[Dated : July 30, 2024]

An Act to provide for the declaration of certain highways to be national highways and for matters connected therewith.

BE it enacted by Parliament in the Seventh Year of the Republic of India as follows:--

1.Short title, extent and commencement.—(1) This Act may be called the National Highways Act, 1956.

  1. It extends to the whole of India.

  2. It shall come into force on such date[1] as the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint.

2. Declaration of certain highways to be national highways.—(1) Each of the highways specified in the Schedule[2]*** is hereby declared to be a national highway.

  1. The Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, declare any other highway to be a national highway and on the publication of such notification such highway shall be deemed to be specified in the Schedule.

  2. The Central Government may, by like notification, omit any highway from the Schedule and on the publication of such notification, the highway so omitted shall cease to be a national highway.

[3][3. Definitions.—In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,

    1. “competent authority” means any person or authority authorised by the Central Government, by notification in the Official Gazette, to perform the functions of the competent authority for such area as may be specified in the notification;

    2. “land” includes benefits to arise out of land and things attached to the earth or permanently fastened to anything attached to the earth.

3A. Power to acquire land, etc.—(1) Where the Central Government is satisfied that for a public purpose any land is required for the building, maintenance, management or operation of a national highway or part thereof, it may, by notification in the Official Gazette, declare its intention to acquire such land.

  1. Every notification under sub-section (1) shall give a brief description of the land.

  2. The competent authority shall cause the substance of the notification to be published in two local newspapers, one of which will be in a vernacular language.

3B. Power to enter for survey, etc.—On the issue of a notification under sub-section (1) of section 3A, it shall be lawful for any person, authorised by the Central Government in this behalf, to

    1. make any inspection, survey, measurement, valuation or enquiry;

    2. take levels;

    3. dig or bore into sub-soil;

    4. set out boundaries and intended lines of work;

    5. mark such levels, boundaries and lines placing marks and cutting trenches; or

    6. do such other acts or things as may be laid down by rules made in this behalf by that Government.

3C. Hearing of objections.—(1) Any person interested in the land may, within twenty-one days from the date of publication of the notification under sub-section (1) of section 3A, object to the use of the land for the purpose or purposes mentioned in that sub-section.

  1. Every objection under sub-section (1) shall be made to the competent authority in writing and shall set out the grounds thereof and the competent authority shall give the objector an opportunity of being heard, either in person or by a legal practitioner, and may, after hearing all such objections and after making such further enquiry, it any, as the competent authority thinks necessary, by order, either allow or disallow the objections.

Explanation.—For the purposes of this sub-section, “legal practitioner” has the same meaning as in clause (i) of sub-section (1) of section 2 of the Advocates Act, 1961 (25 of 1.961).

  1. Any order made by the competent authority under sub-section (2) shall be final.

3D. Declaration of acquisition.—(1) Where no objection under sub-section (1) of section 3C has been made to the competent authority within the period specified therein or where the competent authority has disallowed the objection under sub-section (2) of that section, the competent authority shall, as soon as may be, submit a report accordingly to the Central Government and on receipt of such report, the Central Government shall declare, by notification in the Official Gazette, that the land should be acquired for the purpose or purposes mentioned in sub-section (1) of section 3A.

  1. On the publication of the declaration under sub-section (1), the land shall vest absolutely in the Central Government free from all encumbrances.

  2. Where in respect of any land, a notification has been published under sub-section (1) of section 3A for its acquisition but no declaration under sub-section (1) has been published within a period of one year from the date of publication of that notification, the said notification shall cease to have any effect:

Provided that in computing the said period of one year, the period or periods during which any action or proceedings to be taken in pursuance of the notification issued under sub-section (1) of section 3A is stayed by an order of a court shall be excluded.

  1. A declaration made by the Central Government under sub-section (1) shall not be called in question in any court or by any other authority.

3E. Power to take possession.—(1) Where any land has vested in the Central Government under sub-section (2) of section 3D, and the amount determined by the competent authority under section 3G with respect to such land has been deposited under sub-section (1) of section 3H, with the competent authority by the Central Government, the competent authority may by notice in writing direct the owner as well as any other person who may be in possession of such land to surrender or deliver possession thereof to the competent authority or any person duly authorised by it in this behalf within sixty days of the service of the notice.

(2) If any person refuses or fails to comply with any direction made under sub-section (1), the competent authority shall apply—

  1. in the case of any land situated in any area falling within the metropolitan area, to the Commissioner of Police;

  2. in case of any land situated in any area other than the area referred to in clause (a), to the

Collector of a District, and such Commissioner or Collector, as the case may be, shall enforce the surrender of the land, to the competent authority or to the person duly authorised by it.

3F. Right to enter into the land where land has vested in the Central Government.—Where the land has vested in the Central Government under section 3D, it shall be lawful for any person authorised by the Central Government in this behalf, to enter and do other act necessary upon the land for carrying out the building, maintenance, management or operation of a national highway or a part thereof, or any other work connected therewith.

3G. Determination of amount payable as compensation.—(1) Where any land is acquired under this Act, there shall be paid an amount which shall be determined by an order of the competent authority.

  1. Where the right of user or any right in the nature of an easement on, any land is acquired under this Act, there shall be paid an amount to the owner and any other person whose right of enjoyment in that land has been affected in any manner whatsoever by reason of such acquisition an amount calculated at ten per cent, of the amount determined under sub-section (1), for that land.

  2. Before proceeding to determine the amount under sub-section (1) or sub-section (2), the competent authority shall give a public notice published in two local newspapers, one of which will be in a vernacular language inviting claims from all persons interested in the land to be acquired.

  3. Such notice shall state the particulars of the land and shall require all persons interested in such land to appear in person or by an agent or by a legal practitioner referred to in sub-section (2) of section 3C, before the competent authority, at a time and place and to state the nature of their respective interest in such land.

  4. If the amount determined by the competent authority under sub-section (1) or sub-section (2) is not acceptable to either of the parties, the amount shall, on an application by either of the parties, be determined by the arbitrator to be appointed by the Central Government--

  5. Subject to the provisions of this Act, the provisions of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 (26 of 1996) shall apply to every arbitration under this Act.

  6. The competent authority or the arbitrator while determining the amount under sub-section (1) or sub-section (5), as the case may be, shall take into consideration—

    1. the market value of the land on the date of publication of the notification under section 3A;

    2. the damage, if any, sustained by the person interested at the time of taking possession of the land, by reason of the severing of such land from other land;

    3. the damage, if any, sustained by the person interested at the time of taking possession of the land, by reason of the acquisition injuriously affecting his other immovable property in any manner, or his earnings;

    4. if, in consequences of the acquisition of the land, the person interested is compelled to change his residence or place of business, the reasonable expenses, if any, incidental to such change.

3H. Deposit and payment of amount.—(1) The amount determined under section 3G shall be deposited by the Central Government in such manner asmay be laid down by rules made in this behalf by that Government, with the competent authority before taking possession of the land.

  1. As soon as may be after the amount has been deposited under sub-section (1), the competent authority shall on behalf of the Central Government pay the amount to the person or persons entitled thereto.

  2. Where several persons claim to be interested in the amount deposited under sub-section (1), the competent authority shall determine the persons who in its opinion are entitled to receive the amount payable to each of them.

  3. If any dispute arises as to the apportionment of the amount or any part thereof or to any person to whom the same or any part thereof is payable, the competent authority shall refer the dispute to the decision of the principal civil court of original jurisdiction within the limits of whose jurisdiction the land is situated.

  4. Where the amount determined under section 3G by the arbitrator is in excess of the amount determined by the competent authority, the arbitrator may award interest at nine per cent, per annum on such excess amount from the date of taking possession under section 3D till the date of the actual deposit thereof.

  5. Where the amount determined by the arbitrator is in excess of the amount determined by the competent authority, the excess amount together with interest, if any, awarded under sub-section

(5) shall be deposited by the Central Government in such manner as may be laid down by rules made in this behalf by that Government, with the competent authority and the provisions of subsections (2) to (4) shall apply to such deposit.

