth against items 1 and 2 of Appendix B, advance of travelling allowance and pay may be granted by the Commandant to members of the Force when proceedings on detachment duty.

(b) All ranks shall be entitled to draw travelling allowance under the Supplementary Rules as amended from time to time when proceeding to or returning from duty. Railway warrants shall be used by all ranks up to the rank of Subedar (Inspector).

(c) While on duty all ranks shall draw daily allowance under Supplementary Rule 51 read with Supplementary Rules 71 and 73 subject to the provision that normally daily allowance shall be reduced to 3/4 rates after the first 10 days and to half rates after the next 20 days.

(d) The Inspector-General is competent to define the limits of the sphere of duty of any detachment sent outside the Headquarters of the Force or to fix the entire area of a State (as defined in the Constitution of India) or part of a State as the temporary Headquarters of a detachment posted outside the Headquarters.

(e) Whenever, a detachment of the Force is sent out to a station away from the headquarters of the Force with the result that it requires arrangement for the encasement of bills for the pay, allowances, etc., of the members of the detachment from the Government Treasury nearest to the place where the detachment is stationed, a reference may be made through proper channel to the Government of India in the Ministry of Home Affairs so that arrangements for such encasement may be made, in case no other satisfactory arrangements are feasible.

(f) In accordance with the Supplementary Rule 164, all ranks shall draw daily allowance at the under mentioned rates, while deputed to undergo a course of training or instruction:--



(1) At full rate for the first ten days.

(2) At 3/4th rate for the next twenty days.

(3) At 1/2 rate for the rest of the period.


(4) At full rate of the entire period of their stay.

47. Free transport on enlistment—On enrolment, a member of the Force is entitled to a free railway pass from the railway station nearest to his home or place of enrolment to Headquarters of the Force.

48. Recruit's subsistence allowance—A consolidated allowance not exceeding Rs. 6 may be paid by the enrolling officer to recruiter for each recruit produced for enlistment. The payment is intended to cover the travelling expenses of the recruiter, and the recruit and the subsistence allowance of the recruit, up to the time of the recruit's approval or rejection. This is not a reward, and is subject to the recruit being of the required standard, and the actual expense being incurred.

49.[* * * * * *]

50. Death of member of Force— [(1) In the event of a member of the Force dying while on duty the members of his family shall, besides the fares, for their transport to their home town, be also eligible to transfer grant and transfer incidentals, including the actual cost of transporting the personal effects and conveyance of the same rate as are admissible to a Government servant on transfer under S.R. 116.]

[(2) The Government shall also pay, subject to the maximum limit of Rs. 250 (Rupees two hundred fifty), funeral expenses when any member of the Force (other than superior officer) dies at the Headquarters of the Force or on active duty.]

51. Former military service and military pensions—(a) Save as herein otherwise provided the pay, allowances and pensions of ex-service officers and man who obtain employment in the Force after being given a military pension or gratuity or bonus shall be regulated by the appropriate rule of the Civil Service Regulations as may be amended from time to time.

(b) When a military pension has been granted the pay and allowances in the Force shall be regulated under article 526 Civil Service Regulations as may be amended from time to time, or any other orders of the Government of India which may be issued in this regard. The officers and men shall continue to draw their military pensions and their previous military service shall not count towards civil pension. If the military pension of a person does not exceed Rs. 15 a month it shall not be taken into account in fixing his pay and allowance in the Force.

(c) In the case of men who have not earned a monthly military pension but are fully trained, the initial pay as constable may be fixed at a stage not exceeding Rs. 40 in the scale of Rs. 35-1-50.

(d) Men who were discharged from Army before earning a pension for their military service but receive bonus or gratuity in lieu shall count their Military Service towards Civil Pension:

Provided that the bonus or gratuity is refunded in such number of monthly installments not normally exceeding 36 and beginning from such dates as may be determined:


Provided further that no installment other than the final one should be less than Rs. 3.

(e) In the case of men who may be discharged from the Force before the gratuity or bonus is recovered in full, the balance outstanding should be recovered either in a lump sum or in suitable installments from the gratuity or pension as the case may be, that may be sanctioned for the combined military and civil service.

(f) Men who received neither a monthly pension, a bonus nor gratuity shall count their approved military service towards civil pension after three years satisfactory service in the force.

Note.-"Pension" in this clause includes the pension equivalent of gratuity or any other form of retirement benefit.


52. Wound, injury or family pension or gratuities—All members of the Force on duty or on duty with a military force shall be entitled to wound, injury or family pensions or gratuities as laid down in Civil Service Regulations or the Central Civil Service (Extraordinary Pension) Rules, 1939 as may be amended from time to time.

53. Financial powers—The financial powers of the Commandant as well as of Officer Commanding Detachments are given in Appendix B.

[53-A. Rewards—The following principles shall govern the grant of rewards to the members of the Force: Rewards shall be granted only to officers and men of and below the rank of Subedar (Inspector) for--

(a) doing outstanding work requiring special courage, skill or initiative such as recapture of an escaped prisoner or life convicts, the arrest of a wanted criminal or in connection with the securing of information leading to the arrest of hostile elements or in an encounter with hostile elements or criminals, etc.;

(b) doing work of a less outstanding nature but requiring prompt, honest and intelligent observance of, and obedience to, orders so as to be of material assistance in any manoeuver or operation;

(c) extra hard work in connection with a big operation against hostile or lawless elements; and

(d) in exceptional cases, for smartness diligence, praiseworthy attention to the public or for any other purpose which in the opinion of the officers competent to grant the reward is calculated to promote the efficiency of the Force.

Notes.-(i) "General good work" shall not be a ground for the grant of reward;


(ii) Orders sanctioning reward should indicate the reasons for which they are granted. The clause or clauses of this rule under which they are granted should also be mentioned in the order sanctioning the rewards;

(iii) Rewards shall not be sanctioned on request.]

54. Force deductions—The Commandant is authorised to make deductions from amounts due to members of the Force in satisfaction of money owed by them to messing and other funds of the Force, provided that members of the Force are not asked to make any new contributions without the prior approval of the Inspector-General.


Rules For Promotion

Section I-General Principles


55. Merit—(a) All promotions shall be governed by merit. Other things being equal seniority shall count for promotion. For promotion, a member of the Force must be qualified and recommended by the Commandant, Assistant Commandant or Company Commander, as the case may be.

(b) For exceptional reasons, the Commandant may promote an unqualified Head Constable to the rank of Sub-Inspector or an unqualified Sub-Inspector to the rank of Subedar (Inspector) with the prior approval of the Deputy Inspector-General or Inspector-General respectively, provided that such promotions in either case do not exceed ten per cent. of the sanctioned strength in such ranks.

56. Seniority—Ordinarily a senior member of the Force who is qualified and recommended shall be promoted. Any member of the Force having unsatisfactory record either from the point of view of work or conduct, may be suspended. On the other hand, any member of the Force having exceptional qualification may be given accelerated promotion out of turn.

57. Determination of seniority [of Members of the Force other than the Gazetted Officers]—Seniority shall depend on the date of confirmation in each rank; provided that a person whose period of probation is extended for the reason that he is not qualified and provided further that this non-qualification is due to circumstances beyond his control, shall retain his seniority according to the date of his promotion to a rank in a clear vacancy, if he attains the necessary qualifications at the earliest available opportunity.

58. Probationary period—An officer promoted in permanent vacancy shall be on probation for one year in the rank to which promoted. He may be reverted at any time during the probationary period but, if not reverted shall ordinarily be confirmed on conclusion of the probationary period. In special circumstances the probationary period may be extended by the officer authorised to order the promotion. Confirmation shall count from the date on which a member of the Force is promoted on probation in a clear vacancy.

IGP CRP's Order No. D. III-9/63, dated 1st January, 1965

In view of the instructions contained in the office Memorandum No. F.1/10/64 Estt(d), dated the 14th January, 1965, of the Ministry of Home Affairs, it is stressed that the Competent authorities for confirmation and promotion in the CRP should ensure that every officer or man or clerk to be considered for promotion or confirmation is upright and honest.

IGP CRP's No.C.VI-I/64-65, dated 7th October,1965and 27th October, 1965


Temporary/officiating service, in a rank may be counted as probationary period, if the service is satisfactory.

59. Officiating promotions—Officiating promotions in temporary vacancies(e.g.,leave and deputation) may be made, if required by the exigencies of service. Normally, such promotions shall be made from amongst persons who have already been approved for promotion.

Section II-Examinations

60.The following examinations and courses shall be held to enable Under Officers and Constables to qualify for promotion:--

(1) From Head Constable to Sub-Inspector 1st Class Certificate of Education, and Third Class English Certificate.

(2) From Naik to Head Constable:

(i) Senior Cadre Course, and

(ii) Second Class Certificate of Education.

(3) From Constable to Naik:


(i) Junior Cadre Course, and

(ii) Third Class Certificate of Education.

Note.- [Member of the Force with matriculation or equivalent of higher academic qualification from a recognised Board or University shall be exempted from passing any of the above mentioned examination.]


(i)by transfer on depulation of officers having the required technical qualification from the rank of Captain of the Army or Assistant Superintendent of Police of Deputy Superintendent of Police in a Star; or

(ii)by transfer on deputation (by promotion) of officers having the required technical qualifications from amonst Inspectors on the select list for promotion to the posts of Deputy Superintendent of Police or equivalent posts in a State Police or substantive holders of the post of Inspector or equivalent posts of officiating Inspectors with at least three years' continuous service in that grade or equivalent posts in any Central or State Organisation, preferably with the experience of Armed Police;

(iii)by promotion from amongst technically qualified Subedars below the age of 50 years and with minimum service of three years in that rank, in the Central Reserve Police Force; or

((iv)by direct recruitent from amongst technically qualified candidates possessing the additional qualifications as prescribed in clause(iv>of sub-rule (4); or

(v)by re-employment of technically qualified and retired or released Army Officers who held the rank of Captain or retired State Police Officer or officer of the Force who have held the rank of a Deputy Superintendent of Police or equivalent ranks.

[(4-B) For the purpose of sub-rules (4) and (4-A), the percentage for recruitment shall be as follows:

((i)) by direct recruitment        50%

((ii)) by promotion         50%

((iii)) any shortfall in direct recruitment or recruitment by promotion in the rank of Deputy Superintendent of Police may be filled by deputation or re-employment as specified in these rules.]

