Supreme Court Sets Aside Interim Stay on Investigation into Corruption Allegations Against Previous Andhra Pradesh Government

investigation Corruption

In a significant development, the Supreme Court of India, comprising Justices M.R. Shah and M. M. Sundresh, has set aside the interim stay imposed by the High Court of Andhra Pradesh on the investigation into corruption allegations against the previous government. The decision was made in Civil Appeal Nos. 8540-8541 of 2022, titled “State of Andhra Pradesh & Anr. v. Varla Ramaiah etc.”


The State Government of Andhra Pradesh had appointed a Cabinet Sub-Committee to examine allegations of corruption against members of the previous government. The Sub-Committee submitted an interim report recording prima facie findings and resolved to consider transferring the investigation to a central agency. Subsequently, the State set up a Special Investigation Team (SIT) to investigate the allegations, which was ratified by the Cabinet. The SIT requested that the matter be handed over to a central agency, such as the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI). The State Government also requested the Central Government to refer the matter to the CBI. The original writ petitioners challenged these government orders before the High Court, which granted an interim stay on further proceedings.

Supreme Court’s Decision:

The Supreme Court, after hearing arguments from both sides, observed that the High Court had misinterpreted the government orders, wrongly assuming that they were aimed at overturning the decisions of the previous government. The Court clarified that the purpose of the orders was to inquire into allegations of corruption and not to review previous decisions. It further stated that the High Court should not have granted an interim stay at such an early stage of the matter, as the Central Government was yet to make a decision on referring the matter to the CBI. The Court directed the High Court to decide the pending writ petitions on their merits within three months, without being influenced by the observations made in its order.


The Supreme Court’s decision to set aside the interim stay paves the way for the investigation into corruption allegations against the previous Andhra Pradesh government to proceed. The State Government had sought the involvement of a central agency, such as the CBI, to ensure an impartial and thorough investigation. With the interim stay lifted, the focus now shifts to the High Court, which has been directed to decide the pending writ petitions expeditiously. The addition of the Union of India as a respondent in the writ petitions will also play a crucial role in the further proceedings.

Date: May 3, 2023

The State of Andhra Pradesh & Anr. VS Varla Ramaiah etc.                                                 

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