Delhi High Court Grants Injunction Against Copyright Infringement on Digital Platforms

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In a recent judgment delivered by JUSTICE PRATHIBA M. SINGH on September 27, 2023, the Delhi High Court has taken a firm stance against copyright infringement in the digital age. The case, involving unauthorized distribution of educational course materials, has raised significant concerns over the rampant copying and dissemination of copyrighted works on various digital platforms.

The judgment’s key observation, “Prima facie case established – Balance of convenience favors Plaintiff – Irreparable harm if infringing activity continues – Injunction granted against Defendants,” underscores the seriousness of copyright infringement on digital platforms.

The case revolves around Plaintiff M/s Jainemo Private Limited, a company specializing in educational materials and vocational courses, including coding, computer programming, and website development. Their courses are in high demand, with thousands of students enrolled, making them a prime target for copyright infringement.

Defendants, numbering 1 to 14, 24, 25, 29, and 30, were found to be downloading, uploading, storing, sharing, transmitting, selling, or utilizing the Plaintiff’s course material without authorization. This infringement occurred on a variety of digital platforms, including Telegram, WhatsApp, YouTube, Google Drive, and Mega.

The judgment has far-reaching implications, as it not only restrains Defendants from further infringing activities but also places responsibility on digital platform providers to take specific actions to block infringing content and disclose the details of infringers.

The Court has ordered:

– Blocking of infringing content on platforms like Telegram and YouTube.

– Disclosure of details of infringing channels/devices, including mobile numbers, IP addresses, and email addresses.

– Locking and suspending domain names related to copyright infringement.

– Deactivation of mobile numbers involved in copyright infringement on WhatsApp.

– Disbanding infringing groups on WhatsApp.

The judgment reflects the evolving legal landscape in the digital age, emphasizing the need to protect copyright owners’ rights while addressing the challenges of online infringement. It highlights the responsibility of digital platform providers to cooperate with copyright owners in curbing copyright violations.

The case is scheduled to be listed before the Court on March 22, 2024, as the Court continues to monitor compliance with its orders.

This judgment serves as a significant precedent in the battle against copyright infringement in the digital sphere, sending a clear message that copyright violations will not go unchecked in the digital age.

Date of Decision: September 27, 2023


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