Supreme Court Sets Aside Entire Election Process in Ladakh, Warns Against Misuse of Authority in Electoral Matters

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In a landmark judgment, the Supreme Court of India has set aside the entire election process initiated by the Administration of Union Territory of Ladakh. The Court also declared Jammu and Kashmir National Conference entitled to the exclusive allotment of the Plough symbol for the upcoming elections.

“Court Declares Jammu and Kashmir National Conference Entitled to Exclusive Allotment of the Plough Symbol, Cautions Authorities on ‘Misconceived Notion’ of Non-Interference”

Apex Court took a stern view against the misuse of authority in electoral matters. “This case constrains the Court to take note of the broader aspect of the lurking danger of authorities concerned using their powers relating to elections arbitrarily,” the judgment read. The Court further warned that such conduct may compel it to reconsider its self-imposed restrictions on interfering in elections, stating that the notion that courts would not interfere is “just that – misconceived.” [Para 39]

Supreme Court also emphasized the importance of election symbols, especially for political parties. “The serious consequence was that R1’s identity as a political party was eclipsed, right before the election to the LAHDC, where it was the incumbent party in power,” the judgment noted. [Para 41-43]

Supreme Court held the Appellants responsible for the current situation due to their non-compliance with the High Court’s orders. “The stark factor which stares us in the face is that well before and well in time, by way of the writ petition, R1 had approached the Court of first instance (the learned Single Judge), for the reliefs, which have been found due to them ultimately, and upheld by the Appellate Court (the learned Division Bench),” the Court observed. [Para 38]

The Court has mandated the issuance of a fresh Notification for elections to constitute the 5th Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council, Kargil. The appeal was dismissed with costs of Rs. 1,00,000 to be deposited in the Supreme Court Advocates on Record Welfare Fund. [Para 44, 45]

The Court also disposed of a pending Writ Petition and stated that another case survives and should be proceeded with expeditiously. [Para 46]

The judgment has been hailed as a significant step in ensuring fair electoral practices and holding authorities accountable for their actions.

Date of Decision: 06 SEPTEMBER, 2023 


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