The duty of the Bar Council of India / State Bar council to improve its functioning on the disciplinary side.:SC


D.D- DECEMBER 17, 2021.

Advocates Act, 1961 – Object and Purpose of enactment of the Advocates Act – Role of Bar Council of India / State Bar Councils as well as the role of lawyers – Discussed.

Under the Advocates Act, a duty is cast upon the Bar Council of India/State Bar Councils to safeguard the integrity of the legal profession. It is duty of the Bar Council of India/respective State Bar Councils to ensure the nobility of the legal system at all costs. The powers to conduct disciplinary proceedings against members of the Bar are provided under Sections 35 and 36B of the Advocates Act. The mandate is to dispose of the complaint received under Section 35 and/or Section 36 within a period of one year from the date of receipt of the said complaint and/or from the date of such proceeding to the Bar Council of India. By not disposing of the complaint within the stipulated time provided under the Act would tantamount to failure on their part to perform the duty cast under the Advocates Act. Under the Advocates Act, a duty is cast upon the Bar Council of India/State Bar Councils to safeguard the integrity and nobility of the legal profession.



K.C. Krishna Reddy and Anr.