[(4-C) The posts of Deputy Superintendent of Police (Assistant Engineer) shall be filled by:-


((i)) promotion of serving Inspector (Overseer) with 3 years' service such in the Force and hang degree/diploma in Civil Engineering; or

((ii)) Serving Deputy Superintendent of Police with 3 years commissioned service in Army Corps of Engineers and who was attended Young Officer's Course of Corps of Engineers at College of Military Engineering, Pune or Serving Deputy Superintendent of Police in the Force with degree in Civil Engineering; or

((iii)) transfer on deputation of officers holding analogous post from other Central Polcie Organisations or Government Department.]

(5) All promotions shall be on the basis of merit with due regard to seniroity.


(6) Where the Central Government is of the opininon that ist is necessary or expedient so to do, it may, be order and for reasons to be recorded in writing, relax any of the provisions of this rule with respect to any class or category of persons. Section III-Promotion

Subedar (Inspector) and Sub-Inspector

61. Maintenance of lists of approved candidates—Lists of approved candidates for promotion to various ranks, required to be maintained under sub-rule (b) of rule 62, shall be kept in the office of the Commandant, and promotions shall ordinarily be made from these lists according to the provisions of rule 55.

62. Preparation of lists of approved candidates—(a) The Commandant may, for special reasons, promote to the next higher rank any qualified candidate whose name is not on the appropriate approved list. In the case of Subedar (Inspectors) and Sub-Inspectors prior approval of the Inspector-General and the Deputy Inspector-General respectively shall be obtained.

(b) Promotions shall be made from among the best men in the Force as a whole and for this purpose the Commandant shall maintain separate lists for promotion to different ranks, as shown below:

(1) List "A" containing names of Constables fit for promotion to the rank of Lance Naik.

(2) List "B" containing names of Lance Naiks suitable for promotion to the rank of Naik.

(3) List "C" containing names of Naiks suitable for promotion to the rank of Head Constables.

(4) List "D" containing names of suitable Head Constables for promotion to the rank of Sub-Inspectors.

(5) List "E" containing names of suitable Sub-Inspectors for promotion to the rank of Subedars (Inspectors).

(c) Ordinarily, only those men shall be considered for inclusion in List A who have passed the prescribed course for Drill Instructors and are sufficiently educated to be able to read and write Hindi, Roman and Hindi numerals. Higher educational qualification is necessary for promotion above the rank of Head Constable, but the normal standard shall be Third Class for promotion from Constable to Lance Naik and second class from Naik to Head Constable. A man selected for promotion should have initiative, power and leadership, the makings of an officer. Men on promotion list for Naiks and above shall be on probation for at least one year and names of those on the list who do not come upto the required standard shall be removed thereof from time to time. Entry of names in Lists A, B and C shall be made by the Commandant and in Lists D and E by the Commandant with the approval of the Deputy Inspector-General of Police and Inspector-General of Police respectively.


63. Selection Board—In February and August each year the Commandants shall constitute Selection Board consisting of himself, Asstt. Commandant and Adjutant and nominate in the prescribed form Sub-Inspectors considered fit for promotion to the rank of Subedars (Inspectors) and Head Constables considered fit for promotion to the rank of Sub-Inspectors. The names of Sub-Inspectors and Head Constables whose nominations are accepted by the Deputy Inspector-General shall be placed on the approved lists, seniority of men brought on these lists shall be determined by dates of their selection.

[64. Educational qualifications for promotion to the Rank of Sub-Inspector—No Head Constable, with academic qualification below matriculation, who has not obtained a First class certificate of education and at least a third class English certificate shall be nominated for promotion to rank of Sub-Inspector.]

65. Confidential Reports—In February each year the Commandant shall forward to the Deputy Inspector-General a confidential report in the prescribed form on the work and conduct of each and every Sub-Inspector and Head Constable whose names are on the approved lists. While recording his report the Commandant shall indicate together with reasons in support of his opinion whether he recommends that a name of the Member of the Force should remain on the approved list or be removed from it. The Deputy Inspector-General shall pass orders on these recommendations after such inquiries as may deem fit.

66. Additions to and removals from approved lists—All acceptances for and removals from the approved lists shall be published in the Force orders.

67. Head Constables—Promotions to the rank of Head Constable shall be made by the Commandant according to seniority from the List C referred to in rule 62 subject to the general provisions of rule 55 on the recommendations of Company Commanders. The requisite qualification for such promotions are the passing of the Senior Cadre Course and the possession of the Second Class Certificate of Education [or a matriculation or equivalent or higher academic qualification certificate.]

68. Naiks—Promotion to the rank of Naik shall be made by the Commandant from the List B referred to in rule 62 subject to the general provisions of rule 55 on the recommendation of Company Commanders. The requisite qualifications for such promotions are the passing of the Junior Cadre Course and the possession of a Third Class Certificate of Education or a matriculation or equivalent or higher academic qualification certificate.

69. Lance Naiks—A Lance Naik shall receive the same pay as a Constable. Appointments shall be made by the Commandant from the List of Constables qualified for promotion to the rank of Naik. Such appointment shall be made on the recommendations of Company Commanders. Seniority alone shall not be the guiding factor in making such appointments but men who are considered to be potential leaders shall be given preference. A Constable appointed to the rank of Lance Naik but found unsuitable for the rank may be summarily reverted to the rank of Constable without assigning any reasons.

70. Special promotion to Naik and Head Constable—The Commandant may, on the recommendation of a Company Commander, promote to the rank of Lance Naik, Naik or Head Constable respectively, a Constable, a Lance Naik or a Naik, who, although not qualified for promotion, is considered in all respects capable of acting as an Under Officer, provided that the number of unqualified Naik and Head Constables permanent and officiating may not at any time exceed 10 per cent. of the sanctioned number of posts of each rank.

71. Special qualification for promotion—Qualifications as Drill Instructor, Physical Training Instructor, Weapon Training Instructor, Tear Smoke Training Instructor or Signalling Instructor, etc., shall be considered as additional qualifications for promotion.

Section IV-Increments

72. Withholding of increment—If the increment of a member of the Force is withheld, the period for which it is withheld and the reason for withholding it, shall be stated in the Force Orders. Such period shall not exceed one year.

73. Subedars (Inspectors) and Sub-Inspectors—(a) Subedars (Inspectors) and Sub-Inspectors are in a time scale of pay; and the grant of increment is subject to approved service, efficiency, and good conduct. There are efficiency bars at the following stages:--

Subedars (Inspectors) at Rs. 250 (Rs. 320 in new scale).

Sub-Inspectors at Rs. 180 (Rs. 200 in new scale).

(b) Increments shall be sanctioned by the Commandant, but prior approval of the Deputy Inspector-General shall be obtained before an Officer is allowed to cross an efficiency bar and the fact shall be recorded in the Force Orders.

74. Head Constables, Naiks and Constables—Increment in the time scale of Head Constables, Naiks and Constables shall be sanctioned by the Commandant on the recommendation of Company Commanders. Such increments shall be sanctioned, subject to approved service, general efficiency and good conduct.

Section V-Officiating Promotions

75. How to be made—(a) Officiating promotions shall be normally made according to seniority in the approved lists, subject to the general provisions of Sections I and II of this Chapter and the exigencies of the service.

(b) The Commandant shall be competent to sanction officiating promotions in the following cases-

(1) The Sub-Inspectors to Subedars (Inspectors) with the approval of the Inspector-General.

(2) From Head Constable to Sub-Inspector with the approval of Deputy Inspector-General.

(3) From Naik to Head Constable.

(4) From Constable and Lance Naik to Naik.

(c) If the Commandant decided to pass over, for officiating promotion, an officer whose name is on the appropriate approved list the prior sanction of the Inspector-General or the Deputy Inspector-General, as the case may be, shall be obtained.


76. Supersession—The passing over of any member of the Force for promotion in an officiating vacancy of four months or less (except for inefficiency or misconduct) or on the grounds of technical appointment such as Motor Transport Sub-Inspector, Radio Sub-Inspector, Armourers, Tailors, Carpenters shall not amount to supersession.

[76-A. Honorary rank of Company Commander/Quarter Master—(1) The Central Government may, on the recommendation of the Inspector-General, confer the honorary rank of Company Commander/Quarter Master on senior and deserving Subedars and Subedar Major and employ them as such. During such employment they would not be entitled to any benefit of pay or travelling and other allowances of the post of Company Commander/Quarter Master.]

[(2) They will, however, be supplied free of cost the extra articles as shown in item 7 of the foot-note below Appendix A to be worn as honorary Company Commander/Quarter Master in addition to the articles of uniform already issued to them as Subedars.]

[76-B. Grant of Local Rank—(1) Notwithstanding, anything contained in the rules, the Director-General may, subject to confirmation of the Central Government, grant to an Officer or an Inspector of the Force a rank, just above in the order of seniority from the ranks mentioned below, for a period of six months, which may, if necessary, be extended further, in the interest of better functioning of the Force, namely:--

(i) Additional Director-General;

(ii) Inspector-General;

(iii) Deputy Inspector-General;

(iv) Additional Deputy Inspector-General;

(v) Commandant;

(vi) Second-in-Command;

(vii) Deputy Commandant;

(viii ) Assistant Commandant.

(2) An Officer or Inspector of the Force holding a rank under sub-rule (1) shall,--


(a) exercise the command and be vested with the powers of an officer holding that rank;

(b) cease to hold that rank if the grant of such rank is not confirmed within one month by the Central Government or when so ordered by the Director-General or when he ceases to hold the appointment for which the rank was granted;

(c) not be entitled to claim any seniority over other officers of the Force by virtue of having held such rank; and

(d) not be entitled to any extra pay and allowances for holding such rank.]

Section VI-Special Appointments


77. Subedar (Inspector) Major— [(a) The appointment of Subedars (Inspector) Major shall be made by the Head of Office with the prior approval of the Director-General on the basis of the recommendations of a Screening Committee to be constituted by the Director-General. Selection shall be made on the principle of seniority-cum-fitness and the seniority for this purpose shall be combined seniority of Inspectors in the Force.]

