Restrains for Warner Bros rogue torrent websites from illegally hosting-Delhi HC

warner bros

 D.D: 1st June, 2022   

Recently, the Delhi High Court issued a permanent injunction in favour of the global entertainment company Warner Brothers, prohibiting “rogue” torrent websites from distributing, broadcasting, transmitting, or streaming its content. et al. v. Warner Brothers Entertainment

As the defendant websites were not represented, Justice Navi Chawla ruled that the case could be decided summarily, stating, “The defendants have no real chance of successfully defending the claim of copyright infringement and have chosen not to contest the said claim…

On the basis of the evidence submitted and bearing in mind the factors identified by this Court in UTV Software (supra), I find that there is sufficient evidence to hold that the defendant no. 1 and 51 websites are “rogue websites” and that this is an appropriate case for a summary judgement under Order XIIIA of the Code of Civil Procedure, as applicable to commercial disputes.”

Citing its decision in UTV Software Communication Ltd. & Ors. v. & Ors, which established the law on the granting of dynamic injunctions, the Court allowed Warner Bros. to implead any mirror/redirect/alphanumeric websites that provide access to its content by filing the appropriate applications supported by affidavits and evidence.

“Any website that is impleaded as a result of this application will be subject to the same decree,” stated the ruling.

Warner Bros. filed a lawsuit alleging that the defendant websites infringed upon its copyright by illegally streaming and hosting its content. The company stated that an independent investigator conducted an investigation to determine the scope of the infringing activity of the malicious websites.

It also informed the court that a cease-and-desist order had been served on the illicit websites, requesting that they cease their infringing activities. However, despite the legal notice, it was asserted that the malicious websites continue to violate the plaintiff’s rights.

Warner Bros. sought the following relief from the court: – Issue order and decree of permanent injunction prohibiting Otorrents from hosting and streaming its content; – Issue an order to ISPs to block access to Otorrents’ website; – Issue an order directing the Union Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MEITY) and other government departments to issue a notification requesting various internet and telecom service providers registered under it to block access to Otorrents’ website.

In its order, the Court noted that in 2019, it had ordered MEITY and internet service providers to block the domain name “” and its URL It was informed that ISPs had blocked access to the infringing websites in response to a notice issued by government agencies.

Attorneys Sidharth Chopra, Suhasini Raina, Disha Sharma, Anjali Agrawal, and Sandhya Rao represented Warner Bros., while MEITY’s Department of Telecommunications was represented by Central Government Standing Counsel Nidhi Raman and Attorney Zubin Singh.




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