Every Citizen Claims Rights but No One is Ready to Discharge Liability: Punjab and Haryana High Court Upholds Recovery of Excess Family Pension

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In a significant ruling, the High Court of Punjab and Haryana has upheld the recovery of an excess family pension amounting to Rs. 6,36,386/- from the petitioner, Taravanti, affirming that there was no violation of the principles of natural justice. The judgment, delivered by Hon’ble Mr. Justice Harsimran Singh Sethi, underscores the obligation of recipients to report overpayments and aligns with established legal precedents on the recovery of undue financial benefits.

Taravanti, the widow of Hukam Chand, a retired employee of the Haryana Roadways Department, received an enhanced family pension from 12th May 2001 until 11th May 2008. Due to an administrative oversight, this enhanced pension continued to be disbursed until 31st August 2021, resulting in an overpayment of Rs. 6,36,386/-. The respondents, upon discovering the error, initiated recovery proceedings against the petitioner.

Despite multiple show cause notices issued by the respondents, Taravanti failed to respond adequately, leading to the commencement of the recovery process. The petitioner challenged this recovery in court, arguing the lack of misrepresentation on her part and citing the principles of natural justice.

Principles of Natural Justice: The court meticulously examined the principles of natural justice, particularly the requirement of a fair hearing. Justice Harsimran Singh Sethi observed, “Multiple opportunities were provided to the petitioner to respond to the show cause notices, which she chose not to avail. This failure negates the claim of violation of natural justice.”

The court highlighted that the petitioner was aware of the terms of her pension entitlement, which explicitly stated the duration for which the enhanced pension was applicable. Her continued acceptance of the enhanced pension beyond this period without objection suggested tacit acceptance of the overpayment.

Inapplicability of Supreme Court Precedent: The petitioner relied on the Supreme Court’s judgment in State of Punjab and others v. Rafiq Masih (White Washer), arguing that excess payments made without misrepresentation should not be recovered. However, the court distinguished the present case, noting that the precedent does not apply when the recipient knowingly receives payments beyond their entitlement. Justice Sethi stated, “The reliance on Rafiq Masih is misplaced. When an individual is aware of the overpayment, recovery is justified.”

Recovery Justified: Justice Sethi emphasized that the petitioner had a responsibility to inform the authorities of the overpayment. “Every citizen claims rights but no one is ready to discharge the liability. Accepting excess payment with due knowledge renders the amount recoverable,” he remarked.

The court also dismissed arguments regarding procedural fairness, noting that the petitioner had been given ample opportunities to present her case but failed to do so.

The High Court’s ruling in this case reaffirms the legal principle that recovery of excess payments is justified, especially when the recipient is aware of the overpayment. By upholding the recovery of Rs. 6,36,386/- from Taravanti’s pension, the court underscored the importance of due diligence and responsibility on the part of pension recipients. This decision is likely to impact future cases involving similar issues of overpayment and recovery, reinforcing the accountability of beneficiaries in reporting and rectifying administrative errors.

Date of Decision: 27th May 2024

Taravanti vs. State of Haryana and Others

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