(b) The appointment shall ordinarily be for three years, but may be extended from time to time for a period not exceeding one year at a time, unless promoted, until he attains the age of superannuation.

(c) The Subedar (Inspector) Major ranks as the Senior most Subordinate Officer.

78. Sub-Inspector Adjutant—(a) The appointment of Sub-Inspector Adjutant shall be made by the Commandant by selection from Sub-Inspectors who are good instructors and disciplinarians.

(b) The maximum period of the appointment shall not ordinarily exceed three years.

79. Quarter Master Sub-Inspector—(a) The appointment of Quarter Master Sub-Inspector shall be made by the Commandant from amongst Sub-Inspectors with special qualification in this direction.

(b) The maximum period of the appointment shall not ordinarily exceed three years.

80. Head Constables—All special appointments in the rank of Head Constable shall be made by the Commandant. The Battalion Havilar Major shall rank as the senior most Head Constable, except for purposes of promotion. The maximum period of the appointment shall not ordinarily exceed three years.

Section VII-Nominal Roll

81. Nominal roll of the Central Reserve Police Force-Particulars—(a) A nominal roll in the following form shall be maintained for all ranks:--

(1) Serial No.

(2) Name

(3) Force No.

(4) Caste

(5) Residence

(6) Date of enlistment in the Force

(7) Previous police or Military Service

(8) Date of promotion

(9) Present appointment

(10) Educational qualifications

(11) Remarks (here enter details of promotion, reduction, etc.)

(b) A separate nominal roll shall be maintained for Recruit Constables who have not been confirmed.


82. Order of seniority—Officers shall rank in the order of seniority as determined by the date of confirmation and in the case officers officiating from the date of continuous officiating. Seniority in the case of constables shall be determined by the date of enlistment in the Force.

Section VIII-Promotion and Reversion Roll

83. Maintenance of Promotion and Reversion Roll—(a) Promotion and Reversion Rolls shall be maintained separately for officiating and substantive promotions as follows:--

(1) Of Sub-Inspectors to the rank of Subedars (Inspectors).

(2) Of Head Constables to the rank of Sub-Inspectors.

(3) Of Naiks to the rank of Head Constables.

(4) Of Constables to the rank of Naiks.

(b) The Promotion and Reversion Roll shall contain the following particulars:--


(1) Serial No.

(2) Nature of vacancy.

(3) Date of vacancy.

(4) Commandant's Orders.

(5) Date on which a member of the Force was superseded or whose promotion has been withheld and the date on which he received a copy of the order.

(6) Number and the date of the order notifying the promotion or reversion, as the case may be.

(7) Remarks.

84. Incorporation of entries in the Promotion and Reversion Rolls—The Promotion and Reversion Rolls shall be maintained by the Establishment Clerk who shall make entries in the first three columns and submit for the orders with all necessary papers and character rolls to the Commandant whenever any promotion of Sub-Inspector to the rank of Subedar (Inspector) or of Head Constable to the rank of Sub-Inspector or their reversion falls due. The Commandant shall fill up columns 4 and 5 of the roll with his own hand, mentioning in column 5 the names of members of the Force superseded, with a brief note of the reasons for their supersession. In other cases, the Establishment Clerk shall fill up all columns of the rolls. On the first occasion of the supersession of the member of the Force, a note to that effect together with reasons thereof shall also be made in his character roll and he shall be given a copy of the order.


Leave And Leave Concessions

85. Army Officers—Leave of Military Officers in the Force shall, if their pay has been refixed in accordance with the Government of India in the Ministry of Defence's letter No. 117/1/SIDCCD 5, dated the 23rd November, 1948, be regulated by the Military Leave Rules as contemplated in para 4 of the aforesaid letter. If their pay has not been so refixed it shall be regulated in accordance with the provisions of Fundamental Rule 100.

86. Other Superior Officers—Leave shall be admissible under the rules applicable to them in the service to which they belong.

87. Other Police Officers on deputation from other services—Leave shall be admissible under the rules applicable to them in the service to which they belong.

Note.-It shall be open to the officers mentioned in rules 85 and 86 to elect, on their permanent transfer to the Force or at any time thereafter, the leave rules applicable to the Members of the Force on the analogy of the Fundamental Rule 93-A.

88. Other Superior Officers and members of the Force—(1) Subject to the provision of sub-rule (2), all superior officers and members of the Force, other than those to whom rules 85 to 87 apply, shall be governed by the provisions of the Central Civil Services (Leave) Rules, 1972 for the time being in force.

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (1), all superior officers and members of the Force other than those to whom rules 85 to 87 apply, shall, while serving in any establishment of Central Reserve Police Forces except offices of Director-General/Inspector-Generals/Deputy Inspector-Generals, be entitled to 60 days earned leave in a calendar year in the following manner:--

(i) The credit to be afforded to the leave account of all the personnel as stated in para (2) above in respect of earned leave at the commencement of each calendar half year shall be at a uniform rate of 30 days.

(ii) The credit to be affordedvide(i) above shall be reduced by 1/6 of the period of extra ordinary leave only availed of during the previous half year subject to a maximum of 30 days.

(3) No such earned leave shall be accumulated for more than 120 days.


(4) No such earned leave shall be granted for more than 90 days at a time, and

[(5) No second Saturdays shall be availed as off days by the executive personnel working in units other than the offices of D.G., I.G. and D.I.G.]

89. Leave sanctioning authorities—(a) Any leave, other than special disability leave, admissible under the rules shall be granted as follows:-

[(1) to a superior officer by the Commandant, after obtaining a report in regard to its admissibility from the audit officer and to the Commandant by the Deputy Inspector General;]

(2) to members of the Force other than superior officers at the discretion of the Commandant.

(b) Casual leave.-(1) Casual leave to superior officers shall not exceed fifteen days in any one calendar year, subject to the condition that not more than ten day's casual leave may be allowed at any one time. This condition may, however, be waived in individual cases if there are exceptional circumstances justifying a relaxation in this regard. This leave shall be granted by the Deputy Inspector-General in the case of Commandant and by the Commandant in the case of other superior officers of the Force.


(2) Save as otherwise provided in clause (3), the Commandant and the Company Commander may grant casual leave not exceeding fifteen days in any one calendar year to any member of the Force working under them subject to the condition that not more than ten days casual leave may be allowed at any one time. The Head of Office may, however, waive this condition in individual cases if he considers that there are exceptional circumstances justifying a relaxation in this regard.

(3) In the case of those members of the Force who require more than five days to complete the onward and return journeys to their homes, the maximum period of casual leave admissible in anyone calendar year may be enhanced in accordance with the following scale:--

Number of days required to complete both onward and return journeys



Maximum number of days casual leave in one calendar year



6 days

16 days

7 days

17 days

8 days

18 days

10 days

20 days


(4) Casual leave cannot be combined with any other kind of leave. [In no case shall holidays or off days be counted as part of casual leave.]

(5) The special disability leave to any member of the Force may be granted by the Government in accordance with the provisions of the Fundamental Rule 83 read with serial No. 26 of Appendix 4 thereof.

90. Recall from leave—(a) Members of the Force on leave may be recalled at any time by authority empowered to sanction their leave.

(b) They may be directed to report for duty either at Headquarters or to proceed direct to the place at which their services are required.

(c) In either case they will be entitled to travelling allowance as on tour (by the shortest route) for the return journey. If a free railway pass is in the possession of a member of the Force and it can be used for the return journey, it should be so used. In that case, member of the Force will be entitled to the balance if any of the travelling allowance admissible. If the pass cannot be utilised, it should be surrendered whereupon it shall lapse. The member of the Force concerned in that case will be entitled to the full travelling allowance admissible.

91. Free passage to families—When a member of the Force is sent on detachment duty from the Headquarters of the Force and the duration of the duty is expected to last for a period of not less than one month the Commandant may, if he considers it desirable that his family should not remain at Headquarters, issue free railway warrant to the members of his family covering the journey from the Headquarters to the railway station nearest to their home. This concession shall be admissible to all ranks of the Force except the Gazetted Officers.

92. Free leave pass concessions—The undermentioned free pass concessions from the Headquarters of the Force or the place of duty of the railway station nearest to his home and return shall be admissible to Head Constables, Naiks, Constables and enrolled followers of the Force:

(1) One free leave pass every three years.

(2) One free leave pass for family every six years.

(3) Free leave pass when proceeding on medical leave of duration of not less than one month, provided it is certified that the illness or injury, which necessitated medical leave was not brought about by any fault, or negligence on the part of the member of the Force concerned.



93. Dress regulations—(a) The Dress Regulations for officers and all ranks shall be as prescribed in this Chapter and as laid down in the Force Standing Orders. No additions or alterations to these regulations may be made without the previous sanction of the Central Government.

(b) The colours of the Force shall be light blue and white, the distinctive colour being light blue.

94. Superior Officers—(a) Gazetted Officers of the Force shall be entitled to uniform grant as indicated below:

(1) Officers of the regular army or police joining the Force on deputation as Gazetted Officers Rs. 200.

(2) Local Promotees or directly recruited Gazetted Officers.

(a) Initial uniform grant of Rs. 900 regulated as under:


(i) Rs. 450 half of the grant after 3 months continuous officiating or temporary service in the Gazetted Rank in the Force and a certificate from the Inspector-General of Police that the officer concerned is likely to continue as such.


(ii) Rs. 450 representing the balance on completion of three years' service as Gazetted Officer in the Force or on confirmation, whichever is earlier, subject to the stipulation that the Officer concerned, if not substantive when the amount becomes due, is certified by the Inspector-General of Police as fit for permanent retention in the Force.


(b) Renewal uniform grant of Rs. 450 at intervals of every five years to be calculated in respect of temporary or officiating Gazetted Officers from the date they complete 3 months' temporary or officiating service in the Central Reserve Police in a Gazetted post.


(3) State Police or Army Officers initially appointed on deputation but subsequently retained permanently in the Force:

(a) Initial uniform grant of Rs. 900 (Rs. 450 initially, the amount of Rs. 200 paid to them as deputationists being deducted from this amount, the balance of Rs. 450 being paid after they have completed 3 years' service thereafter).


(b) Renewal uniform grant of Rs. 450 every five years (to be reckoned from the date of confirmation in the Central Reserve Police Force).