3I. Competent authority to have certain powers of civil court.—The competent authority shall have, for the purposes of this Act, all the powers of a civil court while trying a suit under the Code of

Civil Procedure, 1908 (5 of 1908), in respect of the following matters, namely:—

  1. summoning and enforcing the attendance of any person and examining him on oath;

  2. requiring the discovery and production of any document;

  3. reception of evidence on affidavits;

  4. requisitioning any public record from any court or office; (e) issuing commission for examination of witnesses.

3J. Land Acquisition Act 1 of 1894 not to apply.—Nothing in the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 shall apply to an acquisition under this Act.]

  1. National highways to vest in the Union.—All national highways shall vest in the Union, and for the purposes of this Act “highways” include--

    1. all lands appurtenant thereto, whether demarcated or not;

    2. all bridges, culverts, tunnels, causeways, carriageways and other structures constructed on or across such highways; and

    3. all fences, trees, posts and boundary, furlong and milestones of such highways or any land appurtenant to such highways.

  2. Responsibility for development and maintenance of national highways.—It shall be the responsibility of the Central Government to develop and maintain in proper repair all national highways; but the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, direct that any function in relation to the development or maintenance of any national highway shall, subject to such conditions, if any, as may be specified in the notification, also be exercisable by the Government of the State within which the national highway is situated or by any officer or authority subordinate to the Central Government or to the State Government.

  3. Power to issue directions.—The Central Government may give directions to the Government of any State as to the carrying out in the State of any of the provisions of this Act or of any rule, notification or order made thereunder.

  4. Fees for services or benefits rendered on national highways.—(1) The Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, levy fees at such rates as may be laid down by rules made in this behalf for services or benefits rendered in relation to the use of ferries,[4][permanent bridges the cost of construction of each of which is more than rupees twenty-five lakhs and which are opened to traffic on or after the 1st day of April, 1976,] temporary bridges and tunnels on national highways[5][and the use of sections of national highways].

  1. Such fees when so levied shall be collected in accordance with the rules made under this Act.

  2. Any fee leviable immediately before the commencement of this Act for services or benefits rendered in relation to the use of ferries, temporary bridges and tunnels on any highway specified in the Schedule shall continue to be leviable under this Act unless and until it is altered in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1):

[6][Provided that if the Central Government is of opinion that it is necessary in the public interest so to do, it may, by like notification, specify any bridge in relation to the use of which fees shall not be leviable under this sub-section.]

8. [Agreements with State Governments or municipalities.]Omitted by the National Highways Laws (Amendment) Act, 1997 (16 of 1997), s. 4 (w.e.f. 24-1-1997).

[7] [8A. Power of Central Government to enter into agreements for development and maintenance of national highways.—(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, the Central Government may enter into an agreement with any person in relation to the development and maintenance of the whole or any part of a national highway.

  1. Notwithstanding anything contained in section 7, the person referred to in sub-section (1) is entitled to collect and retain fees at such rate, for services or benefits rendered by him as the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, specify having regard to the expenditure involved in building, maintenance, management and operation of the whole or part of such national highway, interest on the capital invested, reasonable return, the volume of traffic and the period of such agreement.

  2. A person referred to in sub-section (1) shall have powers to regulate and control the traffic in accordance with the provisions contained in Chapter VIII of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (59 of 1988) on the national highway forming subject-matter of such agreement, for proper management thereof.

8B. Punishment for mischief by injury to national highway.—Whoever commits mischief by doing any act which renders or which he knows to be likely to render any national highway referred to in sub-section (1) of section 8A impassable or less safe for traveling or conveying property, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to five years, or with a fine, or with both.]

9. Power to make rules.—(1) The Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, make rules for carrying out the purposes of this Act.

(2) In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, such rules may provide for all or any of the following matters, namely:

(a) the manner in which, and the conditions subject to which, any function in relation to the development or maintenance of a national highway or any part thereof may be exercised by the State Government or any officer or authority subordinate to the Central Government or the State Government;

[8][(aa) the manner in which the amount shall be deposited with the competent authority under sub-sections (1) and (6) of section 3H;]


1[(b) the rates at which fees for services rendered in relation to the use of ferries, permanent bridges, temporary bridges and tunnels on any national highway2[and the use of sections of any national highway] may be levied, and the manner in which such fees shall be collected, under section 7;]

  1. the periodical inspection of national highways and the submission of inspection reports to the Central Government;

  2. the reports on works carried out on national highways;

  3. any other matter for which provision should be made under this Act.

3[(3) Every rule made under this section shall be laid, as soon as may be after it is made, before each House of Parliament, while it is in session, for a total period of thirty days which may be comprised in one session or in two or more successive sessions and if, before the expiry of the session immediately following the session or the successive sessions aforesaid, both Houses agree in making any modification in the rule or both Houses agree that the rule should not be made, the rule shall thereafter have effect only in such modified form or be of no effect, as the case may be; so, however, that any such modification or annulment shall be without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done under that rule.]

10. Laying of notifications, rules, etc., before Parliament.—All notifications or agreements issued or entered into under this Act shall be laid before both Houses of Parliament as soon as may be after they are issued or entered into4***.



  1. Subs. by Act 30 of 1977, s. 3, for clause (b) (w.e.f. 12-8-1977).

  2. Ins. by Act 1 of 1993, s. 3 (w.r.e.f. 23-10-1992).

  1. Ins. by Act 30 of 1977, s. 3 (w.e.f. 12-8-1977).

  2. Certain words omitted by Act 30 of 1977, s. 4 (w.e.f. 12-8-1977).



[See section 2]


Serial No. National Description of National Highways Highway No.

    1. 1        The highway connecting Delhi, Ambala, Jullundur and Amritsar and proceeding to the border between India and Pakistan.

    2. 1A      The highway connecting Jullundur, Madhopur, Jammu, Banihal,

Srinagar, Baramula and Uri.

[9][2-A. 1B The highway starting from its junction at Botole on National Highway No. 1A and connecting Doda with kishtwar to be a national highway.]

        [10][2-AA   Extension of The highway starting from its junction with National Highway No.

NH No. 1B 1B near Kishtwar and connecting Chhatree, SymthanMaidan and terminating at Symthan pass in Jammu and Kashmir.

2-AAA 1C The highway starting from its junction with National Highway No. 1A near Domel and terminating at Katra in Jammu and Kashmir.]

            [11][3                 2     [The highway connecting Delhi, Mathura, Agra, Kanpur, Allahabad,

Banaras, Mohania, BarhiPalsit, Baidyabati, Bara, Calcutta.]

                                     * 2A         Sikandra - Bhognipur

4 3 The highway connecting Agra, Gwalior, Shivpuri, Indore, Dhulia, Nasik, Thana and Bombay.

            [12][5               302           The highway starting from its junction with NH-2 near Theriat

connecting Lunglei, Lungseni, Tuiehong and terminating at Demagiri in the State of Mizoram.]

           [13][5A               4A          The highway connecting Belgaum, Anmod, Panda and Panaji.]

[14][5B 4B The highway starting from its junction with Panvel- Uran State Highway near Nhava-Sheva Port Complex and proceeding further with one arm terminating of Kalamboli on National Highway No. 4 and another arm crossing National Highway No. 17 near Palaspe and proceeding further to terminate on National Highway No. 4.]

6 5 The highway starting from its junction near Baharagora with the highway specified in serial No. 7 and connecting Cuttack, Bhubaneswar, Visakhapatnam, Vijayawada and Madras.

SerialNo. National Description of National Highways Highway No.


5A The highway starting from its junction near Haridaspur with National Highway No. 5 and terminating at the Paradip Port.]


6 The highway starting from its junction near Dhulia with the highway specified in serial No. 4 and connecting Nagpur, Raipur, Sambalpur, Baharagora and Calcutta. 


Extension of The highway starting from its junction with N.H. No. 6 near Dhule N.H. No. 6 in Maharashtra and terminating at Surat in Gujarati.]


Extension of The highway starting from its junction near Surat on National NH No. 6 Highway No. 6 and terminating at Hajira in Gujarat.] 


7 The highway starting from its junction near Banaras with the highway specified in serial No. 3 and connecting Mangawan, Rewa, Jabalpur, Lakhnadon, Nagpur, Hyderabad, Kurnool, Bangalore, Krishnagiri, Salem, Dindigul, Madurai and Cape Comorin.


