Measures of Constraint against State-Owned Property: ICJ


D.D: 10 JUNE 2022

Regarding Article 48 of the Court’s Statute and Articles 31, 44, 45, of the Court’s Rules, By Order dated 10 June 2022, the International Court of Justice set the deadlines for filing the Memorial by the Federal Republic of Germany and the Counter-Memorial by the Italian Republic in the case concerning Questions of Jurisdictional Immunities of the State and Measures of Constraint against State-Owned Property as 12 June 2023 and 12 June 2024, respectively (Germany v. Italy).

Having regard to the Application filed by the Federal Republic of Germany (hereinafter “Germany”) on 29 April 2022 instituting proceedings against the Italian Republic (hereinafter “Italy”) regarding the alleged violation by Italy of its obligation to respect Germany’s sovereign immunity, as well as the Request for the indication of provisional measures contained in the Application, the Court hereby issues the following provisional measures:

Having regard to the letter dated 4 May 2022, in which the Agent of Germany informed the Court that, following certain exchanges between the Parties, his Government had decided to “withdraw its Request for the indication of provisional measures,” Having regard to the Order dated 10 May 2022, in which the President of the Court recorded Germany’s withdrawal of its Request for the indication of provisional measures; Whereas a meeting was held by the President of the Court; and Having regard to the letter dated 4 May

Done in French and English, with the French text being authoritative, at the Peace Palace in The Hague on the tenth day of June, twenty-two, in three copies, of which one will be placed in the archives of the Court and the other two will be sent to the governments of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Italian Republic, respectively.




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