Note.-"The grant of initial uniform allowance mentioned in item (3) to the officers mentioned in the said item shall be subject to the condition that if the officer has availed of any initial or renewal grant from his parent Department or the State Government for any period extending beyond the date of his permanent absorption in the Central Reserve Police Force, the proportionate amount of the initial or renewal grant sanctioned by this Department or State shall be adjusted in the total amount of the initial grant admissible under clause (a) of item (3)".


(4) Police or army Serving Officers who are received on deputation in the Central Reserve Police Force but get release or retirement whilst in the Force and are continued in the same rank in the Force (Rs. 200 if the period of their employment in the Central Reserve Police Force exceeds one year).

(5) Retired or released officers re-employed in the Central Reserve Police (Rs. 200 if the period of their re-employment in the Central Reserve Police Force exceeds one year).

Notes.-1. "No officer (whether he was appointed by direct recruitment or by promotion or was initially taken by way of deputation or re-employed and has subsequently been permanently absorbed in the Force) who is due to retire within two years of the date on which the grant of uniform allowance falls due shall be entitled to the grant of that allowance."


2. An officer mentioned in item (2) or (3) quitting service on resignation or discharge within the period for which the grant is sanctioned shall be liable to refund the proportionate amount of the grant of uniform allowance.

The uniform of superior officers of the Force is that prescribed for officers of the Indian Police Service, with the undermentioned minor alterations to distinguish them as members of the Force. As and when Indian Police Service Officers are taken on deputation in the Force they shall be entitled to wear the same badges of rank which they are entitled to in the Indian Police Service.

(1) Shoulder badges-A white Metal badge consisting of the letter C.R.P. in half inch block letters to be worn at the base of the shoulder strap.

(2) Buttons-Of white metal, convex in shape, die struck and embossed with the C.R.P. device in four sizes.

The C.R.P. device for use on buttons will consist of a monogram of the letter C.R.P. Surmounted by Ashoka Chakra.

(3) Badges of rank -



(4) Badges and metal fittings-All Superior officers of the Force shall wear buttons, badges, and metal fittings of white metal">(4) Badges and metal fittings-All Superior officers of the Force shall wear buttons, badges, and metal fittings of white metal.

The star shall be of the star of Indian pattern.

(5) Head gear-Except in the case of Sikh officers who may wear Khaki pagree, head gear shall be Army regulation pattern with pith topee, fitted with two chin straps, one of which shall pass over the top of the helmet and shall be worn down when required. The topee shall have a pagree of nine folds of khaki with a light blue flash a quarter of an inch wide at the top between the helmet and the pagree, the whole when tied not to exceed three inches in width.

(6) Ties-Superior officers shall wear a navy blue tie of regulation pattern.

(7)(a) Swords-Of the pattern prescribed for I.P./I.P.S. officers, except that Army officers may wear their own (Army) swords.

(b) The following modifications are permissible in the Dress uniform of superior officers for use on informal occasions:--

(1) Bush shirt-The pattern of the bush shirt shall be as for a jacket with the following modifications, no ties shall be worn with the bush shirt.


(i) Button-up Collar, 1-1/2 inches in width at back and 2-1/2 to 3 inches at points.


(ii) Sleeves, as for a shirt with single plain cuff 2-1/4 inches in width and one button.


N.B.-For hot weather, the sleeves may either be rolled up or short sleeves be worn.


(iii) Four buttons excluding collar button, top button to be four inches below collar button and the remainder evenly spaced.


(iv) Belt two inches broad with silver plated buckle to be made either of khaki drill or khaki twill.


(v) All buttons to be of bone.


(2) Badges-Worsted shoulder and rank badges on detachable shoulder straps.


(3) Forage cap-Khaki forage cap of darb material of regulation shade, with peak of same material, brown leather chin stray C.R.P. crest. The crest shall consist of a monogram of the letters C.R.P., followed by a wreath, with Ashoka Chakra on top.


(4) Shoes-Brown shoes, instead of ankle boots, may be worn with trousers.


(5) Breeches, boots and spurs-These articles shall not be worn except for mounted duties when specially ordered.


(c) Indian Police Service officers wearing state Emblem and two stars shall wear-


(i) a dark blue band of woollen material to be placed between the two lower welts of the forage cap with silver embroidered C.R.P. crest, and if wearing pugree, a similar blue band and embroidered crest on the pugree, and

(ii) Gorget-patches of dark blue woollen material with a Central Silver stripe.

95. Scale of uniform— [The authorised scale of uniform for subordinate officers and other ranks of the Force as well as enrolled followers shall be such as the Director-General may, from time to time, and with the previous sanction of the Central Government, by order, law down.]

96. Initial issue and replacement of uniforms—On enlistment a free issue of uniform shall be made to each subordinate officer, lower rank and enrolled follower according to the scale laid down [under rule 95.]

97. Periodical inspections—(a) Periodical inspections shall be held by Platoon Commanders at least once a month; at which articles which are no longer fit for use shall be condemned and sent to Stores for replacement.

(b) If the life of a condemned article has expired, it shall be replaced free. If its life has not expired, the article shall be replaced and a proportionate cost deducted from the pay of the member of the Force concerned. A free issue may be sanctioned if the article has been rendered unserviceable owing to excessive wear and tear on duty or has been lost on duty through no fault of the member of the Force concerned.

(c) Condemned articles shall be utilised, where possible, for repair work, dusters, etc. Periodical public auctions of the remaining condemned articles shall be held and the sale proceeds credited to Government. A member of the Force may purchase condemned articles of clothing for his private use at price fixed by the Commandant.

(d) When a member of the Force ceases to belong to the Force, his kit shall be examined and serviceable articles brought on to the resumed stock and subsequently re-issued. When any such resumed article is re-issued, its life period shall count from the date of original issue and not from the date of re--issue.

(e) On promotion to the rank of Sub-Inspector an Under Officer shall be entitled to receive free initial supply of uniform as prescribed for Subordinate Officers, his Under Officer's kit being returned to stores.

(f) All Under Officers and men shall deposit their uniform in the store when proceeding on leave, excepting such articles of clothing as may be permitted by the Commandant to be retained.

(g) A superior officer or subordinate officer on his retirement or superannuation or invalidation may be allowed by the I.G.P. or Dy. I.G.P. as the case may be, to retain one suit of uniform provided his work and conduct has been found satisfactory. Such officer may wear the said uniform after such retirement with the permission of the I.G.P. or of the Dy. I.G.P. as the case may be, subject to such conditions as the I.G.P. or Dy. I.G.P. may think fit to impose.

98. Uniform Stock Registers—The Quarter Master shall maintain the following Stock Registers:--

(1) A uniform Stock Register in respect of all receipts of uniform for initial issue and replacement. All issues whether as initial issue or replacement shall be accounted for in this stock register.

(2) A Resume Stock Register in which shall be entered all transactions of uniform returned and re-issued.

(3) A Condemned Stock Register in which shall be entered all receipts of uniform condemned and disposed of by sale or otherwise.



99. Authorised scales—The scale of equipment to be drawn from the regular Army Ordnance Corps shall be as sanctioned by the Government of India and shall be as shown in the "Equipment Tables (India) for Central Reserve Police, January 1945, issued by the Government of India in the then War Department" as subsequently amended from time to time.

100. Accoutrements—(a) Accoutrements are those personal articles of equipment which are issued to men for their use and for the care of which they are personally responsible.

(b) Accoutrements remains the property of the Government.

101. Accoutrements of Subordinate Officers—(a) Swords and belts shall not be supplied to re-employed Commissioned Officers who are in possession of swords and Sam Browne belts of Infantry pattern.

(b) The Inspector-General may as a reward for exemplary service sanction the retention of his sword and Sam Browne belt.


Applicability Of Central Government Rules And Orders

102. Other conditions of service—The conditions of service of members of the Force in respect of matters for which no provision is made in these rules shall be the same as are for the time being applicable to other officers of the Government of India of corresponding status.


Rules And Regulations For Recruitment, Appointment And Other Conditions Of Service Of Superior Officers

103. Cadre regulations—There shall be a separate cadre for the superior posts in the Force manned by Army or Indian Police Service or State Police Officers, direct recruits and local promotees. The strength of the cadre shall be flexible but ordinarily it shall, for a four-service Company Battalion, have such number of superior officers determined in accordance with the provisions of clause (a) of sub-rule (1) of rule 5.

[104. Classification—(1) The posts of Commandant, Assistant Commandant (Second-in Command/Adjutant) and Company Commander/Quarter Master shall be the posts included in the General Central Service, Class-I.

(2) The posts of Principal, Vice-Principal and Assistant Principal of the Central Training College, Central Reserve Police Force, Neemuch, shall also be the posts included in the General Central Service, Class-I.]

105. Appointment and promotion of Superior Officers—(1) The post of Commandant of a Battalion, other than Signal Battalion or Principal, CTC shall be filled:

(i) by transfer on deputation from the rank of Lt. Colonel from the Army or Indian Police Service (Senior Scale) Officers or State Police Officers holding posts of Superintendent of Police or equivalent posts, preferably with experience of Armed Police duties; or

(ii) by re-employment of retired or released Army Officers of Indian Police Service (Senior Scale) Officers or State Police Officers holding posts of Superintendent of Police or equivalent posts, preferably with experience of Armed Police duties of Commandants of the Central Reserve Police Force; or

(iii) by promotion from amongst Assistant Commandant (Second-in Command/Adjutant/Junior Staff Officers, Vice-Principal, Central Training College) who have either served in the Force for a minimum period of two years or are otherwise eligible to be posted as Commandant under clause (i) ; or

(iv) in cases not falling under clause (iii) , by promotion from amongst the locally promoted and substantive Assistant Commandants (Second-in-Command/Adjutant/Junior Staff Officer/Vice-Principal, Central Training College).

(2) The post of Commandant in the Signal battalion shall be filled:


(i) by transfer on deputation of officers having the required technical qualifications, from the rank of Lt. Colonel from the Army or Indian Police Service (Senior Scale) Officers of State Police Officers holding post of Superintendent of Police or equivalent posts, or those holding post of Deputy Superintendent of Police for a period of not less than eight years; or

(ii) by re-employment of officers having the required technical qualifications, from among retired/released Army Officers of the rank of Lt. Colonel or Indian Police Service (Senior Scale) Officers or State Police Officers of the rank of Superintendent of Police or equivalent posts of Central Reserve Police Force Officers of the Signal Battalion of the rank of Commandant; or

(iii) by promotion from amongst Assistant Commandants, having the required technical qualifications, who, if on deputation, have served in the Force for a minimum period of two years.