7A The highway connecting Palayankottai on National Highway No. 7 with the Tuticorin Port.] 


8           The        highway           connecting        Delhi,   Jaipur, Ajmer,   Udaipur, Ahmedabad, Baroda and Bombay. 


          8A          The highway connecting Ahmedabad, Limbdi, Morvi and Kandla. 


Extension of The highway starting from its junction near Kandla on National

NH No. 8A         Highway No. 8A connecting Mundra and terminating at Mandvi in



8B The highway starting from its junction nearBamanbhore with the highway specified in serial No. 10 and connecting Rajkot and Porbandar.


8C The highway connecting Chiloda on National Highway No. 8, in Gujarat, Gandhinagar and terminating at Sarkej on National

Highway No. 8A shall be a national highway.]  


8D        The highway starting from its junction near Jetpur on National Highway No. 8B and connecting Junagarh, Keshod and terminating


at Somnath in Gujarat.] 

         *8E          Somnath-Bhavnagar


  1. Ins. by notification No. S.O. 865(E), Dated 21st July, 1971.

  2. Ins. by notification No. S.O. 116(E), Dated 9th February, 1998.

  3. Ins. by notification No. S.O. 7(E), Dated 6th January, 1999.

  4. Ins. by notification No. S.O. 179(E), Dated 7th March, 1972.

  5. Ins. by notification No. S.O. 3114(E), Dated 18th October, 1978.

Serial No. National Description of National Highways Highway No.


           9           The    highway    connecting    Poona,    Sholapur,Hyderabad      and



Extension of The highway starting from its junction nearVijayawada on National

NH No. 9               Highway No. 5 connecting Vuyyuru, Pammari and terminating at

Machilipatnam in Andhra Pradesh.]


10 The highway connecting Delhi and Fazilka and proceeding to the border between India and Pakistan. 


          11           The highway connecting Agra, Jaipur and Bikaner.] 


12 The highway starting from Jabalpur, connecting  Bhopal Biaora, Rajgarh, Khilehipur, AkleraJhalawar, Kota, Bundi, Devil, Tonk and terminating at Jaipur on National Highway No. 8.] 


          13           The highway connecting Sholapur and Chitradurga.]

1[13 CC

Extension of The highway starting from its junction near

NH No. 13

 Mangalore on National Highway No. 48 and connecting Tirthahalli, Shimoga and terminating at its junction with National Highway No.



4 near Chitradurga in Karnataka.]






The highway starting from its junction near

Chandigarh with National Highway No. 22 and connecting Ropar, Bilaspur, Mandi, Kulu and Manali.] 



The highway starting from its junction near Pinjore on National Highway No. 22 in Haryana connecting Baddi, Nalagarh and terminating at its junction with National Highway No. 21 near Swarghat in Himachal Pradesh.] 



The highway connecting Pathankot-Amritsar, Bhatinda, Ganganagar, Bikaner, Jaisalmer, Barmer to its junction with National Highway No. 8A near Samakhiali (near Kandla).]



The highway connecting Panvel on NationalHighway No. 4 Mahad, Panaji, Karwar, Mangalore, Cannanore, Calicut (Kozhikode), Feroke, Kuttipuram, PuduPonnani, ChowghatCranganpur to junction with National Highway No. 47 near Edapally.


Serial No. National Description of National Highways Highway No.

[22][13G 17A The highway starting from its junction nearCortalim with National Highway No. 17 andterminating at the Marmugao Port.]

[23][13GG 17B The highway starting from its junction with NH No. 4A near Ponda connecting Barim-verna and terminating near Vasco in Goa.]

         [24][13H             *18        Junction with National Highway No. 7 near Kurnool - Nandyal -

Cuddapah Junction with National Highway No. 4 Near Chittoor 

         [25][13-J             *19          Gazipur - Ballia - Patna 


                                      *20         Pathankot - Mandi

  1. 22 The highway connecting Ambala, Kalka, Simla, Narkanda, Rampur

and Chini and proceeding to the border between India and Tibet near Shipki-La. 

         1[14A               23              The highway connecting Chas, Ranchi, Rourkela, Talcher and

terminating at National Highway No. 42.] 

  1. 24 The highway connecting Delhi, Bareilly and Lucknow.

[26][16 6 The highway starting from its junction with NH-27 near Jorabat in the State of Assam connecting Shillong, Dhaleshwar, Kanpui, Aizawal, Selling, Lumtui, Khawthlir, Tuisen, Neihdawn and terminating at Champai in the State of Mizoram.]

[27][16-A 25A The highway starting from its junction with National Highway No. 25 at Km 19 and terminating at BakshikaTalab in National Highway No. 24 in Uttar Pradesh.] 

  1. 26 The highway connecting Jhansi and Lakhnadon.

  2. 27 The highway connecting Allahabad with the highway specified in serial No. 8 near Mangawan.

  3. 28 The highway starting from its junction near Barauni with the highway specified in serial No. 23 and connecting Muzaffarpur, Pipra, Gorakhpur and Lucknow. 

  4. 28A The highway starting from its junction near Pipra with the highway specified in serial No. 19 and connecting Sagauli and Raxaul and proceeding to the border between India and Nepal. 

Description of National Highways

         1[20A                       11A   The highway starting from Mnoharpura on National Highway No. 8

connecting Andhi to terminate at Dausa on National Highway No. 11

in the State of Rajasthan.]

  1. 29 The highway connecting Gorakhpur, Ghazipur and Banaras. 

  2. 30 The highway starting from its junction near Mohania with the

highway specified in serial No. 3 and connecting Patna and


         2[22A              30A         The highway starting from its junction near Phatuha on National

Highway No. 30 and connecting ChandiHarnaut National Highway

No. 31, Saksohara and terminating in its junction on National

Highway No. 31 near Barh in Bihar.] 

           3[23                31     The highway starting from its junction near Barhi with the highway

specified in serial No. 3 and connecting Bakhtiyarpur, Mokameh,

Purnea, Dalkhola, Siliguri, Sivok, and Cooch-Behar, North Salmara

and proceeding generally via Nalbari, Charali and Amingaon to its

junction with the highway specified in serial No. 28 near Pandu.] 

         1[23A                        16         The highway starting from its junction at Nizamabad on National

Highway No. 7 in the State of Andhra Pradesh connecting

Mancheral-Sironcha-Bhopalpatnam-Bijapur to terminate at Jagdalpur

on National Highway No. 43 in the State of Madhya Pradesh.]

  1. 31A           The highway connecting Sivok and Gangtok.

         3[24A               32   The highway starting from its junction near Govindpur with National

Highway No. 2 and connecting Dhanbad with Jamshedpur.] 

        4[24AA            31B      The highway starting from near North Salmara to its junction with

National Highway No. 37 near Goalpara.]

      5[24AAA           31C        The highway starting from near Galgalia, connectingBaghdogra,

Chalsa, Nagrakata, Goyerkata.]

  1. 33 The highway starting from its junction near Barhi with the highway

specified in serial No. 3 and connecting Ranchi and Tatanagar and

proceeding to its junction with the highway specified in serial No. 7

near Baharagora.

         6[25A               20       The highway starting from its junction at Pathankot in the State of

Punjab connecting Chakki-Palampur-Joginder Nagar to terminate at

Mandi in the State of Himachal Pradesh.]

Description of National Highways

  1. 34 The highway starting from its junction near Dalkhola with the highway specified in serial No. 23 and connecting Berhampore, Barasat and Calcutta.

  2. 35 The highway connecting Barasat and Bangaon and proceeding to the border between India and Pakistan. 

         [28][27A               36   The highway connecting Nowgong, Dabaka, and Dimapur (Manipur


  1. 37 The highway starting from its junction near Goalpara with the

highway specified in serial No. 23 and connecting Gauhati, Jorabat, Kamargaon, Makum and SaikhoaGhat. 


                                     *37A         Kuarital-Junction with National Highway No. 52 Near Tezpur 

  1. 38 The highway connecting Makum, Ledo and Lekhapani.

  2. 39 The highway connecting Kamargaon, Imphal and Palel and proceeding to the border between India and Burma. 

