High Court Quashes FIR Against Ram Rahim – No Malice or Intent to Insult Religious Beliefs in Spiritual Discourse

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In a significant judgment, the High Court of Punjab and Haryana has quashed an FIR filed against the spiritual leader Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Insan, underlining a crucial observation that there was “no malice or intent to insult religious beliefs” in his discourse involving revered figures Sant Kabir Das and Guru Ravidas.

The decision, pronounced on October 30, 2023, by Hon’ble Mrs. Justice Manjari Nehru Kaul, came as a relief to the petitioner, who had faced accusations of outraging religious feelings under Section 295A of the IPC. The Court meticulously examined the entirety of the discourse delivered by the petitioner and various historical texts, concluding that the narrative did not insult the religious sentiments or beliefs of any specific group.

Justice Kaul emphasized the importance of context in such matters, stating, “The entire discourse, including its theme and context would have to be thus considered and not just selective excerpts.” This statement was crucial in understanding the Court’s approach to discerning the intent behind the petitioner’s words.

The FIR, lodged seven years after the discourse in question, was highlighted as a point of contention. The Court noted the absence of any complaints in the preceding years, suggesting a lack of impact on religious sentiments at the time of the discourse.

Furthermore, the Court’s decision also underscored the significance of preventing abuse of the legal process. “When people file false and frivolous complaints, it seriously amounts to abuse of the process of law,” Justice Kaul remarked, reinforcing the need for judicial scrutiny in such cases.

This ruling not only resonates as a triumph for the petitioner but also sets a precedent in the delicate balance between freedom of speech and religious sentiments. It reiterates the judicial system’s role in safeguarding individuals against unwarranted accusations while respecting religious sensibilities.

 Date of Decision: 30.10.2023

 Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Insan  VS State of Punjab and another

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