(3-A) The posts of Assistant Commandants (Second-in Command or Adjutant or Junior Staff Officer or Vice-Principal, Central Training College) in Battalions other than Signals Battalion shall be filled:-


[(i) by transfer on deputation from amongst officers:--

(a) holding the rank of Major in the Army, or


(b) who are members of the Indian Police Service (Senior Scale), or have rendered four years of service as such, or


(c) of the State Police holding the post of Superintendent of Police or equivalent post, preferably with experience of Armed Police duties, or


(d) of the National Cadet Corps holding posts in the scale not lower than Rs. 1,200-1,700, or


(e) of the Home Guards and Civil Defence Organisations holding posts in the scale of pay not lower than Rs. 1,200-1,700.]


(ii) by re-employment of retired or released Army Officers or substantive Majors of the Territorial Army or Indian Police Service Officer (Senior scale) or with four years of service as such or State Police Officers holding the posts of Superintendent of Police or equivalent posts preferably with experience of Armed Police duties or Assistant Commandants of the Central Reserve Police Force; or

(iii) by promotion:

(a) from amongst Assistant Superintendents of Police serving in the Central Reserve Police Force on deputation who have been promoted to the senior scale of the Indian Police Service or have completed four years of service in the Indian Police Service; or


[(b) from amongst Company Commanders or Quarter Masters or Assistant Principals, Central Training College of the Central Reserve Police Force who have completed 5 years Gazetted service in the force.]


(3-B) The post of Assistant Commandant in the Signals Battalions shall be filled:-


(i) by transfer on deputation of officers having the required technical qualifications, from the rank of Major from the Army or Indian Police Service Officers who have been promoted to the Senior Scale of the Indian Police Service or those who have completed four years of service in the Indian Police Service or State Police Officers holding posts of Superintendent of Police or equivalent posts, or those holding posts of Deputy Superintendent of Police for a period of not less than six years; or

(ii) by re-employment of officers having the required technical qualifications, from among retired/released Army Officers of the rank of Major substantive Major of the territorial Army or Indian Police Service Officers (Senior Scales) or State Police Officers of the rank of Superintendent of Police or equivalent posts of Central Reserve Police Force Officers of the Signals Battalions of the rank of Assistant Commandant; or

[(iii) by promotion from amongst technically qualified Company Commanders/Quarter Masters or Assistant Principals, Central Training Colleges of the Central Reserve Police Force who have completed 5 years Gazetted service in the Force.]

[(3-C) The posts of Assistant Commandant (Executive Engineer) in the Force shall be filled by:


(i) promotion of Deputy Superintendent of Police (Assistant Engineer) in the Force with six years' service in technical line; or

(ii) appointment of Assistant Commandants serving in the Force who have rendered 5 years' service in the Army Engineering Corps and attended Young Officers Courses of Corps of Engineers at College of Military Engineering, Pune; or

(iii) transfer on deputation of officers holding analogous post of Deputy Superintendent of Police (Assistant Engineer) with 6 years' service in technical line of Engineers, from other Central Police Organisations or Government Departments;]

(4) The posts of Company Commander or Quarter Master in Battalions other than Signals Battalion or Assistant Principal, Central Training College shall be filled:-


[(i) by transfer on deputation of officers holding post of Captain in the Army or Assistant Superintendent of Police or Deputy Superintendent of Police in a State or an officer of the National Cadet Corps holding post in the scale of pay not lower than Rs. 700-1,300 or officers of the Home Guards or Civil Defence Organisations holding posts in the scale of pay not lower than Rs. 700-1,300;]

(ii) by promotion;

(iii) by transfer on deputation (by promotion) of Inspectors on the select list for promotion to the posts of Deputy Superintendent of Police or equivalent posts in the State Police or substantive holders of the posts of Inspector or equivalent posts or officiating Inspector with at least three years' continuous service in that grade or equivalent posts in any Central or State Police Organisation preferably with the experience of Armed Police; or

[(a) by promotion of Subedars with a minimum service of 3 years in that rank in the Force, who have successfully completed the Senior Subedars' Refresher Course, Central Reserve Police Force],


[* * * * * *]


(iv) by direct recruitment from amongst the candidates possessing the following qualifications, namely:--

(a) must have attained the age of 19 years and must not have attained the age of 25 years age limit being relaxable in the case of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes candidates and other special categories of persons in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government from time to time.


Note.-1. Preference may be given to candidates possessing experience of the Armed Police, Territorial Army or other Armed Forces.


2. [The age limit of 25 years is relaxable for Government Servants upto 5 years in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the Central Government];

[(b) (i) a first class or second class Bachelor's degree of a recognised university;


(ii) a third class Bachelor's degree plus National Cadet Corps `B' Certificate or `C' certificate or outstanding sport or athletic certificates; or


(iii) a degree in Tale-Communication Engineering of a recognised university;


(c) must satisfy the minimum physical standards, namely-height 165 Cms; chest 81 Cms. (unexpanded) 86 Cms. (expanded); weight 50 Kgs; eyes sight (with or without glasses) distant vision 6/6 in one eye and 6/9 in the other eye; near vision 0.6 in one eye and 0.8 in the other eye; candidates should not have knock knees or flat foot;]


[(cc) in the case of female candidates, they must satisfy physical standard, namely-height 157 Cms; weight according to height but not less than 46 Kgs; eye sight (with or without glasses) distant vision 6/6 in one eye and 6/9 in the other eye; near vision 0.6 in one eye and 0.8 in the other eye, candidates should not have knock knee or flat foot;]


(d) must possess all other qualifications as may be prescribed by the Central Government from time to time regarding citizenship, eligibility and such other matters; or.


(iv-A ) by appointment of emergency Commissioned Officers and short-service Commissioned Officers of the Armed Forces of the Union who were commissioned on or after the 1st November, 1962 and were released at any time thereafter;

(v) by re-employment of retired or released Army Officers who have held the rank of Captain or retired Police Officers or Officers of the Force who have held the rank of a Deputy Superintendent of Police or other equivalent ranks.

(4-A) The posts of Company Commander in the Signals Battalions shall be filled:-


(i) by transfer on deputation of officers having the required technical qualification from the rank of Captain of the Army or Assistant Superintendent of Police or Deputy Superintendent of Police in a State; or

(ii) by transfer on deputation (by promotion) of officers having the required technical qualifications from amongst Inspectors on the select list for promotion to the posts of Deputy Superintendent of Police or equivalent posts in a State Police or substantive holders of the post of Inspector or equivalent posts of officiating Inspectors with at least three years' continuous service in that grade or equivalent posts in any Central or State Organisation, preferably with the experience of Armed Police;

(iii) by promotion from amongst technically qualified Subedars below the age of 50 years and with minimum service of three years in that rank, in the Central Reserve Police Force; or

(iv) by direct recruitment from amongst technically qualified candidates possessing the additional qualifications as prescribed in clause (iv) of sub-rule (4); or

(v) by re-employment of technically qualified and retired or released Army Officers who held the rank of Captain or retired State Police Officer or officers of the Force who have held the rank of a Deputy Superintendent of Police or equivalent ranks.

(4-B) For the purposes of sub-rules (4) and (4-A), the percentage for recruitment shall be as follows:


(i) by direct recruitment



(ii) by promotion



(iii) any shortfall in direct recruitment or recruitment by promotion in the rank of Deputy Superintendent of Police may be filled by deputation or re-employment as specified in these rules.

(4-C) The posts of Deputy Superintendent of Police (Assistant Engineer) shall be filled by:-


(i) promotion of Serving Inspector (Overseer) with 3 years' service as such in the Force and hang degree/diploma in Civil Engineering; or

(ii) Serving Deputy Superintendent of Police with 3 years commissioned service in Army Corps of Engineers and who has attended Young Officer's Course of Corps of Engineers at College of Military Engineering, Pune or Serving Deputy Superintendent of Police in the Force with degree in Civil Engineering; or

(iii) transfer on deputation of officers holding analogous post from other Central Police Organisations or Government Department.

(5) All promotions shall be on the basis of merit with due regard to seniority.


(6) Where the Central Government is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient so to do, it may, by order and for reasons to be recorded in writing, relax any of the provisions of this rule with respect to any class or category of persons.

106. Training—(i) The officers received on deputation from the Army and Police Forces of States may be required to undergo a short course of training as prescribed to enable them to acquire working knowledge of the Central Reserve Police Force before they are finally posted to take up their appointments.

(ii) Direct recruits shall be required to undergo a full course of instruction at a Training Centre for Public Officers.

107. Tenure—(1) The initial period of appointment of all officers on deputation whether belonging to the Police or the Army, shall not be less than three years, subject to premature termination, should (a) administrative exigency or (b) unsuitability of the officers concerned or (c) any other unforeseen factors so demand. This initial period shall be extendable, on a yearly basis, on mutual agreement between the officer concerned and the lending and the borrowing authorities, provided that the total period of appointment in the Force shall not be more than 5 years, unless the officer is permanently absorbed in the Force.

[(2)(a) In the case of officers re-employed after they had retired/discharged/released from Army prior to the attainment of the age of superannuation in the civil posts will, if appointed to civil posts, be treated as direct recruits and their seniority in the grade fixed accordingly as under:-

(i) theinter seseniority of persons so re-employed shall be determined in accordance with the orders of their selection;


(ii) the relative seniority of persons so re-employed in relation to direct recruits and promotees shall be determined on the basis of chronology of selection;


(iii) their confirmation and promotion to higher posts would take place with reference to seniority so fixed subject to fulfilment of other laid down conditions regarding probation.


(b) The ex-army officers re-employed after they have attained the age of superannuation in civil posts shall not form part of the cadre and would be treated as if appointed on contract basis and such re-employments on contract basis shall be extendable on year to year basis.]

108. Probation and confirmation—(1) The selected candidates shall be appointed or promoted to a superior post in the Force on probation for a period of two years.

