Acceptance of Rent After Contractual Tenancy Expires Does Not Amount to New Contractual Tenancy,” Rules Madras High Court

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In a landmark decision by the Madurai Bench of Madras High Court presided over by Mrs. Justice R. Kalaimathi, it was ruled that accepting rent after the expiration of a contractual tenancy doesn’t necessarily indicate the formation of a new contractual tenancy.

The case, S.A.No.1665 of 2003, was an appeal filed under Section 100 of the Code of Civil Procedure against the Judgment and Decree dated 03.09.2003 in A.S.No.68 of 2002 on the file of the District Judge, Kanyakumari at Nagercoil. The appellants, represented by the legal representatives of the late Y.Davidson, were disputing the recovery of possession of specific non-residential properties and permanent injunction against eviction.

One of the pivotal issues in the case was whether the first defendant, Y.Davidson, continued to be a tenant holding over after his lease had ended. “After the issuance of notice, as the plaintiff has been receiving rents, whether the first defendant gets any protection under Section 116 of the Transfer of Property Act?” questioned Justice Kalaimathi during the case.

In a crucial observation, the court noted, “In order to invoke Section 116 of the Transfer of Property Act, it has to be read along with Section 111 (a) of the Transfer of Property Act, which deals with the termination of tenancy by efflux of time.”

The court cited a Seven Judges Bench of the Hon’ble Apex Court’s decision in V.Dhanapal Chettiar vs. Yesodai Ammal, which clarified that the issuance of notice under Section 106 of the Transfer of Property Act is a mere technicality and not a necessity for eviction against a tenant under the Rent Control Act.

The ruling will set a precedent for future cases where the legal implications of rent payments after the end of a contractual tenancy are in question. “The acceptance by the landlord from the tenant, after the contractual tenancy had expired, of amounts equivalent to rent, did not amount to acceptance of a new contractual tenancy,” the judgment concluded.

Date of Decision: October 19, 2023

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