“Punjab-Haryana High Court Quashes FIR in Cheque Bounce Case, Citing ‘Abuse of Process of Law'”

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In a significant legal development, the Punjab-Haryana High Court has quashed an FIR in a cheque bounce case, emphasizing that continuing proceedings after the withdrawal of the main complaint amounts to an “abuse of the process of law.”

The case, titled “Parvez Akhtar vs. State of Punjab & Anr.,” involved a cheque for Rs. 18,000 issued by the petitioner, Mr. Parvez Akhtar, which was subsequently dishonored. This led to the initiation of proceedings under Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881.

However, the petitioner was declared a proclaimed person during the legal proceedings. Following this, a compromise was reached between the parties involved, resulting in the withdrawal of the complaint. The complainant expressed the desire to discontinue the case.

In his verdict, Justice Jasjit Singh Bedi referred to precedent cases and observed that once the main petition under Section 138 of the Act is withdrawn due to an amicable settlement, the continuation of proceedings under Section 174-A IPC is tantamount to an “abuse of the process of law.” This legal principle was upheld by the court.

The judgment, which is in line with earlier decisions, underlines the importance of ensuring that legal proceedings are not prolonged unnecessarily, especially when the main complaint has been withdrawn due to a settlement between the parties.

This ruling reaffirms the principle that legal processes should serve the interests of justice and not be used to harass or burden individuals once a resolution has been reached through compromise.

The decision, dated October 11, 2023, sets a precedent for cases involving similar circumstances in the Punjab-Haryana region, where the continuation of proceedings after the withdrawal of the main complaint will be carefully scrutinized to prevent any perceived abuse of the legal system.

Date of Decision: October 11, 2023

 Parvez Akhtar Vs State of Punjab & Anr.    

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