(2) On the completion of the period of probation, the candidates shall, if considered fit for permanent appointment, be confirmed in their appointments subject to the availability of substantive vacancies in permanent posts.

(3) The Government may extend the period of two years specified in sub-rule (1).

(4) If on the expiration of the period of probation referred to in sub-rule (1) or of any extension thereof under sub-rule (3), as the case may be, the Government are of the opinion that a candidate if not fit for permanent appointment, or if at any time during such period of probation or extension they are satisfied that he will not be fit for permanent appointment on the expiration of such period of probation on extension, they may discharge him or pass such orders as they think fit.

(5) Where no action is taken by Government under sub-rule (2) or (3) or (4), the period after the prescribed period of probation shall be treated as an engagement from month to month terminable on either side on the expiration of one calendar month's notice in writing.

(6) A probationer may be required to pass such tests as may be prescribed including a test in Hindi before confirmation.

(7) On promotion to a superior post in the Force, the officiating service in that post or an equivalent post previously rendered may be allowed to count towards the probationary period at the discretion of the controlling authority.

Note.- "Controlling authority" for the purpose of this rule will be the Inspector-General of Police, Central Reserve Police.

109. Transfers—(1) In any Battalion, Company Commanders and Quarter Masters may be transferred from one Company to another Company by the Deputy Inspector-General with due intimation to the Inspector-General of Police.

(2) Superior Officers from one Battalion to another Battalion may be transferred by the Inspector-General of Police with due intimation to the Central Government.

110. Discipline and appeal—The Superior Officers of the Force shall be subject to the provisions of the Central Civil Service (Classifications, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1957, as amended from time to time.

111. Pensions and pensionary benefits—(1) Subject to the provision of sub-rule (2) Superior Officers of the Force shall be entitled to such pension and pensionary benefits as are admissible under the rules applicable to the service to which they belong.

(2) On his permanent transfer to the Force, or within six months thereafter the officer may elect to be governed by the Liberalised Pension Rules, 1950 as amended from time to time. The options once exercised shall be final and will be communicated by the officer to the audit in writing with a copy to the appointing authority within the said period of six months. If no such election is made, he will automatically be governed by the said rules.

Note.-The Superior Officers who have already been absorbed in the Force and have not yet exercised the option, may do so within six months hereafter, failing which they will automatically be governed by the said rules.



(See Rules 46, 53 and 53-A)


Item of expenditure

Commandant BNs





Advance of travelling allowance to Gazetted and Commissioned Officers when proceeding on detachment, in Accordance with paragraph 269(iii) of the Central Government Compilation of the General Financial Rules Vol. I



Full powers provided the cost of travelling is substantial and cannot easily be met by the Officer from his private resources.




Power to sanction advance of pay to members of the Force other than Gazetted and Commissioned Officers When proceeding on detachment Which is expected to last for a Period exceeding two months.



Full powers, subject to (i) the advance shall not exceed one month's pay of the member of the Force; and (ii) that the advance shall be recovered in three equal monthly Installments commencing from the first issue of pay after the drawal of the advance.




Power to grant rewards to Subordinate officers and men of the Force.



UptoRs.100/- in a case or one occasionNote; This limit may be enhanced upto Rs.300/- with the Prior approval of Deputy Inspector General or upto Rs.1000 with the prior approval of Inspector General Subject to budget provision.


Power to sanction temporary imprest for a detachment proceeding on duty from Headquarters.



Uptoa maximum of Rs. 2000/-




Foot Notes.-

(1) The Commandant shall be the drawing officer in regard to the pay and allowances of the members of the Force other than the Commissioned and Gazetted Officers. He will also be the drawing officer in respect of the Contingent and other charges pertaining to the Force subject to the provisions of the Central Government compilation of the General Financial Rules, Vol.I.

(2) Deleted.

(3) The Commandant will also act under Supplementary Rule 191, as the Controlling Officer for travelling allowance purposes in regrd to the Commissioned and Gazetted Officers as well as of the non-gazetted establishment of the Force and Force Hospital, except in respect of Medical Superintendent and Staff Surgeon of the Hospital.

(4) The Deputy Inspector General will be the Controlling Officer for all the above mentioned purposes in regard to the following:-

(i) Commandant and,

(ii)Medical Supdt. And Staff Surgeon of the Hospital.


By virtue of 1959 delegation vide MHA's No. 39/49/59-AC.I, dated 28.9.59 IGP's No. 5300-1E/19(34) dated 20.10.1959.


1. Power to creat temporary posts:

D.I.G., C.R.P.F.

Posts in Class IV for a period not exceeding 2 (two) years.

2. Contingent expenditure relating to matters other than those mentioned at S.No.3 to 14 below.

(i) D.I.G., C.R.P.F.

Recurring Rs.200/- p.a. in each case;


Non-recurring Rs.1000/- p.a. in each case.

(ii) Commandants of C.R.P.F. BNs:

Recurring Rs.120/- p.a. in each case.


Non-recurring Rs.500/- p.a. in each case.

3. Bicycle Repairs:

(i) D.I.G., C.R.P.F.

Full powers


(ii) Commandants of C.R.P.F. BNs

Not exceeding Rs.30/- per cycle per year.


4. Conveyance Hire:

(i) D.I.G., C.R.P.F.;

Non-recurring upto Rs.1000/- p.a. Conveyance hire may be reimbursed to a non gazetted Govt. servant only who-


(i) is despatched for duty to a place at some distance from office if the Govt. servant concerned is not entitled to draw travelling allowance under the ordinary rules for the journey or

(ii) is summoned to office outside the ordinary office hours of duty by the special orders of a Gazetted Officer.

Reimbursement of conveyance hire should be made in accordance with the Scheduled Scale of charges for the conveyance, used.


The conveyance hire should not be granted in respect of a journey if the Govt. servant is granted any compensatory leave or is otherwise entitled to receive any special remuneration for the purpose of the duty which necessitates the journey.


Same as above.

5. Electric, Gas and Water Charges.


(i) D.I.G., C.R.P.F.

Full powers

6. Freight and demurrage/Wharfage charges


(i) Freight charges

(ii) Demurrage charges

(i) D.I.G., C.R.P.F.


(ii) Freight charges - Full powers


(iii) Demurrage charges - Rs.100/- in each case



(i) Freight charges - Full powers

(ii) Demurrage charges - Rs. 25 in each case.

7. Hire of Office Furniture, Electric Fans, Heaters, Clock and Call bells


(i) D.I.G., C.R.P.F.

Rs.1000/- p.a. per office.


Rs.200/- p.a.

8. Instruments, Minor equipments and Apparatus


(i) D.I.G., C.R.P.F.

Rs.1000/- p.a. per office


Rs.200/- p.a.

9. Maintenance and upkeep of Motor Vehicles


(i) D.I.G., C.R.P.F.

Rs.2000/- for repairs for one or any number of vehicles at a time

(MHA No.R.6/I(Accts)-F.(P).I dated 10.6.1970)

10. Municipal Rate and Taxes


(i) D.I.G., C.R.P.F.

Full powers


Full powers

11. Petty Works and Taxes


Repairs and alteration to the hired and requisitioned buildings

(i) D.I.G., C.R.P.F.

Rs.1000/- in each case(Non-recurring) p.a. and Rs.25/- p.a. in each case(recurring)


Rs.100/- p.a in each case(Non-recurring) and Rs.25/- p.a. in each Case(recurring).

This expenditure is subject to the condition that the terms of the agreement/lease deed provide such expenditure to be borne by the Government.


(MHA No. F.3/14/64-Finance(i) dated 7.1.65/R.IX-7/62)

12. Postal and Telegraph Charges

(i) Charges for the issue of letters and telegrams, etc.

(ii)Commission on money orders.

(i)D.I.G., C.R.P.F.


(i) Charges for issue of letters and telegrams etc

- Full powers

(ii)Commission on money orders

- Full powers



(i) Charges for the iseue of letters and telegrams

- Full powers


(ii)Commission on money orders

- Full powers 13. Superseded vide Item 6 of 1961 delegation: 14. Staff paid from Contingencies:



- Full powers


(ii)Commandants of CRPF BNs

- Full powers

15. Petty Works and Repairs


(i) Execution of petty works and special repairs to Govt. owned buildings including sanitary fittings, water supply and electric installations in such buildings and repairs to such installation.

(ii)Ordinary repairs to Govt. buildings.

(a) D.I.G., C.R.P.F.


(i) Rs.1000/- in each case subject to provisions of para 189 and 192 to 195 of the GFRs Vol.I.

(ii)Rs.1000/- in each case subject to provisions of para 189 and 192 to 195 of the GFRs Vol.I.



(i) Rs.100/- in each case subject to provisions of para 189 and 192 to 195 of the GFRs Vol.I.

(ii) Rs.100/- in each case subject to provisions of para 189 and 192 to 195 of the GFRs Vol.I.

By virtue of 1961-DelegationvideMHA's No. 33/12/61.AC.I dated 4.12.61, IGP's No. R.IX-1/61 dated 5.1.1962(R.IX-7/62)


(1) Publications



(i) D.I.G., C.R.P.F.

Official - Upto Rs.100/- p.m.

Non-Official - Full powers subject to:

(i) Budget provision and


(ii) purchase being made through authorised agents of publications.



Official - Upto Rs.50/- p.m.


Non-official - Full powers subject to:

(i) Budget provision, and


(ii) Purchase being made through authorised agents of publications


(2) Purchase of stores including arms and ammunition, Equipments and accoutrements other than replacement of weapons and their components, in accordance with authorised scale.

(i) D.I.G., C.R.P.F.


Full powers subject to the condition that budget provision exists to meet the expenditure, purchases are made through DGS&D or DCPW and the Army Ordnance Depots and general provisions contained in DFPR-1958, GFRs and other procedural instructions issued from time to time.

(3) Fixtures and furniture purchase and repairs.

(i) D.I.G., C.R.P.F.


Rs.1500/- p.a per office subject to the condition that the total expenditure sanctioned by various authorities including the Head of Deptt. For the same office does not exceed Rs.2500/- p.a.




Rs.300/- p.a.


(4) Installation of telephones other than those at reisdences.

(i) D.I.G., C.R.P.F.


Full powers



Full powers


(5) Motor Vehicles - Maintenance, upkeep and repairs.