  3. 40 The highway connecting Jorabat and Shillong and proceeding to the border between India and Pakistan near Dawki.

         [29][31A     Extension of The highway starting from its junction with National Highway No.

NH No. 40 44 near Jowai connecting Amlarem and terminating at its junction with National Highway No. 40 near Dawki in Meghalaya.] 

  1. 42 The highway starting from its junction near Sambalpur with the highway specified in serial No. 7 and  proceeding via Angul to its junction with the highway specified in serial No. 6 near Cuttack. 

  2. 43 The highway connecting Rajpur and Vizianagaram and proceeding to its junction with the highway specified in serial No. 6 near Vizianagaram. 

         2[33A               44        The highway connecting Shillong, Passi, Baderpur and Agartala.] 

[30][33AA 44A The highway starting from its junction with National Highway No. 54 near Aizawl in Mizoram and connecting Sairang, Lengpui, Mamit and terminating at Manu in Tripura.] 

3[33B Extension of The highway starting from its junction near Agartala on NH 44 and NH 44 terminating at Sabroom in Tripura.]

  1. 45 The highway connecting Madras, Tiruchirappalli and Dindigul.

[31][34A 45A The highway starting from Villuspuram on National Highway No. 45 and terminating at Pondicherry.]


Description of National Highways

[32][34-AA Extension of The highway starting from its junction with National Highway No. NH No. 45A 45A near Pondy in Pondicherry and connecting Cuddalore-

Chidambaram and terminating at its junction with National Highway No. 67 near Nagapattinam in Tamil Nadu.] 

1[34-AAA 45B The highway starting from its junction with National Highway No. 45 near Trichy and connecting Viralimalai, Tovarankuruchchi, Melur, Madurai (National Highway No. 7), Aruppakottai and terminating at its junction with National Highway No. 7A near Tuticorin in Tamil Nadu.] 

  1. 46 The highway connecting Krishnagiri and Ranipet. 

  2. 47 The highway connecting Salem, Coimbatore, Trichur, Ernakulam, Trivandrum and Cape Comorin.

1[36A 41 The highway between its junction (near Kolaghat) with the National Highway No. 6 and the point where it touches Haldia Port to be a National Highway.]

        [33][36B              47A         The highway starting from WillingdonIslads and Terminating at

Cochin on National Highway No. 47.] 

  1. 47A           [34]*         *           *          *           *            *

[35][37A        48        The highway connecting Bangalore, Hassan and Mangalore.]  38    49        The highway connecting Madurai and Dhanushkodi.

            39                  50     The highway connecting Nasik with the highway specified in serial

No. 5 near Poona.

[36][40 51 The highway starting from its junction at BaihataCharali on National Highway No. 37, in Assam, connecting Tura and terminating at Dalu in Meghalaya. 

  1. 52 The highway starting from its junction at BaihataCharali on National Highway No. 31, in Assam, connecting Tejpur, BanderDewa, Northlakhimpur, Pasighat, Tezu, Sitapani and terminating near Saikhoaghat on National Highway No. 37.

  2. 52A The highway starting from its junction at BanderDewa on National Highway No. 52 in Assam and terminating at Hanagar in Arunachal Pradesh.]

[37][42A Extension of The highway starting from its junctions near Itanagar on National NH 52 A Highway No. 52A in Arunchal Pradesh and terminating at its junction with. National Highway No. 52 near Gohpur in Assam.] 

Serial No.           National                                  Description of National Highways




Highway No



53        The highway starting from its junction near Badarpur on National Highway No. 44, in Assam connecting Silchar, Jirighat and terminating


near Imphal on National Highway No. 39.]


2*         *            *           *            *             *


54 The highway starting from its junction at Silcharin Assam on N.H. No. 53 connecting Aizawal and terminating at Tuipang in Mizoram.]


Extension of The highway starting from its junction near Daboka on National

NH No. 54

Highway No. 36 and connecting Lumding, Langdin, Haflong and terminating at its junction with National Highway No. 54 near Silcharin Assam.] 



The highway starting from its junction at Theriat in Mizoram on National Highway No. 54 and terminating at Lungli in Mizoram.



The highway starting from its junction at “Venas Saddle” in Mizoram on National Highway No. 54 and terminating at Saiha in Mizoram.] 



The highway starting from Siliguri on National

Highway No. 31 passing through Kurseong and terminating at




The highway starting from Lucknow and connecting Jagdishpur,

Sultanpur and Jaunpur and terminating near Varanasi.] 



The highway starting from its junction with National Highway No. 28 near Chenhat and terminating at Km. 16 of NHNo. 56 in Uttar Pradesh.


56 B

The highway starting from its junction with National Highway No. 56 near Km 16 and terminating at Km 19 of NH No. 25 in Uttar Pradesh.]


*NE -1

The highway starting from Ahmedabad passing close to the town of Nadiad, Anand and terminating at Vadodara.]



The highway starting from its junction near Kohima on National Highway No. 39 in Nagaland and connecting Workha-Moko-KchungAmguri and terminating at its junctions with National Highway No. 37 near Jhanji in Assam.]

Serial No.


Description of National Highways

Highway No.


  1. Ins. by notification No. S.O. 698(E), dated 1st September, 1980.

  2. Omitted by notification No. S.O. 457(E), dated 4th August, 1986.

  3. Ins. by notification No. S.O. 458(E), dated 4th August, 1986.

  4. Ins. by notification No. S.O. 7(E),dated 6th January, 1999.

  5. Ins. by notification No. S.O. 845(E), dated 6th November, 1990.

  6. Ins. by notification No. S.O. 868(E), dated 17th November, 1984.

  7. Ins. by notification No. S.O. 92(E), dated 13th March, 1986.

  8. Ins. by notification No. S.O. 116(E), ated 9th February, 1998.

          1[48               52 B        The highway starting from its junctions on National Highway 52 near

Kuljan and terminating at its junction with National Highway 37 in


          1[49                 62    The highway starting from its junction on National Highway 37 near

Damra in Assam and terminating at Bhaghmara in Meghalaya.] 

       1[49 -A     Extension of The highway starting from its junction with National Highway No. 62

                               NH No. 62          near Baghmara and terminating at its junction with National Highway

No. 51 near Dalu in Meghalaya.] 

          1[50                 63      The highway starting from its junction with National Highway No. 17

near Ankola-Hospet and terminating at its junction with National

Highway No. 7 near Gooty in Andhra Pradesh.]

  1. 64           The highway starting from its junction on National Highway No. 22

                                                        near    Chandigarh    and    connecting   Rajpura-Patiala-Sangrur                                              and

terminating at its junction with NH No. 15 near Bhatinda in Punjab. 

        2[51 A     Extension of The highway starting from its junction with National Highway No. 15

                               NH No. 64                                   near Bhatinda in Punjab and terminating at its junction with National Highway No. 10 near Dabwali in Haryana.] 

  1. 65           The highway starting from its junction with NH No. 1 near Ambala in

Haryana and connecting Kaithal-Hisar and terminating at its junction

with NH No. 11 near Fatehpur in Rajasthan. 

       1[52 -A     Extension of The highway starting from its junction with National Highway No. 11

                               NH No. 65 near Fatehpur and connecting Nagaur, Jodhpur and terminating at its

junction with National Highway No. 14 near Pali in Rajasthan.] 

  1. 66           The highway starting from its junction with National Highway No.

                                                        45A     in     Pondicherry     and     connecting      Tindivanam-Gingee-

Thiruvannamalai and terminating at its junction with National Highway

No. 7 near Krishnagiri in Tamil Nadu. 

  1. 67           The highway starting from Nagapattinam andconnecting Trichy and

terminating at its junction on  National Highway No. 7 near Karur in

Tamil Nadu.

       1[54 -A Extension of The highway starting from its junction with National Highway No. 7

                              NHNo. 67     near Karur and connecting Palladamwith National Highway No. 47 near Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu.] and terminating at its junction 

  1. 68           The highway starting from its junction on National Highway No. 45

near Ulundrupet and terminating at its junction with National Highway

No. 7 near Salem in Tamil Nadu. 

