Delhi Court Emphasizes Duty to ‘Unburden the Court’s Docket,’ Proceeds with Trial on Ambiguous Copyright Claims

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In a landmark decision dated August 28, 2023, Honorable Justice C. Hari Shankar emphasized the court’s duty to “unburden the Court’s docket” by dismissing cases that do not disclose a right to sue or are legally barred. The judgment also delved into the complexities of copyright claims over confidential data and customer databases.

The case primarily revolved around the plaintiff’s claims of holding copyright over various types of confidential data, including customer databases and trade secrets. The court scrutinized these claims and questioned whether a service provider could legally hold a copyright over a list of customers and clients.

Justice C. Hari Shankar critically examined the plaintiff’s ambiguous copyright claims, stating, “The plaintiff failed to provide sufficient documentation or specific descriptions to substantiate these claims.” [Para 21] The judgment also raised questions about the reliance on local commissioners’ reports, especially when exercising jurisdiction under Order VII Rule 11 of the CPC.

The court acknowledged the specialized skills and knowledge possessed by the Company’s Directors and certain officers in analyzing complex customer data for targeted marketing. “These skills are particularly used in analyzing complex customer data to effectively target specific market segments for higher returns on investment,” observed the judge. [Para 13]

The court concluded that the plaintiff’s prayers for an injunction against the defendants and the claim of copyright over confidential information were sufficiently detailed to disclose a cause of action. “Given the existence of triable issues, the case cannot be dismissed at the outset. It must proceed to a full trial to resolve these issues,” Justice C. Hari Shankar noted in his decision. [Para 15]

Date of Decision: August 28, 2023


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