(i) D.I.G., C.R.P.F.

Rs.2000/- for repairs for one or any number of vehicles at a time (M.H.A. No.3/3/67-Finance dated 5.5.1967) F,3/15/67-Fin. Dated 6.5.1967(R.6/I(Acctt.) F.(P).I dated 10.6.1970.



Rs.1000/- for repairs for one or any number of vehicles at a time.(MHA No.3/3/1967-Finance dated 5.5.1967)(R.6/I(Acctt.) F(P).I dated 10.6.1970.



Rs.500/- for repairs for one or any number of vehicles at a time.


(MHA No.4/11/1963-Finance dated 18.10.1963) R.6/I-Acctt.F(P).I, dated 10.6.1970.

(6) Rent/Ordinary accommodation used for office, hiring parade ground etc. at DETT.


(i) D.I.G., C.R.P.F.

Upto Rs.300/- p.m.


Upto Rs.300/- p.m.


Asstt. Comdt. - Rs.300/- p.m.

Coy. officer - Rs.200/- p.m.

N.B.- This item supersedes the powers delegated at item No.13 of the statement attached to this Ministry's letter No. 39/49/59-A.C.I., dated 28.9.1959.


By virtue of 1961 delegationvideMHA's No.33/12/61-ACI (A), dated 14.12.1961/IGP's.,No. R.IX-1/61 dated 5.1.1962(R.IX-7/1962).

(i) Purchase of clothing for the members of the Force in accordance with the sanctioned scales.(Members of the Force include Class-III/II posts also).

(i) I.G.P., C.R.P.F.


Full powers subject to (i) budget provision and (ii) purchase being made through DGS&D.


(ii) D.I.G., C.R.P.F.


Full powers subject to (i) budget provision and (ii) purchase Being made through DGS&D




Full powers subject to (i) budget provision and (ii) purchase being made through DGS&D.


Note.—If an item is covered by a rate contract the purchase shall be made under the rate contract irrespective of the value of the stores. If an item is not covered by a rate contract and the expenditure involved is less than the minimum monetary limit fixed by DGS&D for entertainment of indents for such items of stores, the purchase may be made locally.

(2) Expenditure on matters such as sanitation and hospital necessities-

(i) I.G.P., C.R.P.F.

Upto Rs.5,000/- on one occasion.

(ii) D.I.G., C.R.P.F.

Upto Rs.3,500/- on one occasion.


Upto Rs.2,500/- on one occasion.


Officers in charge of detachments stationed at places away from Hd. Qrs. may incur expenditure upto a maximum limit shown below on one occasion subject to budget provision.


Asstt. Comdt. Rs.500/- Coy Officer Rs.300/-.


N.B.- The above limits include expenditure on contingency paid staff.



(See Rule 9)

Oath Or Affirmation To Be Taken On Attestation

(a) The oath or affirmation to be taken on attestation shall be in one of the forms or in such other form to the same purport as the attestation officer ascertain to be in accordance with the religion of the member of the Force to be attested, or otherwise binding on his conscience.


Form Of Oath

I,......Swear by Almighty God that I shall be faithful and bear true allegiance to India and to the Constitution of India as by law established and that I shall as in duty bound, honestly and faithfully serve in the Central Reserve Police Force and go wherever I may be ordered by air, land and sea and that I shall observe and obey all commands of any officer set over me even to the peril of my life.


Form Of Affirmation

I,.......Solemnly affirm in the presence of Almighty God that I shall be faithful and bear true allegiance to India and to the Constitution of India as by law established and that I shall as in duty bound, honestly and faithfully serve in the Central Reserve Police Force and go wherever I may be ordered by air, land or sea and that I shall observe and obey all commands of any officer set over me even to the peril of my life.


(a) The oath or affirmation prescribed, shall whenever practicable be administered by the Commandant.

(b) The following is a translation into Hindi of the above affirmation:-

Main.....Parameshwar ko sakshi manker apne dharm se paran karta Hun ke main Hindustan aur Hindustan ki hakumat jo ke kanun se Banai gai hai ka sachche man se hiteshi rahunga aur Central Reserve Police Force men apne dharam aur sachchai ke sath sewa Karta rahunga, Pawan, Jal, Bhumi me se jis marg se jane ki agya Hogi jaunga, aur jise mera adhikari sthapit kiya jayega uski Sari agyaon ki tan man se palan karunga yadi usmen pran jane ka Bhi bhaya ho.


The Oath For Sikhs Begins

Main.....Shri Guru Granth Sahibji ki saugand khaker kahta hun ki main ....(and proceeds as in the Hindi translation of the form of affirmation).


The Oath For Muslims Begins

Main...Khuda-i-Taala ko hazir-or-nazir jankar iman se eqrar karta hun ki main Hindustan aur Hindustan ki hakumat jo ki kanun se banai gai hai ka sachche dil se wafadar rahunga aur Central Reserve Police Force men imandari se faraz shinasi se khidmat ka faraz baja launga, Hawa, Khuski ya tari ke raste jahan bhi jane ka hukam milega, jaunga aur jise mera officer muqarrar kiya jaega uske sub hukam ki tamil aur pairwi karunga khwa us men jan ka khatra ho.



(See Rule 40)

Schedule Showing Rates Of Pay Sanctioned For The Members Of The Force


1. Serving Army Officers appointed as Commandant, Asstt. Commandant or Company Commander-Pay in respect of such officer will be fixed in accordance with the civil rate of pay onad hocbasis which will indicate their Indian Army rate of pay and special pay Rs.400/-, Rs.250/- or Rs.150/- p.m. respectively, if appointed to the posts of Principal, Central Training College and Assistant Principal, Central Training College they will be entitled to free unfurnished Government accommodation in addition to the special pay at Rs.200/- and Rs.100/- per month respectively.


2. Retired/released Army Officers re-employed in the Central Reserve Police Force.



Designation of post

Pay Scale


Commandant in a Battalion or equivalent posts in training institutions



Rs.820-40-1,100-50/2-1,250 plus special pay of Rs.100 p.m. and compensatory allowance of Rs.100/- p.m.




Asstt. Commandant in battalion or equivalent posts in training institutions



Rs.820-40-1,100-50/2-1,250 plus compensatory allowance of Rs. 50/- p.m.




Company Commander/Quarter Master in a battalion or equivalent Posts in training institutions



Rs.325-25-600-35-670-EB-35-950 plus special pay of Rs. 150/- p.m.





Fixation of pay

(a) The pay of re-employed members of the Force shall be fixed in the above scales in accordance with the Ministry of Finance Office Memorandum No.8(34)-E/III-57 dated the 25th November,1958 as amended from time to time. In fixing the pay in the above scales, the benefit of ignoring the first Rs.50/- (Now Rs.500/-) of pension shall be allowed in accordance with the provisions of the Ministry of Finance OM No. 7(34)-Est.III/62 dated the 16th January,1964.

(b) Special pay attached to various posts shall be treated as part of the scales shall be taken into account in fixing the pay provided that the compensatory allowance shall be allowed in addition to the pay fixed in the above scales.

(c) Those members of the Force who are already re-employed in the CRPF shall be given the option to continue in the present pay scales or to come over to the new scales and have their pay refixed as above, provided that the option shall be exercised within 6 months of the issue of these orders and the option once exercised shall be final.

(d) Members of the Force re-employed after the issue of the these orders shall have their pay fixed only in the new scales prescribed in these rules.

(e) Pending cases shall also be decided in accordance with the provisions of sub-para(d) above.

3. Indian Police Service Officers - Deputationists.


The posts of Commandant/Principal; Central Training College and Assistant Commandant are equated to those of Assistant Director in the Intelligence Bureau and Superintendent of Police in the Special Police Establishment respectively. IPS Officers appointed as Commandant and Assistant Commandant will draw a special pay of Rs.300/- and Rs.200/- respectively and a compensatory allowance of Rs.100/- and Rs.50/- respectively. An IPS Officer appointed as Principal, Central Training College will draw a special pay of Rs.200/- and be entitled to a rent free unfurnished accommodation. The above special pay and compensatory allowances will be in addition to pay in the Senior Scale of the Indian Police Service.

This will include non IPS Officers holding the rank of Superintendent of Police or equivalent posts in States subject to the condition that:-

(a) the officer concerned should have immediately before his appointment in the CRPF held a post equivalent in status and responsibility to the post of Superintendent of Police;

(b) the State Government concerned certifies that the officer would have continued to officiate in a post equivalent to that of the Superintendent of Police but for his deputation to the Central Reserve Police Force.

(c) the grade pay drawn by the officer concerned in the State is in a scale equivalent to, but not higher than, the senior scale of the Indian Police Service.

4. For non IPS Officers(excluding Army Officers).


Promoted from the rank of the Company Commander/Quarter Master, Assistant Principal, Central Training College to the posts of Assistant Commandant, Commandant and Principal, Central Training College:

Assistant Commandant

Scale of pay Rs.820-40-1100-50/2-1250, compensatory allowance Rs.50 per month.


Scale of pay Rs.820-40-1100-50/2-1250, special pay Rs.100/- p.m.; Compensatory allowance Rs.100/- per month.

Principal, Central Training College

Scale of pay Rs.820-40-1100-50/2-1250. Rent free unfurnished accommodation.

5. Deputy Superintendent of Police or Officers of equivalent rank from the State Armed Police appointed as Company Commander/Quarter Master.

The initial pay shall be fixed in the scale of pay for the post of Deputy Superintendent of Police (Company Commander/Quarter Master) in the Central Reserve Police at a stage which together with the dearness allowance, if any admissible under the Central Government rule would be equal to the sum of-

(i) Pay and dearness allowance actually drawn by the deputationist in the State as Deputy Superintendent of Police or equivalent rank.


If there is no such stage in the Central Scale the officer would be given the next lower stage with the difference as personal pay to be absorbed in subsequent increment. The next increment would be allowed on the same date on which the officer would have earned it in the State scale or the date on which it would normally, be due in the Central scale whichever is earlier. In no case should the initial pay exceed the maximum of the scale of pay.


No special pay will be admissible to the officers in addition to the pay in the scale.

6. (a) Inspectors on the select list for promotion to the rank of Deputy Superintendent of Police or equivalent rank.

