Delhi High Court Emphasizes Necessity of Predicate Offence for PMLA Charges

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Delhi High Court has laid down a pivotal legal principle concerning the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA). The court’s decision, centered around FIR No. 55/2023, underscored the critical role of a predicate offence in legitimizing PMLA charges.

The court’s observation, “The enforceability of PMLA offences hinges crucially on the existence of a predicate offence,” marks a significant moment in the interpretation and enforcement of money laundering regulations in India. This statement, forming the crux of the court’s verdict, provides much-needed clarity to a complex area of financial law.

Addressing the specific case, the court noted that while FIR No. 55/2023 remains a valid ‘scheduled offence’ under the PMLA, the investigations tied to the earlier FIRs Nos. 16/2018 and 49/2021, which had been compounded or quashed, were not sustainable under the PMLA framework. This distinction emphasizes the court’s stance that the legitimacy of PMLA charges is contingent upon the presence of a valid predicate offence.

As a result of this ruling, proceedings under PMLA related to the aforementioned FIRs against the petitioner were quashed, illustrating the court’s adherence to the foundational principles of PMLA.

Date : 24th November, 2023


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