Delinquent officer don’t have absolute right to be represented by an agent in disciplinary proceedings – SC


January ,04 2022 

Regulation 44 Rajasthan Marudhara Gramin Bank (Officers and Employees) Service Regulation, 2010 – Disciplinary proceeding – Facts – Respondent working as Cashier – cum­ Clerk (office Assistant) – committed certain irregularities amounting to misconduct – show cause notice  issued dated 24.4.2019 – stated while working at Rawastar Branch, he had committed irregularities while granting loans to farmers / villagers under the loan scheme and not take adequate precautions and without written mandates of borrowers, transferred the loan amount in favour of another  – chargesheet issued – written reply  submitted – denied the charges – not satisfied with reply – bank initiate Departmental enquiry – respondent requested multiple times to be allowed to defend himself in the inquiry through a legal practitioner – request declined – aggrieved respondent  approached the High Court – to engage any legal practitioner or retired officer of the Bank as his DR – opposed by the Bank by referring Regulation 44 that no outsider, not associated with the Bank can be permitted to act as a DR were pressed into service – Writ allowed – feeling aggrieved  Bank preferred appeal before  Division Bench of the High Court – Appeal Dismissed – Bank preferred Appeal to Apex Court. 

Apex Court – Question to decide – whether the respondent employee, as a matter of right, is entitled to avail the services of an Ex-employee of the Bank as his DR in the departmental proceedings? – Held – High Court committed error – Bank has justified its action of not permitting ex­ employee of the Bank as DR – ex­ employee might be a part of vigilance or audit sections who come across a lot of information of confidential nature – if  allowed – result in grave injustice – may adopt delay tactics in departmental enquiry and may not permit completion of department enquiry within six months as mandated by the CVC Circular – not permitting the delinquent officer to be represented through ex­ employee of the Bank in the departmental enquiry – not a breach of principles of natural justice and / or it violates any of the rights of the delinquent officer – if the charge – severe and complex nature, then request to be represented through a counsel can be considered – if same denied – ground to challenge the ultimate outcome of the departmental enquiry – Appeal Allowed 

The Rajasthan Marudhara Gramin Bank (RMGB) & Anr.  


Ramesh Chandra Meena & Anr. 