Serial No.       National                       Description of National Highways  Highway No.                                                       


          1[57                70        The highway starting from its junction near Jalandhar on National

Highway No. 1 in Punjab and connecting Hoshiarpur, Hamirpur, Toni

Devi, Ahwa Devi, Dharampur and terminating at its junction with

National Highway No. 21 near Mandi in Himachal Pradesh.] 

          1[58                71        The highway starting from its junction near Jalandhar on National

Highway No. 1 in Punjab and connecting, Moga, Barnala, Sangrur,

Narwana, Rohtak, Jhajjar and terminating at its junction with National

Highway No. 8 near Bawal in Haryana.] 

          1[59               71A           The highway starting from its junction near Rohtak on National

Highway No. 10 and connecting Gohana and terminating at its junction

with National Highway No. 1 near Panipat in Haryana.] 

        1[59A              24A The highway starting from its junction with National Highway No. 24

near BakshiKaTalab and terminating near Chenhat on National

Highway No. 28 in Uttar Pradesh.] 

          1[60                72           The highway starting from its junction near Ambala on National

Highway No. 1 and connecting Nahan, Paonta Sahib, Dehradun and

terminating at its junction with National Highway No. 58 near

Rishikesh (Haridwar) in Uttar Pradesh.] 

        2[60A                         09     Extension of National Highway No. 49 starting from Madurai in the

State of Tamil nadu connection Muvattupuza-MunnarTheni to

terminate at Cochin in the State of Kerala.]

          1[61                73          The highway starting from its junction near Roorkee on National

Highway No. 58 in Uttar Pradesh and connecting Saharanpur,

Yamunanagar, Saha and terminating at its junction with National

Highway No. 22 near Panchkula in Haryana.] 

          1[62                74 The highway starting from its junction with National Highway No. 58

near Haridwar and connecting Najibabad, Nagina, Afzalgarh, Kashipur,

Kichha, Jehanabad, Pilibhit and terminating at its junction with

National Highway No. 24 near Bareilly in Uttar  Pradesh.] 

                                                           The highway starting from its junction with National Highway No. 3

          1[63                75              near Gwalior in Madhya Pradesh and connecting Jhansi (Uttar

Pradesh), Khajuraho, Chhatarpur, Panna, Satna and terminating at its

junction with National Highway No. 7 near Rewa in Madhya Pradesh.]

          1[64                76 The highway starting from its junction with National Highway No. 14

near Pindwara in Rajasthan and connecting Udaipur, Mangarwar,

Chittaurgarh, Kota (National Highway No. 12), Shivpuri (National

Highway No. 3), Jhansi (National Highway No. 25), Mahoba, Banda,

Karwi, Mau and terminating at its junction with National Highway No.

27 near Allahabad in Uttar Pradesh.] 

    Serial No.        National                                 Description of National Highways

Highway No.

[38][65        77        The highway starting from its junction near Hajipur on National Highway No. 19 and connecting Muzaffarpur (National Highway No.

28), Sitamarhi and Sonbarsa in Bihar.] 

          1[66                 78              The highway starting from its junction near Katni on National Highway

No. 7 in Madhya Pradesh connecting, Shahdol, Nagar, Ambikapur-

Jashpurnagar and terminating at its junction with National Highway

No. 23 near Gumla in Bihar.] 

          1[67                79    The highway starting from its junction with National Highway No. 8

near Ajmer in Rajasthan and connecting Nasirabad, Bhilwara,

Chittaurgarh, Nayagaon, Nimach, Ratlam and terminating at its

junction with National Highway No. 59 near Ghatbilod (Indore) in

Madhya Pradesh.] 

          1[68                80         The highway starting from its junction near Mokama on National

Highway No. 31 in Bihar and connecting Munger, Bhagalpur,

Sahebganj, Rajmahal and terminating at its junction with National

Highway No. 34 near Farakka in West Bengal.] 

        2[68A               81 The highway starting from its junction with National Highway No. 31

near Kora in Bihar and connecting Katihar and terminating at its

junction with National Highway No. 34 near Maldah in West Bengal] 

        1[68B               .82              The highway starting from its junction near Gaya on National Highway

No. 83 and connecting Rajgir, Bihar Sharif and terminating at its

junction with National Highway No. 31 near Mokama in Bihar.] 

        1[68C               83 The highway starting from its junction with National Highway No. 30

near Patna and connecting Punpun, Gaya, Bodh Gaya and terminating

at its junction with National Highway No. 2 near Dobhi in Bihar.]

        1[68D               84 The highway starting from its junction with National Highway No. 30

near Arrah and connecting Bhojpur and terminating on National

Highway No. 19 near Buxar in Bihar.] 

         1[68E               85 The highway starting from its junction with National Highway No. 19

near Chhapra and connecting Siwan and terminating at its junction

with National Highway No. 28 near Gopalganj in Bihar.] 

         1[68F                86   The highway starting from its junction with National Highway No. 2

near Kanpur in Uttar Pradesh and connecting Chhatarpur and

terminating at its junction with National Highway No. 26 near Sagar in

Madhya Pradesh.]

         3[68G               87 The highway starting from its junction with National Highway No. 24

near Rampur and connecting Bilaspur, Pantnagar, Haldwani and

terminating at Nainital in Uttar Pradesh.] 

     Serial No.        National                                 Description of National Highways

Highway No.

        [39][68H                        88 The highway starting from its junction with National Highway No. 22

near Simla and connecting Bilaspur, Hamirpur, Nadaun, Ranital, Kangra and terminating near Bhawan on National Highway No. 20 in Himachal Pradesh.] 



The highway starting from its junction with National Highway No. 8 near Ajmer and connecting Nagaur, and terminating at its junction with



National Highway No. 11 near Bikaner in Rajasthan.] 



Baran - Aklera



Ghaziabad - Aligarh - Eta - Kannauj - Kanpur



Bhongaon - Etawah - Gwaiior 



Agra - Aligarh - Babrala - Chandausi - Moradabad



Rishikesh - Ampata - Tehri - Dharasu - Kuthnaur - Yamnotr



Kharar (Chandigarh) - Ludhiana - Jagaron - Ferozepu



Faizabad - Sultanpur - Pratapgarh - Allahabad



Ghazipur - Zamania - Saiyedraja 



Patna - Aurangabad - Rajhara



Dobhi - Chatra - Chandwa



Chatra - Hazaribagh - Bogoda



Chhapra - Baniapur - Maharajganj - Barauli



Chhapra - Rewaghat - Muzaffarpur



Hazipur - Musahrigharar




The highway strating form its junction near Chakia on National Highways No. 28 connecting Narhar-Pakri Bridge-Madhuban-ShivharSitamarhi-Umagaon-Jayanagar-Lakoush-Laukahiand terminating at its junction near Narahia on National Highway No. 57 in the State of Bihar.]



Darbhanga - Aunsi - Jaynagar



Birpur - Madhepura - Bihpur



Maheshkhunt - SonbarSaraj - SimriBakhtiarpur - Bariahi - Saharsa - Madhepura - Purnea



Serial No. 






Description of national highways

Highway No.


          3[69                          150     The highway starting from its junction with National Highway No. 54

near Aizawl in Mizoram and connecting Ipaimukh, Churachandpur,

Imphal, Ukhrul, Jessami and terminating at its junction with National

Highway No. 39 near Kohima in Nagaland.] 


                                    *151        Karimganj - Bangladesh Border

        3[69-A Extension of The highway starting from its junction with National Highway No. 6

                              NH No. 60                near Kharagpur and connecting Bishnupur, Bankura and terminating at

its junction with National Highway No. 2 near Asansol in West


         1[69B              152              The highway starting from its junction near Patacharkuchi on National

Highway No. 31C,connecting Hajua and terminating at Indo-Bhutan



                                     *15         Ledo-Lekhapani - Indo/Mynamar Border


                                    *154         Dhaleshwar - Bhairabi - Kanpu 

          2[70               200   The highway starting from its junction with National Highway No. 6

near Raipur in Madhya Pradesh and connecting Bilaspur, Sarangarh,

Raigarh, Kanaktura, Jharsuguda, Kochinda, Pravasuni, Deogarh.

Talcher, and terminating at its junction with National Highway No. 5

near Chandikhol in Orissa.] 

