Right to Receive Pension and Gratuity Are Statutory Rights Arising Out of Successful Employment Completion: Calcutta High Court Directs Immediate Release of Withheld Payments

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In a landmark judgment addressing the statutory rights of pension and gratuity, the Calcutta High Court today directed the immediate release of withheld payments and accrued interest to a retired school headmaster, Mr. Kunal Chandra Sen. The court’s decision came after it was found that the municipal authorities unjustly withheld these dues despite the petitioner being cleared of all misconduct allegations through multiple enquiries.

Legal Points:

The court addressed several critical legal issues surrounding administrative overreach and the right to pension and gratuity. It emphasized that pension and gratuity, being statutory rights, should not be withheld without substantial legal basis, especially when the retiree has been exonerated of all charges.

Facts and Issues:

The petitioner, Kunal Chandra Sen, a retired headmaster of Chandernagore Banga Vidyalaya, faced allegations of financial misappropriation which led to the withholding of his pension and gratuity by the municipal corporation even after his retirement on July 31, 2015. Despite being cleared of all charges through subsequent investigations, the municipal authorities refused to release his dues, prompting Sen to file a writ petition (WPA 3618 of 2016) challenging the withholding of his pension and gratuity.

Court’s Assessment:

Invalid Enquiry by Municipal Corporation: The court noted that the Municipal Corporation constituted a Fact Finding Committee without any legal basis, as the initial state-led investigations had already exonerated the petitioner. This act was deemed beyond jurisdiction and a violation of the petitioner’s rights.

Statutory Rights to Pension and Gratuity: Justice Aniruddha Roy stressed that “the right to receive pension and gratuity are statutory rights arising out of successful completion of employment” and should be honored unless legally challenged or proven otherwise.

Municipal Overreach: The court criticized the municipal authorities for their administrative overreach and failure to adhere to the principles of natural justice by withholding the petitioner’s statutory dues without substantial grounds.

Compensation for Delay: Considering the significant delay and the wrongful withholding of payments, the court also directed compensation at an interest rate of 8% per annum from the date of the petitioner’s retirement to the date of actual payment.


The High Court ordered the immediate release of the withheld amount of Rs. 28,67,213 along with accrued interest. It further stated that should future criminal proceedings initiated by the CBI prove the petitioner’s guilt, recovery measures may be taken accordingly.

Date of Decision: May 13, 2024

Sri Kunal Chandra Sen vs State of West Bengal & Ors.

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