(b) Substantive holder of the post of Inspector or equivalent post of officiating Inspector with at least three years continuous service in that grade or equivalent posts in any Central or State Police Organisation, and

(c) Inspector promoted to the rank of Deputy Supdt. Of Police (Company Commander/Quarter Master) while on deputation to the Central Reserve Police.

The pay shall be fixed in the same manner as above as if the officers concerned had been appointed to the rank of Deputy Superintendent of Police or equivalent rank in their parent States or Central Police Organisation on the date of deputation/promotion.


7. Deputy Superintendent of Police, etc./Inspectors(mentioned at items 5 and 6 above) appointed as Asstt. Principal, Central Training College, Central Reserve Police Force-

(i) Pay and dearness allowance as admissible to a Company Commander/Quarter Master in the Central Reserve Police Force.

(ii) Unfurnished rent free accommodation. No special pay shall be admissible.

8. Directly recruited or local promotees to the post of Deputy Superintendent of Police(Company Commander/Quarter Master).


(i) Scale of pay Rs.325-25-600-35-670-EB-35-950.

(ii) Special pay Rs.150/- p.m. (but for direct appointees special pay will be admissible after completion of training).

Note.—Such Officers appointed as Assistant Principal, Central Training College, will get special pay at Rs.100/- p.m. plus unfurnished rent free accommodation.



Sl. No.

Designation of Post










Radio Mechanic (Sub-Inspector)



Rs. 210-10-290-15-32-EB-15-425




Motor Mechanic (Sub-Inspector)



Rs. 200-8-256







Rs. 168-8-200-EB-8-256




(a) Radio Mechanic (Head Constable Grade. I)



(i) Rs.180-10-290-EB-15-380 (for those possessing a Diploma in Engineering equivalent qualification)






(ii) Rs.150-10-250-Eb-10-290-15-335-EB-15-380




(b) Draftsman (Head Constable)



Rs. 150-5-175-6-205-EB-7-240




Radio Technical (Mechanic) Head Constable Grade-II







Radio Fitter (Head Constable)







Head Constable










Rs.85-2-95-3-110 plus Rs.2 efficiency pay




Lance Naik/Ct.



Rs.75-1-85-EB-2-95 plus Rs.2 efficiency pay












*(initial pay Rs.70/- reduced by Rs.2/- for each year by which age falls below 18 years and shall be increased by Rs.2/- annually from next birthday onwards till attainmnet of 18 years when minimum of Rs.70/- will be drawn)(Rule 12 of the Central Civil Services(Revised Pay) Rules.1960). 11. Pay of subordinate State Police Staff deputed to the non-gazetted rank in the Central Reserve Police will be fixed as follows:

(a) The initial pay shall be fixed in the Central Reserve Police scale of pay at stage which together with the dearness allowance at the Central rates would be equal to the sum of-

(i) Pay and dearness allowance actually drawn by them in the rank shown below or what would be admissible to them had They been appointed to those rank(s) and


(ii) the amount shown against each rank.


Rank in the Central Reserve Police Force

Equivalent rank in the State

Amount which is to be added to pay and Dearness allowance admissible at the State Government rates















Head Constable/Naik



Head Constable/Naik




Lance Naik/Constable



Lance Naik/Constable





If there is no stage in the Central Reserve Police Force scale of pay corresponding to the figure arrived at as above, the pay shall be fixed at the stage next below with the difference as personal pay. The personal pay, if any, would absorbed in subsequent increments and the next increment would be allowed on the same date on which the officer concerned would have earned it in the State scale or the date on which it would normally be due in the Central Reserve Police Force scale, whichever is earlier. The pay fixed should in no case exceed the maximum of the Central scale. For the purpose of this para, "pay" in the State would include special pay, if any which is granted in lieu of a separate scale of pay and trade/proficiency pay.

(b) In addition to the pay as determined in (a) above, they shall be granted a special pay at the following rates:-


Rate of Special Pay




Rs.75/- p.m.






Rs.50/- p.m.



Head Constable/Naik



Rs.30/- p.m.



Constable/Lance Naik



Rs.20/- p.m.





No other pay special would be Admissible to them.





(See rule 40)

Schedule Showing Special Pays And Specialist Allowances Admissible To The Non-Gazetted Members Of The Force


Platoon to which attached


Rate of special pay






Administrative Platoon



SubedarMajor (Inspector)







Coy Havildar Major







Coy Quarter Master Havildar







Liaison Sub-Inspector





Quarter Master, Store Section Platoon



Quarter Master (Sub-Inspector)







Battalion QMH







QM Writer Havildar







QM Writer Naik







QM Storeman (LNK/Constable) 1+3














Sub-Inspector Armourer




























Head Carpenter Naik







Carpenter Constable







Head Shoemaker Naik







Shoemaker Constable







(Head Tailor Havildar)







(Head Constable)







Tailor Naik







Tailor Constable







Sub-Inspector Tailor





Education Platoon



Education Sub-Inspector







Education Havildar







(Head Constable)







Education Naik





Motor Transport Platoon



Transport Section







Motor Transport Subedar







Sub-Inspector Platoon







Commander Head Constable







(Motor Transport Documentation)







Workshop Section Head Constable Fitter














Lance Naik/Const. Fitter







Constable Painter





Training Platoon



SI Adjutant







Battalion Havildar Major







Instructor Havildar (Head Const.)







Instructor Naik







Lance Naik Instructor







Bugler Constable





Six Service Companies



Company Havildar Major







Coy. Quarter Master Havildar







Coy Bugler Constable












Signal Units










Sub-Inspector Operator





















SubedarRadio Technician














Sub-Inspector Crypto












For Training Institutions

















Sub-Inspector Instructor





















LNK/Const. Instructor





EDP Cell



SubedarMajor (Inspector)





















HC/QM Havildar





Note.—Any additional specialist post of any category if sanctioned in administrative grounds will carry the special pay/specialist allowances as prescribed for equivalent rank.


FORM C.R.P.F. No. 1

(See rules 12 and 37)

The Central Reserve Police Recruiting Roll

1. Name


2. Father's name

3. Religion

4. Caste or Tribe

5. Town or village

6. Police Station(Thana)

7. District

8. State

9. Are you employed in any Government service, if so, what?

10. Have you served in any Govt. Service? If so, state the reasons for your discharge and confirm that you were never dismissed from any Government service.

11. Are you in receipt of any allowance, etc., from Govt. and if so, on what account.

12. Are you willing to be enrolled in the Central Reserve Police in the rank of........?

13. Are you willing to serve even outside India, if so required?

14. Are you willing to undertake that you will not allow any caste usage to interfere with your duties?

15. Are you willing to be vaccinated or inoculated as and when required?

16. After you have served in the Force for such period as the Government of India may prescribe, you may, at any time when not on active duty, apply Discharge through the officer to whom you may be subordinate, to the Commandant and you will be granted you discharge after two months from The date of your application, unless your discharge would cause the Vacancies in the Force exceed one tenth of the sanctioned strength in Which case you will be bound to remain to do your duty until the Necessity for retaining you in the Force ceases:

Provided, that if you wish to withdraw from the Force may submit your Resignation at any time before the expiration of first three months of your service, but not afterwards until the completion of the period prescribed, as aforesaid, the Commandant may either accept your resignation forthwith or at the end of three months from the date of its receipt:

Provided, further that the Commandant may, if he thinks fit allow you To resign at any time on your giving three months notice of your wish To do so.

Note.—(1) Prescribed period is three years.

(2) During the period of initial engagement or so long you are temporary thereafter, the appointing authority may discharge you at any time on one month's notice if in his opinion you are not likely to make an efficient member of the Force.

(3) Should the Central Government decide to disband the Force(Or part of it) before termination of the period for which you are enrolled or at any time thereafter, you will be liable to be discharged without compensation from the date of the disbandment.

Signature of Member of the Force in acknowledgement of the above having been read out to him.



Space for impression of the member's left thumb to be taken in the presence of the enrolling officer.



Signed in my presence after I had ascertained that the candidate understood the purport of what he signed.




Commandant or the Enrolling Officer.



Variation(s) of conditions of service.

I hereby agree to the following variation(s) in my conditions of service:-

Signature of Member of the Force in acknowledgement of agreeing to the variation(s).

Signed in my presence after I had mentioned that the member of the Force understood the purport of what he signed.

Commandant or other Superior Officer.



Health Certificate

I do hereby certify that I have examined.......candidate for employment in the Central Reserve Police Force and cannot discover that he has any disease, constitutional affection or bodily infirmity, except:


and I do not consider this a disqualification for employment. His age according to his own statement is.....years and by appearance....years.











Identification marks:


Signature and designation of Medical Officer.

Place Date 20


Charcter And Service Roll

(SeeC.R.P.F. Form No.2)

Verification Roll

(As revisedvideMHA No. 2/8/64-P.II dated 7.9.1966, CRPF Gazette No.9(c) dated 22.9.1966)

[Rule 14 (b)] (SeeCRP Form No. 25)

The Central Reserve Police Discharge Certificate

(Rule 18) (SeeCRPF Form No. 26)

Certificate Of Service

Serial No.....


































Police Station...........................................................



Post Office...................................................................




Tel. Office................................................................










Date of Enlistment........................................................




Date of discharge......................................................






Description at the time of completion of this form:






Date of birth.............................................................






Distinctive marks           (i).............................................................................




(ii) ...........................................................................


Discharge by order of.............Dismissed/removed in....................consequence of.............under section.............of the CRPF Act, 1949 after serving for ................... years ..............months.




Whether fit for further employment................................................................................................................................................................




Character assessed videC.R.P.F. Rule 18....................................................................................................................................................




Medals, decorations or mentioned in despatches...........................................................................................................................................




Wounds/Injuries (Details of disability) ..........................................................................................................................................................








(a) Highest CRPF educational




(i) Hindi-Third/Second/First


(ii) Law..........................................................................................


(iii) English......................................................................................


(b) Highest education (Civil)...............................................................................................................................................................................




(a) Employment before enlistment......................................................................................................................................................................




(b) CRPF Trade/Cadre/Courses/Training.............................................................................................................................................................




(a) Amount of gratuity paid Rs...........................................................................................................................................................................




(b) Pension sanctioned Rs.................................................vide Order No.....................................dated...................by the..................................







Signature of the Commandant