          3[71               201     The highway starting from its junction with National Highway No. 43

near Boriguma and connecting Bhawanipatna, Bolangir, Barapali and

terminating at its junction with National Highway No. 6 near Bargarh

in Orissa.] 

          1[72               202     The highway starting from its junction near Hyderabad on National

Highway No. 7 in Andhra Pradesh and connecting Warangal,

Venkatpuram and terminating at its junction near Bhopalpatnam on

National Highway No. 16 in Madhya Pradesh.] 

          1[73               203   The highway starting from its junction with National Highway No. 5

near Bhubaneshwar and terminating at Puri in Orissa.] 

          1[74               204         The highway starting from Ratnagiri and connecting Hathkamba

(National Highway No. 17), Pali (National Highway No. 17),

Sakharpa, Malkapur, and terminating at its junction with National

Highway No. 4 near Kolhapur in Maharashtra.] 

           [75                205    The highway starting from its junction near Ananthapur on National

Highway No. 7 in Andhra Pradesh and connecting Kadiri, Tirupati,

Renigunta, Tiruttani and terminating at its junction with National

Highway No. 5 near Chennai in Tamil Nadu.] 

Serial No. National Description of national highways Highway No.

          1[76                         206          The highway starting from its junction near Tumkur on National

Highway No. 4 and connecting Shimoga and terminating at its junction

with National Highway No. 17 near Honnavar in Karnataka.]

          1[77               207            The highway starting from its junction near Hosur on National

Highway No. 7 in Tamil Nadu connecting Sarjapur, Devenhalli (on

National Highway No. 7), DodaBallapur and terminating at its junction

with National Highway No. 4 near Nelamangala in Karnataka.] 

          1[78               208          The highway starting from its junction near Kollam on National

Highway No. 47 in Kerala and connecting Punalur, Tenkasi,

Rajapalaiyam, Srivilliputtur and terminating at its junction with

National Highway No. 7 near Tirumangalam in Tamil Nadu.] 

          1[79               209        The highway starting from its junction near Dindigul on National

Highway No. 7 in Tamil Nadu and connecting Pollachi, Coimbatore,

Annur, Satyamanglam, Chamrajnagar, Kollegal and terminating at its

junction with National Highway No. 7 near Bangalore in Karnataka.]  

          1[80               210 The highway starting from its junction with National Highway No. 45

near Trichy and connecting Pudukottai, Devakottai and terminating at

its junction with National Highway No. 49 near Ramanathpuram in

Tamil Nadu.] 

          1[81               211   The highway starting from its junction with National Highway No. 9

near Solapur and connecting Osmanabad, Aurangabad and terminating

at is junction with National Highway No. 3 near Dhule in


          2[82               212 The highway starting from its junction with National Highway No. 17

near Kozhikode in Kerala connecting Mysore, and terminating at its

junction with National Highway No. 209 near Kollegal in Karnataka.] 

           1[83               213     The highway starting from its junction with National Highway No.

47 near Palghat and terminating at its junction with National

Highway No. 17 near Kozhikode in Kerala.] 

           1[84               214   The highway starting from its junction with National Highway No. 5

near Kathipudi and connecting Kakinada, and terminating at its

junction with National Highway No. 9 near Pamarru in Andhra


           1[85               215   The highway starting from its junction with National Highway No. 5

near Panikoli and connecting Keonjhar, and terminating at its

junction with National Highway No. 23 near Rajamunda in Orissa.] 

                                 National                                 Description of national highways

Highway No.

                                    *216         Raigarh - Sarangarh - Saraipalli 

                                   *217       Raipur - Gopalpur  

                                    *218         Bijapur - Hubli

                                    *219         Madnapalli - Kuppam - Krishnagiri

                                    *220         Kollam (Quilon) - Teni.

          1[225              563     The highway starting from its junction with NH-63 near Mancheral

connecting Karimnangar and terminating at NH-163 near Warangal

in the State of Andhra Pradesh.

            226              365A          The highway starting from its junction with NH-65 near Kodad

                                                        connecting     Khammam    and     terminating     at     NH-365                                                   near

Mahboobabad in the State of Andhra Pradesh.]

          2[227             334B The highway starting from its junction with new NH-34 near Meerut

in the State of Uttar Pradesh connecting Sonipat, Kharkhauda,

Sampla, Jhajjar, CharkhiDadri and terminating at its junction with

NH-709 near Loharu in the State of Haryana.]

          3[228         150 Extn.          The highway starting from its junction with new NH-50 near

Gulbarga connecting Chowdapur, Afzalpur in the State of Karnataka,

Dudhani, Akkalkote and terminating at its junction with new NH-52

near Sholapur in the State of Maharashtra.]

          4[229             848B                   The highway starting from its junction with NH-48 near

KarembaliPhatak connecting Bamanpunja, Dholar Road in the State

of Gujarat, Ambawadi, Patalia Costal Highway in the Union

Territory of Daman and Diu and terminating at NH-48 near Udvada

in the State of Gujarat.

            230               251     The highway starting from its junction with NH-51 near Una in the

State of Gujarat connecting Ghoghla in the Union Territory of

Daman and Diu and terminating at NH-51 near Kesaria in the State

of Gujarat.]

          5[231             248A       The highway starting from its junction with NH-48 near Sahpura

connecting Alwar, Ramgarh, Haryana/Rajasthan border in the State

of Rajasthan, Nuh and terminating at its junction with new NH No.

48 near Gurgaon in the State of Haryana.]

      Serial No.       National                                 Description of national highways

Highway No.




The highway starting from its junction with new NH No. 7 near Chamoli connecting Gopeshwar, Okhimath and terminating at its junction on new NH No. 107 near Baramwari in the State of Uttrakhand.



The highway starting from its junction with new NH No. 9 near Rameshwar connecting Gangolihat, Berinag, Chaukori, Kanda, Bagheshwar, Takula and terminating at its junction with new NH No.

109 near Almora in the State of Uttrakhand.]



The highway starting from its junction with NH-25 near Balotra connecting Siwana, Jalore, Ahor and terminating at its junction with new NH No. 62 near Sandera in the State of Rajasthan.

235                              25 Extension. The highway starting from Barmer connecting Ramsar and terminating at Munabao Road in the State of Rajasthan.]

2[236 102C The highway starting from its junction with NH-2 near Maram in the State of Manipur connecting Peren, Jaluki, Pimla, Junction, Razaphe Junction and terminating at NH-29 Near Dimapur in the State of Nagaland.]

          3[237              381      The highway starting from its junction with NH-544 near Avinashi

connecting Tirupur and terminating at its junction with new NH No. 81 near Avinashipalaiym in the State of Tamilnadu.]

4[238 367 The highway starting from its junction with NH-67 near Bhanapur connecting Kukunur, Yelburga, Gajendragad, Badami, Guledaguda, Bagalkote, Bagalkot and terminating at its junction with new NH No. 52 near Gaddankeri in the State of Karnataka.

  1. 173 The highway starting from its junction with NH-73 near Mudigere connecting Chikkamagaluru and terminating at its junction with new NH No. 69 near Kadur in the State of Karnataka.

  2. 275 The highway starting from its junction with NH-75 near Bantwala connecting   Puttur, Sulya,   Madikeri,          PriyapatnaMysuru, Srirangapattana,       Mandya,           Channapatnam, Ramanagaram   and terminating at its junction with new NH No. 75 on Bengaluru in the State of Karnataka.

  3. 150A           The highway starting from its junction with NH-50 at Jevargi connecting   Siriguppa,         Bellary,             Hiriyur,             Huliyur, Chikkanayakanahalli,           NagamangalaSrirangapatna-MysoreNanjangud and terminating at its junction with NH-948 at Chamarajanagar in the State of Karnataka.]

      Serial No.       National                                 Description of national highways

Highway No.


  1. Ins. by notification No. S.O. 867(E),dated 4th March, 2014.

  2. Ins. by notification No. S.O. 767(E), dated  4th March, 2014.

  3. .Ins. by notification No. S.O.770(E), dated 4th March, 2014.

