Gujarat High Court Quashes Age-Based Firearm License Renewal Refusal: “No Upper Age Limit Barrier under Arms Act” Affirms Court

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 In a landmark ruling, the Gujarat High Court has overturned the decision of the authorities to refuse the renewal of a firearm license based on the applicant’s age. The Single Bench, presided by Justice Vaibhavi D. Nanavati, asserted that the Arms Act does not stipulate an upper age limit for holding a firearm license.

The case in question, PUNITBHAI BECHARBHAI PALSANA Vs. STATE OF GUJARAT, revolved around the rejection of a firearm license renewal application submitted by a 79-year-old agriculturist and social worker. The application, originally filed on December 7, 2019, was rejected on the grounds of the applicant’s age and the absence of a fitness certificate.

In her judgment, Justice Vaibhavi D. Nanavati observed, “The application seeking renewal of a firearm license could not have been rejected by the authorities upon their subjective satisfaction.” The court referenced the Sorab Jehangir Bamji vs. State of Gujarat case, highlighting that age, particularly above the legal minimum, cannot be a sole factor for denying a firearm license.

The decision has set a precedent by clarifying the interpretation of Sections 13, 14, and 17 of the Arms Act, 1959. The court emphasized that income and age, which were the bases for the rejection, do not align with the Act’s provisions regarding firearm licensing.

Legal experts view this decision as a significant step towards rationalizing the process of firearm licensing in India, particularly concerning the rights of senior citizens. The court’s directive to the authorities to reconsider the application without the age and income considerations is seen as an affirmation of the rights of elder citizens to fair treatment under the law.

The judgment concluded with the High Court directing the relevant authorities to reassess the renewal application within four weeks. This ruling is expected to influence future decisions related to firearm licensing, particularly those involving senior applicants.

The High Court’s decision has been welcomed by various social and legal circles, viewing it as a reinforcement of legal clarity and the rights of senior citizens in the country.

Decided on: 08-12-2023


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