  4. Ins. by notification No. S.O. 774(E), dated 4th March, 2014.

         [41][242            154A                                                                            -154 near Chakki,

Dhar in the State of Punjab connecting Banikhet, Chamba and terminating at Bharmour in the State of Himachal Pradesh

    1. 505 The highway starting from its junction with NH-5 near KhabSangam connecting Chango, Sumdo, Tabo, Attargo, Kaza, Morang, Hanse, Losar, Lachu, ChhotaDhara and terminating at Gramphoo in the State of Himachal Pradesh.

    2. 503 Extention. The highway starting from its junction with NH-3 near Mubarakpur connecting Amb, Una, Dehlan in the State of Himachal Pradesh, Anandpur Sahib, Kiratpur and terminating at its junction with new NH No. 205 in the State of Punjab.]

2[245 444 The highway starting from its junction with NH-44 near Srinagar connecting Badgam, Pulwama, Shupiyan, Kulgam and terminating at its junction with new NH No. 44 near Quazigund in the State of Jammu and Kashmir*.

            246              144A         The highway starting from its junction with NH-44 near Jammu

connecting Akhnur, Naoshera, Rajauri and terminating at Punch in the State of Jammu and Kashmir*.]

3[247 627 The highway starting from its junction with new NH-27 near Nelle (Amsoi Gate) connecting Rajagaon, Doyangmukh, Umrangso, Khobak and terminating at NH-27 near Harangajao in the State of Assam]

4[248 310A The highway starting from its junction with NH-10 near Tashiview point connecting Phodang and terminating at Mangan in the State of Sikkim

    1. 710 The highway starting from its junction with NH-10 near Melli connecting Manpur, Namchi and terminating at Damthang in the State of Sikkim

    2. 510   The highway starting from its junction with NH-10 near Singtham

connecting Damthang, Legship and terminating at Geyzing in the State of Sikkim.]

[42][251 427 The highway starting from its junction with NH-27 near Howli connecting Barpeta, Hajo and terminating at its junction with new NH No. 27 near Jalukbari in the State of Assam


    1. 329 The highway starting from its junction with NH-29 near Manja

connecting Diphu and terminating at its junction with new NH No.

      1. near Lumding in the State of Assam

      Serial No.       National                                    Description of National Highways

Highway No.

    1. 117A           -17 near Bilasipara

connecting Kokrajhar and terminating at its junction with New NH-

      1. near Garubhasa in the State of Assam

    1. 715A           The highway starting from its junction with NH-27 near Nakhola connecting Jagiroad,           Marigaon,         Kaupati,        Rowta, Udalguri, Khoirabari and terminating at Indo/Bhutan border in the State of Assam

    2. 127E The highway starting from its junction with NH-27 near Barama connecting Baska, Subankhata and terminating at Indo/Bhutan border in the State of Assam]

[43][256 326A The highway starting from its junction with new NH No. 326 near Mohana connecting Chandiput, Chheligada, RamagiriUdayagiri, Raygarh, Parlakimidi, Kotabommali and terminating at its junction with NH-16 near Narasannapeta in the State of Odisha.]

[44][257 702 The highway starting from its junction with NH-2 near Chantongia connecting Longling, Lonhching, Mon, Lapa, Tizit in the State of Nagaland, Sonari and terminating at its junction with new NH No. 215 near Sapekhati in the State of Assam.

    1. 702A The highway starting from its junction with new NH No 2 near Mokokchung connecting Zunheboto, Phek in the State of Nagaland and terminating at Jessam near new NH No. 29 in the State of Manipur.

    2. 208 The highway starting from its junction with NH-8 near Kumarghat connecting Kailashahar, Khowai and terminating at its junction with new NH-8 near Teliamura in the State of Tripura.

    3. 108A The highway starting from its junction with new NH No. 8 near Jolaibari connecting Belonia and terminating at Indo/Bangladesh border.

    4. 102C           The highway starting from its junction with new NH No. 102 near

Palel and terminating at Chandel in the State of Manipur.]

[45][262                                              103A       The highway starting from its junction with new NH-3 near Hoshiarpur            connecting        Mahalpur,    Gurhshankar,    Nawanshahr, Balachur and terminating at its junction with new NH No. 205 near Rupnagar in the State of Punjab.

263                              703A        The highway starting from its junction with new NH-3 near Jalandhar connecting Kapurthala, SultanpurLodhi, Pindi and terminating at its junction with new NH No. 54 near Makhu in the State of Punjab.]

      Serial No.       National                                 Description of national highways

Highway No.

[46][264                                              512         -12 near Gajol connecting Daulatpur, Bansihari, Gangarampur, Harsura, Balurghat and terminating at Hilli in the State of West Bengal near Indo/Bangladesh Border.]

          1[265              754              The highway starting from its junction with new NH-54 near

KotKapurthala connecting Khara, Muktsar, Saidoke and terminating at Jalalabad in the State of Punjab.]

2[266 185 The highway starting from its junction with new NH No. 85 near Adimali connecting Cheruthoni, Painavu and terminating at its junction with new NH No. 183 near Kumily in the State of Kerala.

267                              183A        The highway starting from its junction with new NH No. 183 near Adur            connecting        Pathanamthitta,     Vadserikkara,    Lahai,   and terminating at its junction with new NH No. 183 near Vandiperiyar in the State of Kerala.]

[47][268 333A The highway starting from its junction with NH-33 near Bar Bigha connecting Shekhpura, Sikandra, Jamui, Jha-Jha, Banka in the State of Bihar and terminating at its junction with NH-133 near Godda in the State of Jharkhand.

  1. 527A The highway starting from its junction with new NH No. 527 B near PokhrauniChowk connecting Madhubani, Rampatti and terminating at its junction with new NH No. 27 near Jhanjharpur in the State of Bihar.

  2. 219 The highway starting from its junction with new NH No. 19 near

Mohania connecting Bhabhua, Chainpur, Chand in the State of Bihar and terminating at its junction with NH-19 near Chandauli in the state of Uttar Pradesh.]

[48][271 753 The highway starting from its junction with NH-53 near Duggipar connecting Goregaon, and terminating at Gondia in the State of Maharashtra.

  1. 753A The highway starting from its junction with NH-53 near Malkapur connecting Buldhana, Chikhli, Deulgaon Raja, Jalna and terminating near Aurangabad on NH-52 in the State of Maharashtra.

  2. 753B The highway starting from its junction with NH-53 near Shevali connecting Nizampur, Chhadvel, Nundurbar, Taloda, Akkalkura in the State of Maharashtra, Dediapada and terminating at Netrang on NH-56 in the State of Gujarat.

      Serial No.       National                                 Description of national highways

Highway No. 


  1. 166A            The highway starting from Vadkhal on NH-66 and terminating at

Alibaginthe State of Maharashtra.]

[49][275 130D The highway starting from its junction with NH-30 on Kondagaon and terminating at Narainpur in the State of Chhattisgarh.

  1. 163A           The highway starting from Geedam(Gidam) on NH-63 and terminating at Dantewara in the State of Chhattisgarh.

  2. 149B           The highway starting from its junction with NH-49 near Champa

connecting Korba, Chhuri and terminating at its junction with new NH No. 130 near Katghora in the State of Chhattisgarh

  1. 130C The highway starting from its junction with NH-30 near Abhanpur connecting Rajim, Gariaband, Bardula, Deobhog in the State of Chhattisgarh and terminating at its junction with new NH No. 201 near Baldhimal in the State of Odisha.

  2. 930 The highway starting from its junction with NH-30 near Purur connecting Balod, Kusumkasa, Kumhari, Manpur in the State of Chhattisgarh, Muramgaon, Dhanora, Gadchiroli, Mul, Chandrapur, Warora, Wani and terminating near Karanji on NH-44 in the State of Maharashtra.

  3. 130A           The highway starting from its junction with NH-30 near Pondi

connecting Pandaria, Mungeli, and terminating at NH-130 on Bilaspur in the State of Chhattisgarh.

  1. 130B           The highway starting from Raipur on NH-30 connecting Palari,

Baloda Bazar, Kasdol and terminating at its junction with NH No. 153 near Sarangarh in the State of Chhattisgarh.]

[50][282 133A The highway starting from its junction with NH-33 near Baharwa connecting Pakur in the State of Jharkhand and terminating with NH12 near Nimtala in the State of West Bengal.

  1. 419 The highway starting from its junction with NH-19 near Kulti in the State of West Bengal connecting Chittaranjan, Jamtara and terminating at Gobindpur in the State of Jharkhand.

  2. 143A           The highway starting from its junction with NH-43 near Gumla

connecting Ghaghra, Lohardaga and terminating at its junction with NH-39 near Kuru in the State of Jharkhand.]

[51][288 713 The Highway starting from its junction with NH-13 near Joram connecting Palin, Sangram and terminating at Koloriang in the State of Arunachal Pradesh.

      Serial No.       National                                 Description of national highways

Highway No. 

  1. 513 The Highway starting from its junction with NH-13 near Passighat connecting Mariyang and terminating at Yingkiong in the State of Arunachal Pradesh.

  2. 313 The Highway starting from its junction with NH-13 near Meka and terminating near Anini in the State of Arunachal Pradesh.

  3. 113 The Highway starting from its junction with NH-13 near Hawacamp connecting Hayuliang and terminating near Hawai in the State of Arunachal Pradesh.

  4. 713A The Highway starting from its junction with NH-13 near Hoj connecting Yupia and terminating at its junction with NH-415 near Pappu (near Nahurlagun) in the State of Arunachal Pradesh.]

[52][293 341 The highway starting from its junction with NH-41 near Bhimasar connecting Anjar, Bhuj, Khavda and terminating at Dharmshala in the State of Gujarat.

  1. 147A The highway starting from its junction with NH-47 near Limbdi connecting Surendranagar, Dhrangadhra and terminating at Kuda in the State of Gujarat.

  2. 351 The highway starting from its junction with NH-51 near Mahuva connecting Saverkundla, Amreli, Bagasara and terminating at Jetpur on NH-27 in the State of Gujarat.

  3. 953 The highway starting from its junction with NH-53 near Songudh connecting Ahwa in the State of Gujarat, Sarad, Vani and terminating at its junction with NH-60 near PimpalgaonBaswant in the State of Maharashtra.

  4. 927D The highway starting from its junction with NH-27 near Dhoraji connecting Jamkandorna, Kalavad and terminating at Jamnagar in the State of Gujarat.]

[53][298                            348 A      The highway starting from its junction with NH-348 near JawaharLal Nehru Port Trust connecting Gavanphata section of SH-54 (Km. 5.300 to km. 14.550), Amara Marg (km. 0.000 to km. 6.500) and terminating at its junction with Palm Beach Road in the State of Maharashtra.]

[54][313 709A The highway starting from its junction with new NH No. 709 at Bhiwaniconnecting Mundal, Jind, Karnal in the State of Haryana, Shamli, Budhana and terminating at its junction with new NH No. 34 at Meerut in the State of Uttar Pradesh.]




[1] . 15th April, 1957, vide S.R.O. 1180(E), dated 4th April, 1957, see Gazette of India, 1957, Part II, s. 3(ii) and Goa, Daman and Diu by Reg. 11 of 1963, s. 3 and Sch. (w.e.f. 1-2-1965).

[2] . The words “except such parts thereof as are situated within any municipal area” omitted by Act 16 of 1997, s. 2 (w.e.f. 241-1997).

[3] . Subs. by Act 16 of 1997, s. 3, for section 3 (w.e.f. 24-1-1997).

*Subject to verification and confirmation by the administrative ministry.

[4] . Ins. by Act 30 of 1977, s. 2 (w.e.f. 12-8-1977).

[5] . Ins. by Act 1 of 1993, s. 2 (w.r.e.f. 23-10-1992).

[6] . The proviso ins. by Act 30 of 1977, s. 2 (w.e.f. 12-8-1977).

[7] . Ins. by Act 26 of 1995, s. 2 (w.e.f. 16-6-1995).

[8] . Ins. by Act 16 of 1997, s. 5 (w.e.f. 21-1-1997).

[9] . Ins. by notification No. S.O. 1980(E), dated 25th May, 1977.

[10] . Ins by S.O. 7 (E), dated 6th January, 1999.

[11] . Ins. by notification S.O. 380(E), dated 25th July, 1975.

[12] . Subs. by notification No. S.O. 839(E), dated 4th March, 2014.

[13] . Ins. by notification No. S.O. 3344(E),dated 21st July, 1971. 

[14] . Ins. by notification No. S.O. 865(E), dated 12th November, 1984.

[15] . Ins. by notification No. S.O. 7(E), Dated 6th January, 1999.

[16] . Ins. by notification No. S.O. 1199(E), Dated 4th March, 1960.

[17] . Ins. by notification No. S.O. 114(E), Dated 17thFebruary, 1981. 

[18] . Ins. by notification No. S.O. 3114(E), Dated 18th October, 1978.

[19] . Ins. by notification No. S.O. 3344(E), Dated 21st July, 1971

[20] . Ins. by notification No. S.O. 179(E), Dated 7th March, 1972.

[21] . Ins. by notification No. S.O. 442(E), Dated 17th July, 1974.

[22] . Ins. by notification No. S.O. 179(E), dated 7th March, 1972.

[23] . Ins. by notification No. S.O. 116(E), dated 9th February, 1998.

[24] . Ins. by notification No. S.O. 57(E),dated 19th January, 1993.

[25] . Ins. by notification No. S.O. 87(E),dated 31st January, 1996.

[26] . Subs. by notification No. S.O. 839(E), dated 4th March, 2014.

[27] . Ins. by notification No. S.O. 7(E),dated 6th January, 1999.

[28] Ins. by notification No. S.O. 3344(E), dated 21st July, 1971.

[29] . Ins. by notification No. S.O. 7(E),dated 6th January, 1999.

[30] . Ins by notification No. S.O. 116(E), dated 9th February, 1998.

[31] Ins. by notification No. S.O. 803(E), ated 7th November, 1983.

[32] . Ins. by notification No. S.O. 39(E), dated 18th December, 1967.

[33] . Ins. by notification No. S.O. 849(E), dated 18th November, 1986.

[34] . Omitted by notification No. S.O. 178(E), dated 6th March, 1972.

[35] . Ins. by notification No. S.O. 179(E), dated 7th March, 1972.

[36] . Ins. by notification No. S.O. 698(E), dated 1st September, 1980.

[37] . Ins. by notification No. S.O. 116(E), ated 9th February, 1998.

[38] . Ins. by notification No. S.O. 7(E), dated 6th January, 1999.

[39] . Ins. by notification No. S.O. 7(E), dated 6th January, 1999.

[40] . Subs. by notification No. S.O. 251(E),dated 27th February, 2002.

[41] . Ins. by notification No. S.O. 836(E), dated 4th March, 2014. 2. Ins. by notification No. S.O. 764(E), dated 4th March, 2014. 3. Ins. by notification No. S.O. 840(E), dated 4th March, 2014. 4. Ins. by notification No. S.O. 768(E), dated 4th March, 2014.

[42] . Ins. by notification No. S.O. 863(E), dated 4th March, 2014.

*. Vide notification NO. S.O. 3912(E), dated 30th October, 2019, this Act is made applicable to the Union territory of Jammu and Kashmir and the Union territory of Ladakh.

[43] . Ins. by notification No. S.O.869(E), dated 4th March, 2014.

[44] . Ins. by notification No. S.O. 868(E),dated 4th March, 2014.

[45] . Ins. by notification No. S.O. 864(E),dated 4th March, 2014.

[46] . Ins. by notification No. S.O. 871(E), dated 4th March, 2014. 2 Ins. by notification No. S.O. 866(E), dated 4th March, 2014.

[47] . Ins. by notification No. S.O.870(E), dated 4th March, 2014.

[48] .  Ins. by notification No. S.O. 875(E), dated 5th March, 2014.

[49] . Ins. by notification No. S.O. 874(E),dated 5th March, 2014.

[50] . Ins. by notification No. S.O. 873(E),dated 4th March, 2014.

[51] . Ins. by notification No. S.O. 1515(E), dated 13th June, 2014.

[52] . Ins. by notification No. S.O. 1522(E), dated 13th June, 2014.

[53] . Ins. by notification No. S.O. 1513(E), dated 13th June, 2014.

[54] . Ins. by notification No. S.O. 699(E), dated 10th March, 2015.